Welcome aboard!
Hello! I’m Milo with Ten Gun Design. Ten Gun a creative design firm located in Edmonds, Washington. We’re focused on connecting people to experiences, products and causes in compelling ways. Our work takes many forms, including brand identity, POP/retail, interactive, motion and production design.
We’ve helped one cannabis industry client launch their branding so far, and we’d love to find additional ways to support folks as the industry develops (beyond supporting our local cannabis shops:slight_smile:) . We’re fascinated by the phenomenal growth and creativity of the folks we met at CannaCon in Seattle too!
We’re always happy to answer questions and/or help if we can!
@milo it was nice meeting you in Seattle! Welcome to Growers Network
If any members want to see a phenomenal website, check out Milo’s site: http://www.tenguncreative.com/
You may have seen some of their work in the world: Xbox One, HoloLens, and Forza.
Hi all my Name is Mike I’m a Regional Sales person for Urban-Gro with concentration in the Southwest Oregon and Alaska. I dabbled in commercial lighting, horticulture lighting, hydro shop sales, and now everything large scale horticulture. Fertigation, IPM, Air Treatment, Odor Suppression, Water treatment etc. I work with a lot of horticulture staples and bring them into the cannabis sector. With designs and integration complimentary of my team of specialists. I love talking cannabis and currently have some projects of my own in the works (how exciting). I travel all over the country and have currently seen a licensed cannabis facility in 11 or 12 states and a total of around 100.
I’m not a sales guy, I’m a passionate cannabis activist who wants to smoke the finest cannabis around and then, help growers do it even better. Looking forward to bouncing some ideas back and forth with you guys.
Welcome @Mike_Urbangro! That’s quite an accomplishment to have visited facilities in so many different states. Do you see any commonalities between operations in different areas of the country?
@Nicholas Absolutely. The endgame is always efficiency precision high yields high quality, but the approach varies. Electricity costs effect lighting, plant count limits eliminates Sq footage demands, regulations across the states effects IPM.
So the goal is exactly the same. The approach is all over the place haha.
Yeah that’s one of the reasons we started this community, to help good ideas and approaches spread quickly throughout the industry. Most growers don’t have the luxury of visiting many different operations as you are able to, so this is one way for them to share information.
There’s also a strange insularity, from what I’ve heard. Because cannabis has largely been a black market item for so long, most of the current “generation” of growers have learned to be quiet about the matter. Lack of information flow can result in peculiarities.
Hello! I work for Honeycomb Creative, a cannabis marketing and design firm based in Bozeman, Montana. Graphic Design, Brand Identity, Copywriting, Photography/Videography, Website Development, and Marketing Strategy are all done in house. We love working with new businesses who are just starting to launch and need help creating a professional presence. We currently have clients in Montana, Illinois and California and are hoping to help more folks in the cannabis industry around the country grow their businesses! Excited to meet everyone hear and learn how we can hopefully work together, or at least learn from one another!
Here is a link to our website if anyone wants to learn more about Honeycomb! http://workwithhoneycomb.com
Welcome @redbrainmedia! My wife was born in Bozeman - it’s beautiful country out there. Glad to have you onboard the community.
Hi there! My name is Rachel, I am the new Marketing Manager for Twister Trimmers by Keirton. I am passionate about many sectors of the cannabis industry, as well as digital marketing and community engagement. Before joining my team, I was working in a licensed dispensary in Vancouver, Canada as store manager and social media specialist. I am looking forward to connecting with and learning from everyone in this network, and hopefully teaching what I can as well! I am based in Surrey, BC-in my free time I enjoy hiking, painting and adventuring around British Columbia.
Welcome @Rachel_Turner! If you want to add the Keirton social media accounts to this topic that way the community members can follow you: Post your social media accounts here
My name is Austin Kion. I work head of sales at Excel Air Systems. We manufacturer mission critical air systems for sealed rooms. We offer everything from Air Conditioning, Dehumidification, Pathogen and Odor removal systems. I specialize on “SEALED ROOMS” I have probably built about 5000 sealed rooms and love to educate and design spaces for anyone. My dad started putting a/c in rooms in Vancouver Canada over 20 years ago! Let me know if I can be any help to anyone.
I’ve finally found some time to start exploring this community! The “popular topics” emails lured me in
I’ve been a medical grower for quite some time and about 5 years ago I met Tad Hussey (owner of Keep It Simple, KIS Organics) who was developing an organic “water only” soil. I spent a couple years running trials and assisting in the development of a reusable soil program. The same nutrient blend we use to make the soil is used to reuse the soil for many years. I offer horticulture consulting for medical/recreational producers in WA and OR. I’ve lived in Seattle all my life but I’m planning on moving to southern Oregon in the very near future.
Certified Natural Cannabis is a project I started to offer third party organic certification to the cannabis industry, but recently I decided to combine forces with Certified Kind.
My passions: Sustainable human settlement, cognitive liberty, intentional community, mushroom and vegetable production, buddhism, and integral consciousness. I also like mountain biking, playing drums, and cooking.
@excelair Welcome to Growers Network Austin! We are happy to see Excel Air Systems in our community. We have several members that use your products in their grow operations.
You should definitely start a new topic with advice for how to build the best sealed room for commercial cultivation. I’m sure the growers would love to learn from you!
Hello happy cannabis curators,
Sean here- I founded a company, Beneficial Biologics Inc, some years ago, in Humboldt county with the goal of supporting and enhancing the natural biologic functions and relationships of plant development and production. I have been a keynote speaker for some years at many grow expos and am able to solve a myriad of common problems, esp those pertaining to nutrient uptake. I also consult for many large scale operations. Here at team Bene-Bio, we capitalize and supercharge the long existing relationships between plants and microbes ( bacteriaµfungi) and offer supplements that will increase the efficacy of any nutrient line you may choose. We offer highly potent and soluble concentrates that can be used alone or together as instant compost teas or as nutritive additions. Our formulas offer greater performance while providing more forgiveness in the system. A win win for busy gardeners. We use all food grade, organic sources for everything we make. Even our minerals are kosher certified. Our formulas are well known to increase quality and production with any methodology. Say hi anytime and happy gardening. www.beneficialbiologics.com
Glad to have you on board @BeneficialBiologics!
Welcome @jaya! Glad to see our emails are working. How did you get into Buddhism?
Great to see someone here who really could be considered a “master grower.” (A term that’s thrown around a little lightly in this industry.) As an educated and very detail-oriented grower, I spend most of my free time researching horticultural biology and physiology. I hope we can share some good conversations here! Cheers
Hello, my name is Braxton, I have been growing cannabis for about 15 years and have worked extensively with Afganica, Sativa, Indica, and Ruderallis… I am experienced with Permaculture, Organics, Hydroponics, and Hybridization of those systems…
I work in a lab where I also research phyto-Cannabinoid and chemotype profiles of the carious strains in relation to the treatment of disease…
I do offer my cultivation and processing expertise in a consultant basis through a consultancy firm. I have been of service in legitimate cannabis organizations for 18 years and have a wealth of knowledge that I proudly expand and share everyday…
I am an a student of the plant and all of its miraculous wonder… I work with master growers (40+ years experience) in house to collaboratively diagnose and provide prescriptive paths for various diseases and conditions within the plant… I believe that anyone can figure out how to grow weed, that said, only a small group can grow medical cannabis… I have spent over a decade apprenticing with master growers to learn from the best in each specialty category… I don’t know everything, but if I don’t, I know someone that does…
I pride myself on being able to serve the plant by empowering others with the knowledge we have amassed as a group to ensure that others can reach the full benefit and potential of the plant.
I am always open to insight from others, I encourage alternate opinions and listen to alternative solutions to best serve the needs of the plant… At the end of the day, we are all here to serve the plant…
I listen to concerns, assess problematic conditions and address them with a systematic approach to corrective measures that not only address the issue but prevent it’s reoccurrence…
I am a former third generation General, Electrical, Security, Automation, Plumbing, and Mechanical Contractor with Industrial, Agricultural, Commercial and Manufacturing experience… I understand building envelopes and the contributing factors to environmental conditions and how they affect cultivation…
I was introduced to Cannabis in an effort to help heal my mother (who is alive today) from a terminal illness, once I was awoken, I have never gone back to sleep… This plant is a miracle and I am only interested in helping others make the most of it to keep it widely available and accessible so others can use it to save their lives too…
Thanks for your time and I look forward to learning about every aspect of this plant together! I am confident that we can mutually benefit off one another… Feel free to reach out and start a conversation!