Introduce yourself!

@johnnykind, as I live and breathe! Good to see you here! This forum looks great because Growers Network IS great! Your presence just makes it that much better! Thanks for joining us


Thanks man,
Im exited to be here and looking forward to that as well :grinning:


Hey @dabconnection - our technology leverages a deodorizer formulated specifically for terpenes and delivers it in a vapor (gas/invisible) state. We deploy the deodorizer outside of the grow environment to reduce the likelihood of it intermingling with the plants.


I do not dab :wink:
So to resume you tech is “catching” the “smell” or “covering” it?
I guess you are more in the first option like we are using O3 for removing bad smell and clean air of some closed areas?

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Hi there Grower Network!

My Name is Andy, I work for Golden State Government Relations, a full-service government relations firm that can do everything from help you start a business to change the laws or regulations to help your business thrive. I am a registered lobbyist with the State of California and my particular policy interest is helping steward CA’s burgeoning Cannabis Tourism Industry. The California Cannabis Tourism Association (CCTA) is the vehicle with which we are creating an all-inclusive tourism space in CA. CCTA has members in both the cannabis and greater tourism industries across the country, if you are interested in being part of this unique industry with huge opportunities, message me!


Hello everyone! We are very glad to be a member of Growers Network now.

I’m Cindy from Seattle of Washington and I’m the co-owner of ZOOM Technologies. We manufacture our patented Double Barrel trimming machines to reduce the labor cost and increase the bottom line. Here are a few pictures of our trimmers. We are happy to answer any questions regarding the double barrel ZOOM trimmers.

In my free time, I always enjoy planting flowers and perfecting my piano skill…


Hey @AndyR! It’s so great to have you and the whole team from GSGR here at GNET. I am looking forward to meeting all of you folks at CWCBExpo in L.A. next month!

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Hey @CindyB! Welcome to the GNET Party! We are happy to have you and ZOOM Technologies on board!

All I can do is jam on a piano with my fat fingers. It’s less musical than it is abrasive! I am impressed with your abilities.

Everyone here shares your enjoyment of planting flowers!

How did you find your way into this industry and come up with that cool looking contraption?


Thank you for your warm welcome and compliments @Growernick

My husband Barry is an engineer. Years ago he saw the trimming machines on the market and started challenging himself to develop something better which will add value to customers. In 2012 we launched our first ZOOM Double Barrel Trimmer. The parallel trimming system is also patented.

This is how we started ZOOM Technologies and connected with the industry.


Awesome! I love a good backstory and a great product re-design!

Thank you!!!




Hi Everyone!

My name Carson and I work for Zodaka. Our company has designed an API which allows merchants in high risk industries (and especially cannabis!) to buy and sell products without worrying about offshore accounts, chargebacks, reserves, or any regulatory issues. We prompt bank-to-bank transfers that don’t go through a credit/debit card or any federally regulated system, so high risk merchants can use Zodaka in all fifty states! We are currently built out primarily for ecommerce (we have been operating in the CBD and novelty seed distribution sectors) but we are moving into cannabis retail shortly.

We joined up with Grower’s Network because we think that our payment platform can make the cannabis industry a lot safer and more convenient for everyone. As the industry normalizes we think that everyone will want to move away from outdated cash payments (armored trucks and huge bags of cash are a pretty inconvenient and risky liability, in our opinion) and towards reliable, inexpensive electronic payment. Our system can provide payment to an entire supply line, from growers to retailers and everyone in between!

Anyway, enough about our company, let’s talk about payment! Anybody that has worries or questions about payment in the cannabis industry should tag me at @carsonoconnell and we can get into a good discussion. Zodaka is happy to provide payment to everyone on Grower’s Network, but our goal first and foremost is to make sure everyone in this lovely industry is operating safely and ensuring the future of the “budding” cannabis industry!

Thanks for reading y’all!


Hey @carsonoconnell! Welcome to GNET! I bet those of us who have been around this industry can tell many fun campfire stories about our harrowing experiences dealing with banks! Thanks for being here!

…now to find a buyer for that armored truck.


Hello Growers Network,

We are very excited to join the Growers Network and wanted to take a minute to introduce ourselves. Pro Products LLC, was established in 1995 and provides reliable, high quality, cost effective solutions for various water professional’s needs. Our American Hydro brand, has been a leader in the irrigation industry for over 30 years focusing on injection systems for water treatment needs.

We believe our products can be a solution for your irrigation needs whether you have indoor or outdoor growing operations. Please take a few minutes to participate in this very short survey to help us understand your needs in the Growers Network:

Click Here for Survey

As an incentive, we will be giving away three of our GreenFeeder®, water-driven injection pumps to the lucky participants.


Hey @AmericanHydro, welcome to GNET!


:wave:Heyy and Happy Friday to ALL of our Growers Network members!!

I hope everyone is having a great day.:slightly_smiling_face:

I would like to Welcome @AmericanHydro, @carsonoconnell, @CindyB, @AndyR, @Atch, @Cap10, @johnnykind, @cmp, @Byers_Scientific, @dabconnection, @PatrickKane, @The-General-Manager, @cam9457, @CoastNow, @puzsurfing, @SeanM, @michelle.miticide, @alphamerchantbank,, @jhowsmon92 and @Jmconsulting, @hortbgagliardi to our community - just to name a mighty few of you who were not afraid to let us know you’re here and are bringing some Major resources to our industry!!!

Thank you all for being a part of our :muscle: growing family of professionals!

I am your Success Coach here in the Network and I am encouraging you all to complete your profiles, especially your About Me section of your preferences so our existing members can click on your profiles to learn more about your company.

I will be sending out private PINGS to you all and I look forward to answering any questions, providing any engagement tips and heavily encouraging private message acknowledgement moving forward.

Stay on the look out for me to message you if I see that you aren’t publishing your professional content in your Vendor Corners’ (my ancillary vendors) and if you are not actively interacting with the members whom are interested in connecting with you privately (my product handlers).

May you all continue to learn how to navigate our community to the best of your ability and feel free to PM me if you ever have any questions.

We are all in here to grow together, provide productive resources and information, and become successful at establishing B2B2C relationships in our tight-knit community.

Looking forward to hearing from and connecting with you ALL (all 3580+ of you)!

May you all have a great weekend!:slightly_smiling_face:

Talk again soon.

Success Coach :congaparrot:


@johnnykind, Welcome aboard! Gnet is a great place for meeting like minded folks. Let me know if you need anything on the product development side.



Welcom @AmericanHydro, Glad you’re here!

Reach out anytime, I’d love to chat.



Great name for your product. Looks well made.


Thank you for your compliment Mike!