Introduce yourself!

Vivo muy cerca de la frontera del Mexico y EUA. Hablo un poquito :wink:

Google can translate anything I might miss. I’d love to hear a lecture on Undercover Farming!

Thanks for sharing the link!


My name is Derek and I’m an assistant grower in San Francisco. I’m very passionate about cannabis and consider all of us lucky to have this plant as the center of our life work. I’m fairly new to growing (about 4 years helping friends), but this year has been an intense crash course on production. I’m here to learn and meet good people so feel free to reach out and say hi!


@TreesGalore, thanks for that insight on this wonderful plant about which we are all so passionate! You are 100% spot-on accurate: we are SO lucky to have cannabis in our lives! There is so much valuable information from so many knowledgeable and open-minded professionals here at GNET! It’s remarkable how much there is to learn and I’ve found that the best way to continue my grow education is to interact with fellow passionate growers. Thanks for joining us, Derek. Can’t wait to hear about your growing experiences.


Hello Growers Network. My name is Terry and I am the Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer for ArborWind, an Ann Arbor based Vertical Axis Wind Turbine engineering, manufacturing, and distribution company. We developed, own, and install our groundbreaking technology. Our PT-100/180/300 wind turbines are excellent cost saving, marketing PR, advertising, aesthetic enhancement, and tech forward applications for your growing, manufacturing, or supply facilities. Our turbines accommodate small to large commercial business requirements and exceed the energy efficiency performance of competing products and technologies. Take advantage of the brisk winds in your area, avoid the up to 6% annual utility price increases, and own your energy. ArborWind turbines make great business sense.

For more information, check out our visual brochure in my Green Energy for a Green Industry post, or you can send me a message @ArborWind .

Looking forward to connecting with you all soon.



Neville McNaughton, a Kiwi in the USA, Cheesemaker in the Cannibis community. I own Sanitary Design Industries and work with the most amazing group of people. We are OEM manufacturers of Environmental Systems for Dry Cure and all phases of Growing. We are skilled engineers applying physics to each step of the environmental needs of you growers. We will learn a lot about growing but hope to share and teach new friends as we have in the Cheese and Meat industries how spaces work. We look forward to the interactive nature of the Growers Network, meeting new people and sharing information on SDI systems. Check us out at


Hey there, @neville, welcome to GNET! I think you may be the first self-described Cheesemaker Kiwi…and that’s awesome! It seems you bring a great deal of knowledge to us; looking forward to learning more.

Also waiting for a good line of infused cheeses…Stony grilled cheese for everyone!



  If I respond to this does the world see this response, as you can see I am not familiar with the function of the connection.  Writing as if fully visible.  It is simply great to be here, infused cheeses must be just aroudn the corner, my guess is already started but below the radar.  Can wait to meet growers and answer a few questions.

Your message is visible, just so you know. I can’t wait to see the day! I’d love to be among the first to create this product! Let’s talk about this!


Growlite is a great company. I’ve used your bulbs because they are double insulated. Before double ended bulbs came out I really wanted an OG hood because the vertical bulb made sense to me but I didn’t have enough ceiling height. This is a USA company who is on the cutting edge of lighting technology and who has high ethical standards. Good people great products.


That’s awesome “give and receive”.


I’m Mike and I’m reintroducing myself because I recently started working with Leafops.
Leafops is a seed to sale point of sales software program serving all states including Metrc states.

The magic in our POS software is directly related to our developers and the decades of experience they have as corporate software trainers.

They understand the obstacles in training new employees and the nightmare of having your system go down.

Our system is compartmentalized so employees only have access to the tools they use, minimizing any confusion.

Our tech support is second to none, so if you should ever have an issue you are only minutes away from real live support who will get you back on track.

I’m setting up free demos at your convenience in your facility. The demos take about an hour.

If you have any special needs such as specific reports you want to generate, we can customize your software to meet your needs.

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.

Set up your demo today.

Thanks and I look forward to talking to you soon.


Sean from GrowFlow here - excited to be apart of this wonderful community!

I love all things design and marketing and truly feel that creativity + computers = awesome things for the cannabis market.

I grew up in Green Bay, WI and moved to Bozeman, MT to purse a master’s in Architecture. Since graduating I have worked with a number of tech startups and advertising agencies - honing both creative and technical skills.

GrowFlow ( is the culmination of all of my interests - we use beautifully designed, easy to use software to help cultivators and processors handle all their traceability and compliance needs. Rather than spending all day at your computer reporting to the government, you can use GrowFlow and get back out in the garden :slight_smile:

Check us out, or just say hello! Always excited to talk tech or about traceability and compliance (we are traceability nerds - shoot us any questions you might have)

Don’t be a stranger!


Hey @sean! This wonderful community is happy to have you here! Thanks for saying hello and introducing yourself and welcome to GNET!


Hi Anita, am seeking same for my kids skin problems. The 30:1 CBD:THC oil is $90 per tiny bottle at local dispensary in San Diego. Any suggestions of what you’ve found effective and where to get it?


Hey guys! I’m Karen with Smart Pots. I’ve been with Smart Pots for over 10 years and enjoy working with growers and finding out how our fabric pots can benefit your grow!

Smart Pots are the original fabric aeration container and are BPA free and lead free. Our pots will help give you a more pure, clean, high yield grow. Check out our video on YouTube to learn more about Smart Pots. Smart Pots for Cannabis - YouTube

Hit me up if you’re interested in using them for your grow operation.


Hey @KarenM! I love fabric pots! So much aeration! Thanks so much for joining our growing community!


Hi there! I’ve always been a supporter for medicinal cannabis and I’m still in shock, but so stoked, that OK legalized it for medicinal. Let me know if you’re considering using fabric pots at your location. Smart Pots are manufactured in Oklahoma City, OK and I’d love to connect you with one of our sales managers located in OKC. Good luck with the grow-op!


Hello all, my name is Josh and I am a 17 year veteran of the food industry. I have a culinary degree in baking and pastry arts and will be getting into food-based consumable products once MO goes legal. I have a wealth of knowledge with cannabis, cooking, sales, and customer relations. I hope to network with folks who are local or in a bordering state to build relationships, and to eventually enter the cannabis job Market. I am a quick learner and have some basic horticulture knowledge. Just want to thank everyone involved with this network from the CEO all the way to the members!


Hey there, @Ordoeats! Welcome to GNET! We are all happy to have your knowledge and experience here at the party! We are all very much hoping Missouri goes legal very soon (hey, if OK can do it…)!

How did your find your way into the cannabis industry?


I love smart pots. Best I’ve ever used and so cost efficant. I use them like a Dutch pot and feed from the bottom. It keeps the coco from becoming compacted.