Introduce yourself!

Welcome, Taylor!

It’s from our mistakes that we truly grow; this is especially true of growing plants! It takes a humble soul to admit ones’ mistakes. Glad to hear you have a passion and interest in the cannabis plant and you are continuing your education.


Hey all!

I’m Chris Tosi of Pulse Labs, we make tech for cultivators that doesn’t suck. I’m a long time cultivator and tech professional that was tired of lackluster tech solutions dedicated to our industry and decided to do something about it.

Pulse is a WiFi sensor and grow management platform that helps prevent crop loss and optimize yields in grows of any size. Our hardware and software package gives head growers visibility into all areas of their operation while on-site or remotely.

Pulse is looking to bring on even more large scale facilities as we continue to develop features that will benefit farms with a large headcount and many pods. Let me know if you’re interested in chatting!


ha everbody, my name is lige sizemore,from the hills of eastern ky. second indoor grow, disable auto tech. ran my own business for 16 years untill a 18 year old meth head hit me head on in 2007, left me paralysed from waste down , hell i will live with it , its in door pot growing now, got 3 plants durban poision , light of jahalla, and la blanc 4 weeks old looking good anybody got any advice


Welcome to GNET, @tosi! It’s great t have you here! Nice to see the synergy between tech and cultivation!


Howdy, @lsizemore! Welcome to the party! Sorry to hear about your unfortunate attack, but glad to hear that cannabis helped you overcome the odds to grow your passion! Great to have you here!


Hello Everyone!

My name is AJ Girard with Arden Lighting Tech. We are excited to introduce our grow spectrums and continuous disinfection lighting that will reduce yeast, mold, fungus, and bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella while being safe to work under. Looking forward to meeting all of you. Have a great day!


Welcome to GNET, @AJGirard! It’s great to have you here! How do your lights function? Any use of UVB/UVC lights? Is there any need to wear PPE’s to work under them?


@Growernick As long as the light is on, it will be disinfecting the air and surfaces. Our light causes single cell bacteria, yeasts and molds to create reactive oxygen species to burst the cellular wall and kill them. It is safe to work under without any personal protection equipment and is in the visible spectrum of light @ 405nm. The technology has been successfully used in hospitals, gyms, and food processing plants.


Any Plans To Expand to Canada?


Just completed my Pest Management for Cannabis Production course. I have to say this was an amazing experience I have to give a big thumbs up to the Okanagan collage for putting this on.


Good evening Growers Network! Delighted to be in the company of all students here at ‘cannabis college’!
I’m 66 years young and have been involved in production agriculture my entire adult life. I am fortunate to have a very strong background in plant physiology, plant cell biology, and chemistry which has given me a lot of insight into pathways of maximizing plant performance.

I appreciate your contributions, and hope to contribute myself as we navigate this beautiful path of cannabis development!


Hi @Thailand.taylor,

If you have a US based business operating in Canada I am able to help you.

Unfortunately, we cannot provide our service if you are a Canadian owned business.

I hope that answers your question.

Best regards,

Tony Rullo
Loan Officer

Cannabiz Cash Professionals
Cell: 215-880-3859
Web: (new and upgraded website coming soon)


What is the key to low temp water removal?


I use an aquarium heater in the winter.


Happy Monday, GNET! It’s going to be a great week!

Welcome to the forever-young @TheMadFlascher! It’s great to have your exuberance and energy joining our growing community. Thanks for being with us and contributing to our forum. It sounds like you have a very strong science background which is always helpful with all the hungry minds on Growers Network. How have you utilized your background in science to maximize the potential of the cannabis plant?


Dad nabbit @growernick that’s a darn good question. Actually, I believe knowledge hard fought to acquire is a waste if it’s not applied! I’ve always loved to challenge myself and for the last three years have been developing some specialized treatments for Cannabis. In the initial stages of submitting one for Product Performance testing right here on GN…so who knows…maybe the old geezer is good for something!!! Thanks all.


Well what can I say, we really like quality engagement here at Growers Network (even if it makes a young geezer think really realy hard)! I am excited to hear about your new treatments and some of the performance testing you have in mind here at GNET! I’m sure someone will make their way by my desk to fill me in any moment now…

Thanks again for being here, @TheMadFlascher! Very stoked to have you on GNET!


Hello everyone!
I am finally getting around to introduce myself. I have been growing/consuming cannabis for 26 years now and love the cannabis industry. I grew up in good old Humboldt County and started my first grow when I was still in High School. I now live in Central Oregon and have my own Medical Grow and also work for a company called Dakine 420 that manufactures our own line of powder nutrients (3 parts) as well as some organic supplements and coco based grow media. I love talking grow and helping growers like myself be the must successful that they can. I look forward to chatting with ya’ll and message me any time.
Happy Growing!


Hey @jerid420, welcome to the party! We really love the cannabis industry too and we are happy to have you joining us at GNET! After 26 years of growing, what has been you favorite part of the ride thus far?


I think the best part so far is helping heal people. It is pretty cool that since the legalization people that were totally against weed are now opening their eyes to what it can do for them. I find it very satisfying helping people with there aliments and getting them off prescribed opioides in particular. What an amazing plant!