Introduce yourself!

Hello Growers Network!

My name is Jen, and I’m a marketing and innovation leader for Greif, the largest industrial packaging company in the world. We are here to learn more about the cannabis/hemp industry and how we can better serve the market through our existing products or innovations.

We find growers are using our fibre drums (in 1-55+ gallon sizes) to cure, store and/or ship. In addition to fibre, we also produce steel, plastic, flexible, corrugated, and reconditioned containers, intermediate bulk containers, containerboard, and packaging accessories.

As the industry evolves, we seek to offer innovative and customizable solutions, including a variety of sizes, lids, and decorating/branding of packaging. If you have a need, please contact us at If you’d like to share ideas you have related to bulk storage, curing or shipping, please reach out at @Greif_Packaging!

Excited to grow with you!


Hello everyone!

Glad to hear from so many in the network. My name is Mike and I represent Lifetime Coating’s agricultural sector out of Denver Colorado! We here at lifetime coatings invented and patented a completely green, medical grade, food grade floor coating that is perfect for the cannabis industry. Not only is it super reflective, but it doesn’t release any harmful Volatile Organic Compounds into the air.

Our product was first used to line the inside of oil tanks and resurface the decks of navy ships because it has a very high resistance to weathering, but now we are looking into the agricultural sector to cover grow facilities, so growers won’t have to re coat their floors every 2-3 years.

I am so very excited to connect with all of you growers to not only learn more about cultivation but hopefully work with some of you in the future to step up your flooring game! Let me know if you have any questions and I would be more than happy to answer them.


Welcome to the party, @Greif_Packaging! Please don’t take this the wrong way because we are a professional forum, but hey, I like your package! Thanks for being part of our growing forum!


I believe I missed this one, lol!

A little about myself; I originally come from an agricultural background, animal and crop sciences in farming and ranching! In finishing college, I took part in the old American tradition of tax dollars sending me around the world. During my down time in various countries, I made sure to visit cannabis grows all over the world, and learn as much as I could as well as helping local farmers learn more about addressing nutrient needs with local resources.

After returning home retired, a local ranchers Co-oP picked me up for their Cannabis venture, and moved me to Arizona to continue my work in cultivation and medicinal research. While working towards their cause, I spend my time outside the grow, teaching and educating new growers cultivation for their own medicine, across the globe.

Having a heavy background in risk assessment and high value asset protection, I also spend my time assisting new dispensaries with addressing security needs in a variety of environments. Both of these I do pro-bono for many. I am more of an advocate in that manner!

Wonderful meeting this collective!:cowboy_hat_face:


Welcome, @Krisgrows! It’s great to have another Arizonan joining us here at GNET! It sounds like you have a very diverse background in many different valuable skills. Why do you keep coming back to cannabis?


Thank you Nick for the wonderful invite and welcome! A lot of the cream of the crop going on here… Cant wait to see where this road goes! I have my popcorn!:cowboy_hat_face:

Why do I keep coming back? Hmm… I consider myself very greatful for the many experiences, awesome… and not so awesome, I have had!

I found cannabis pretty interesting as we all did at a young age, but what it made me understand was how non addictive it was to me, when cigarettes were way too addictive to me. That alone made wonder about what we were taught about it. Moving forward,again a friend suggested it for sleep aid and relaxation. It actually helped me with a lot of things in my life by just consuming.

I dont smoke cigerettes since I started cannabis again. What was a 12 pack of brew a night, was stopped shortly by using cannabis. I dont drink, nor do I have any desire to. Started getting more active and healthy.

Damn green stuff even changed my diet interests. I cant stomach fast food or processed food very easily. I think its off-putting after I eat it… kinda bizarre!:cowboy_hat_face:

So, I feel like I am finally stacking the years back on, so I better get to work with this little green phenomenon!

It helped me, and before a lot was spoken media-wise about medicinal benefits, I was already fast tracking and helping locals.:cowboy_hat_face:


Hello y’all.

We are a small greenhouse grower in the Wild Wild West aka Oklahoma. Our greenhouses have been in continuous operation since 1892. We are the third family to own and have been at it now since 1995.
We are very excited to learn more about cannabis cultivation from the experts. Thanks for having us!




We are a family owned and operated company based in Humboldt County California. We design and manufacture organic micronized nutrient blends. Our blends can be used as a soil amendment, brewed as a tea or applied through fertigation. Hydroponic growers can benefit from our products because of the suspension grade quality, which allows for proper delivery to plants.

We use certified organic amendments, then micronize material for better microbial activity and nutrient availability.

My wife microbiologist and co-owner helped do microbial tests and growth chamber trials with our blends at Humboldt State University.

While I was a former R&D for a hydroponic nutrient company. I ran side by side trials with traditional 3-part synthetics to design a comparable dry organic product. Now here we are 9 years later.


i grew up in a family of greenhouse manufacturing, @agratech my first job was in the shop sweeping floors and bagging bolts, i started from the bottom…now i’m here! (HA!)

I’ve watched multiple industry segments grow and embrace greenhouses as essential tools for survival.

Currently my role in the company is as Director of Sales i spend much of my time designing and engineering greenhouses for maximum labor and energy efficiency.

I look forward to assisting the @growersnetwork community in anyway possible. Not all greenhouses are created equal…consider me the unpaid consultant whose payment is watching you succeed!!!


Wow that’s an impressively long time for a greenhouse to be in continuous operation! Could we see some pics?

Great to have you here!


How did your family get into the nutrient business? Did you start with cannabis, or were you focusing on more general ag crops?

Looking forward to seeing more of your contributions! Thanks for being part of Growers Network!


I grew up in Davis Ca which is surrounded by large AG. My familiarity with farming came from working with my friends who’s families owned farms growing up.

Because I have had epileptic siezures as a child, found cannabis to relieve seizures. When prop 215 passed in CA I started growing and breeding my own medicine. So my experience is good with cannabis.

I used to do R&D for another hydroponic company before my own brand. Since my immune system is sensitive to some pesticides and many other synthetics, our methods changed to organic 12 years ago. My wife and co-owner was the university microbiologist at Humboldt State. Early stages of our company we were able to do many trials on all crops in growth chambers. Our products are used in the greenhouse on campus. I am just the other half with 20yr ganja growing experience



I’ll have to get on my desktop to find the old photos. This was taken earlier this year.


Nice! Looks like an expansive campus!


Hi everyone!

I wanted to take a moment and introduce myself to the community and offer my services, to budding new companies.

My name is Todd McCormick and I have been actively growing cannabis since 1984, in order to alleviate chronic pain caused by a spinal fusion that I received when I was only 2 years old. As a child, I endured 9 tumors in just eight years between the ages of 2 and 10, and it was during that time that my mother decided to give me medical marihuana. It was 1979, and she was risking quite a bit by doing so but, but she felt like she had the life of her son to lose, so she took the risk and gave me medical cannabis while I was going through both chemotherapy and radiation therapy simultaneously.

Fortunately, I went into spontaneous remission shortly thereafter and did not have another tumor for another 6 years. Since my teens, I have been cancer-free and my life has been focused on bringing the information about cannabis and often the medicine, directly to other patients.

Some of you may have read my name in Jack Herer’s book; The Emperor Wears No Clothes, which I have been an editor of since 1994. After Jack passed away in 2010, I edited and we released the 12th edition of his book, complete with memorials to Jack.

Some of you may have seen me in a couple of the documentaries that I have both appeared in and helped produce: The Union: The Business Behind Getting High, and more recently; The Culture High. I wrote my first book about cannabis cultivation in 1997 simply titled, How To Grow Medical Marijuana, while I was fighting the federal government over being one of the very first people the federal government arrested after the passage of proposition 215. At the time, I had 4,116 plants growing in my Bel Air mansion, and was working on identifying and authenticating as many distinctly different varieties of cannabis I could acquire.

Unfortunately for me, I became one of the very first medical cannabis cases that the federal government denied a medical necessity defense to. I adamantly opposed their position and refused to cooperate in any way and ended up serving five years in federal prison. Upon release, I went right back to my activism, producing documentaries, co-producing fundraisers at the Playboy Mansion for marijuana policy reform, and in 2009, I even rented the Los Angeles Convention Center and hosted the very first THC Expo to an audience of between 40,000 and 50,000 people.

These days I am still cultivating cannabis and collecting cultivars. Currently I have over 100 distinctly different varieties of living plants in my collection, I also have heirloom varieties such as Afghan directly from Mel Frank, as well as Original Haze and Skunk #1, and many many more. If you pick up the latest edition of Grow magazine at any Barnes & Noble, you can read my latest article titled Classic Cultivars, where I talk about creating a type of “Cannabis Preservation Society”, which will seek to preserve unique genetics for future generations.

I am available for consulting on a variety of projects related to the Cannabis industry. I’m also very interested in talking to nurseries and producers who are interested in working with me to disseminate some of the genetics that I’ve been collecting for decades. My overall goal is to get the different varieties of cannabis that people need, into the hands of the people who need them.

I maintain my own website:

I sometimes do a YouTube show with other rather experienced growers from the industry

(We are on hiatus right now, but we may be picking it back up soon.): Talking Cannabis - YouTube

And you can check out my cultivation & photography at:

I hope everyone is having a very high and happy day!

Todd McCormick

310-913-4407 office

Skype: toddmccormick


Hey there, Todd!

It’s an honor to have you join us here on the forum! I have been studying your body of work for the entirety of my career. You really are a legend in our industry. There’s no doubt that you survived cancer for a very real and dedicated purpose!

Thanks for joining us here on the forum! We are all looking forward to your contributions!


Thank you for the warm welcome, I truly believe we are all here to help and learn from one another!


Glad to be here with you!


Thank you , if you are at the Emerald Cup this year, do say hi!


Hello everyone! I’m a commercial medical cannabis grower and dispensary owner in Colorado. My passion has always been on the production side of the business, but helping patients is pretty incredible. I have over 9 years of production experience and made a bazillion mistakes. Hopefully I can post occasionally and help others avoid some of their own mishaps. I have grown in many ways: aeroponics, living soil, peat, coco, hydroton and currently in rock wool. Happy to participate!

How do I get the “@name” added to my posts when referring to someone in particular?