Katmwall first grow!

I think I’m doing this grow journal right…

I don’t remeber when I germinated the seed :grimacing: but I do have a picture from the first day it sprouted which was 9/27/2020

I originally had it in a tiny clay pot but I was quickly told by a grower friend to get a plastic pot for it. I also was told that it would need more light, so I have been supplementing the light on the windowsill With an LED grow light that I got from Home Depot, not the best but I’m working with what I have so far. Haha

I think I had the light way to high initially and caused some stretching in the plant. I have been trying to strengthen the plant by gently bending the stem back and fourth a bit and I added a fan a couple days later.

Currently the fan is blowing directly on the plant but I’m wondering if that’s not right now. I also have the light on 24/7 and don’t know if I need to switch it to vegetative growth hours yet. Just joined this website so I’m hoping I can make some friends and get some answers.

Today 9/4/2020 my plant seems happy and healthy. It’s first baby set of 3 leaves are showing and I’m so excited! Hoping to get my grow tent supplies purchased and set it up within the next 2 weeks. I just hope the stuff arrives in time!!

I have slowed the fan down on the plant, I was told that it could be too much for it so I dropped it down to the lowest speed. The three leaves are now visible and I have begun compiling a list of all the things I will need to make a grow tent in my basement. I have now switched the light to be in the “grow” stage and have it 18 hours on and 6 hours off.

Lucky, as I have no named the plant, is loving the 18 hours on 6 hours off cycle. It has started growing its 3rd set of leaves which have 5 blades just like a real cannabis plant! I purchased everything this weekend that I think I will need to build my grow tent in the basement but I made a post to double check with people in case I’m missing anything.


Your doing well. There are few different growing methods. Take a look around this
and see what might interest you! Welcome to the group.

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Hello & welcome! Your plant looks healthy, keep up with the great care!

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Oh I see I have been doing this wrong the whole time. I should be posting my updates in these little comment things. Should I be concerned that my plant’s leaves are curling? I Watered it today because I figured that was the problem but I could be wrong.


Also, should I transplant my plant into a slightly bigger pot now or wait a bit more till it’s bigger? I ordered a fabric pot but it probably won’t be here for at least a week or two. I have a one gallon plastic pot I could move it into before I move it into the 3 gallon fabric pot. Thoughts?


Wait until you get your fabric pot. It doesn’t need a bigger one yet.


Okay another question for you all. I am currently using soil for my plant. I had to start it out in organic potting mix I could buy at Home Depot, so it’s not the best. I plan to switch it to foxfarm ocean potting mix when I transplant it to my 3 gallon fabric pot. My question is: is the fox farm potting mix good enough by itself or should I mix anything in it? I still have a large bag of worm castings that I mixed into the original soil at a 4:1 ratio that I could use. I don’t want to add too many nutrients though and have nutrient burn. Thoughts?

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Check this out.


Welcome @katmwall and your doing good my friend. Just a couple suggestions for ya. Dont skimp on your soil. Buy the best you can, cause I’ve found there to be alot of pests in cheaper soils. Especially from home depot, lowes or Walmart. That was a good move to turn your fan down, and you should never have your fan blowing directly on your plant. If you can upgrade to an oscillating fan at some point, they’re the best. I feel an 18/6 light schedule is the best for seedlings. They need a little rest every day.


@Tygrow78 thanks for the suggestions! Is an oscillating fan the kind that moves back and fourth? wouldn’t that blow on the plants at some point then? I’m sorry I’m just a little confused. I thought you wanted fans to blow directly on the plant to replicate wind and make them stronger or am I like super wrong on that? Do you have any good soil suggestions and where I can buy it? Right now I’m thinking of buying fox farm ocean soil from amazon.

The oscillating fans move from side to side, so your plant doesn’t get too much air blowing on it all the time @katmwall. You can always point your fan towards your wall 1st. If you think about how the wind blows in nature, it comes in little gusts and breezes. Fox farms is a great soil to use.


lucky is doing pretty good! thanks to the help of everyone on this forum I think I finally know what’s up with the leaves. The pH of my filtered water is too high. It’s roughly at 7 so I’m going to try adding some lemon juice to it to lower the pH and see how lucky does with that. I’m still waiting for all her supplies to arrive in the mail so I need to work with what I have right now. :expressionless: I’m trying to figure out the best and most cost effective soil to transplant her into as well. Foxfarm ocean soil seems to be a good choice but I don’t know if I should add anything to it to make it even better for my plant. She’s finally got 5 leaves on her! They are baby leaves but they will grow. I have also noticed small sprouts near the nodes of the plant. I’m hoping that they are new branches that are forming! I have also moved my fan so it’s not blowing directly on my plant.


Hi, I’m a couple weeks now into my first grow. Tent is setup and running. So I’m learning too. I have the grow book in hand. I am an avid gardener in zone 13 it’s hot… so you have worm castings already I would generously dump them into your soil mix. I am listening in with your questions and answers. Good luck.


Thank you @katmwall for this post, new to the forum myself (intro post to come mañana)!!! I got too excited (or stoned…okay both) when some seeds dropped out of my last bag (said was Pink Runtz, so even if it had Runtz genetics I would be stoked!). Started looking online to refresh how to germinate and dropped a few seeds in water that night. Realized the next day I had absolutely no supplies and ran to Home Depot for some MiracleGro Performance Organics All Purpose potting soil (relatively low NPK 0.19/0.03/0.03 compared to their standard garbage). Same as you, figured i’d invest with FFOF when transplanting and get good nutes. I’ve had 5 of 8 seeds pop (24-36 hrs in RT water, then to paper towel method), got them in the soil (used Jiffy peat pots), and nada :tired_face: I’ve been trying to blame the soil, lighting, etc. but now that I saw your post I can (sadly) point the finger at user error :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Sorry for the long backstory, just wanted to see if it sounds like what you did? And if I could trouble you with a few questions. Do you know what soil you used exactly? After potting your germed seed, how much light/water did you give it until it sprouted? And follow up on that, how many days do you feel it took to pop through the soil (I know you stated you didn’t know when it germed but just a guess if you could)?

Thanks again, it’s nice to see someone having success using comparable supplies!!! :slightly_smiling_face: Hope your tent comes soon and kicks your grow to the next level :pray:

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Worm castings are never bad as a snack for the plant but also you don’t need to spend a lot of money of equipment and what not. Doing more research will help a lot on what to buy first, aka a light source, etc.

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Ive definitely used MG organic before and it worked out just fine, MG is owned by monsanto etc etc…How did you transfer the popped seeds into the jiffy pods? Dome it while it peat pots? RH levels and Temp of room? how long did you have the light on-24hrs? distance of light


@admiller1107 welcome to the forum!! I’m happy to share what I did with you! Sounds a bit like what I did. I found a seed in a jar of Ghost Train Haze from my dispensary. I then placed it on a plate with a wet paper towel and put another wet one on top with another plate laid on top to keep it dark and moist. The water I used was filtered water. I sprayed more water on it every day to keep it wet and watched for the taproot to pop out. I think it germinated in about 48 hours or so. From there I took the seed with tweezers and placed the seed in a jiffy peat pod, taproot side down, then gently covered it with the peat. I added water whenever the peat felt dry to the touch (maybe every other day) took maybe a couple days for lucky to pop it’s head out of the soil. Once I had a baby plant I went to Home Depot and bought a bigger plastic pot (I was growing in a clay pot), worm castings, miracle grow performance organics potting soil (It was the only organic one I could find), and a grow light. The grow light I bought was about $25. I have included a pic.

I moved my plant into the bigger pot and the soil was 1/4 worm castings and 3/4 the miracle grow organic soil. I placed my pot in a western facing window and supplied it with the extra lighting 24/7 when it was a baby. After it’s first pair of true leaves sprouted I switched it over to the 18/6 light cycle and it really seems to be liking it. I also added a small fan to blow on the plant (which I then pointed away from the plant because I learned you never want to point it directly at the plant) at some point in my grow. It’s just a small desk fan on the lowest setting. Not super powerful. And that’s it! I hope that helps and makes sense to you! I can’t wait for all my supplies to arrive. I will be posting all about what I’m doing and my progress so just keep checking back on here if you want to see what I’m doing and whether or not I’m successful. :grin: right now I just have my fingers crossed that it’s a girl plant. Here’s a pic of my current set up.


@obiwancannabis I used tweezers to transfer to peat pots. I did not dome them while it was in the peat pod, the temp is about 73-75 degrees or so. I can’t really control much about the environment right now because I’m just growing in my house. No clue what the RH is currently, that is something I plan to control when I have my grow tent. I had the light on 24/7 for probably at least a week and the light was as close as I could make it. Maybe 6-8 inches. It’s an LED so it doesn’t get real hot. :relaxed:

Thats a pretty rad light bulb haha your plant looks awesome thou. Looks like you’ve had some good information from other on here about what to do. Welcome to the forum also!!!

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@obiwancannabis (dope handle btw!!!) and @katmwall - Thank you both for the replies! I know the first four germed seeds I killed by being an idiot…didn’t dome them and i’m positive I overwatered…plus put them in direct sunlight a couple hours each day (live in SoCal but it’s been HOT for this region). So yeah, EPIC fail there for being too exicted to start, and kicking myself for destroying viable seeds :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. And @obiwancannabis, I used Jiffy pots with the MG organic soil…these are supposed to be biodegradable which I liked so less stress of the plant when transplanting (figured was ideal for my first attempt). And yes, as a biochemist i’ve had some insight into Monsanto’s shady practices, especially with agriculture. But my local Home Depot had crap selection for potting soil at the time :confused:

All seeds were handle at all stages with sterile tweezers, and only distilled water used. Haven’t had a chance to get pH strips or a soil meter yet.

For my “better” attempt I still didn’t buy a grow light bulb, just used a 100w (equiv) LED 5000k (1800 lumens) daylight bulb and put it about 1 inch above the plastic bag I was using to dome (so about 3 inches above the soil…put my hand above the soil for some time and it was just barely feeling warm…so I don’t think I baked my seed). Had them on 18/6 so they got some dark time for growth.

I dropped four more seeds in water yesterday (two are immature so I have little hope for them), but am getting a full spectrum LED grow bulb to give it a better chance.

Just for context, since I have no true growing experience my wife is not onboard (understandably) with me investing a lot of money into this…especially since I had never brought up growing until the seeds came out of my dispensary batch (last month). I made a deal that if I could get a plant with basic tools and little upstart costs, to let me then invest so I could go for yield and quality. So i’m starting these in my home and don’t have much control over humidity…much like your starting conditions @katmwall . Thank you all again for providing insight, I was “lurking” through posts (@PreyBird1 need to give you major credit, I was on your Runtz grow thread for days!) prior to joining the forum, so glad I did!!!