Katmwall first grow!

Yep. You guys are super right. I just read the article mkneller posted and lucky was probably too big for the pot I had and it probably was watered too much. I’m going to let it dry out over the next few days and see how that goes. It should be better now that I have got it in a bigger pot with more air in the soil (And it’s a fabric pot so that should help too. Can I still LST my plant when it’s like this or should I unclip it from being bent over until it recovers from overwatering?

Prey knows all. Trust his word. We wouldnt let anyone steer you wrong.


patientence is key to your plants. You have to have some walk away time. Over caring for your plant is the usual first round killers.

I know you guys wouldn’t. :heart: @preybird1is definitely my go to person for questions. I just have a lot of them and don’t want to ever bother him with how many I have :joy:. Your guys word is gold to me and I trust yall 100%. That’s why I’m returning my light. :wink: I hope it didn’t sound like I didn’t believe you guys or anything!! I totally believe I over-watered lucky. I just didn’t know if more than one thing could be wrong at a time :relaxed:. You’re right that I’m probably over mothering my plant. It’s just my first baby and I want it to do well. Haha. But plants aren’t people and me giving it constant attention isn’t helping. I think I’ll try walking away for a couple days (only looking but not touching) to see if that helps it bounce back. :grin:


always look everyday. Your going to develop a routine with her. You’ll water every three days of so. When the plant is extra light or if you have a moisture meter and it says dry…

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I dont mind questions at all. I just work 60hrs a week. And dont respond until after 7pm. Once in a while if i got a minute i may pop in and out in the day. But usually i have to be focused at work or i loose money. Slacking off costs me commision big time! 1 phone call is big money. Literally i went to eat lunch and phone rang lee got the call and the sale damn…$1765.00 ticket :tickets: bad timing i guess. I still outsell them all month after month. But that would have been a great sale because im going to go on vacation and im gonna loose $450 in commissions bonus.


Yay! I’m so happy I have you guys to ask questions to. You have been such a help and blessing to have. This is lucky as of today.

Still haven’t given any water since the transplant to hopefully fix the over-watered issue. Still doing research on which nutrients to give and when. I wish I had gotten the nutrients sooner but what can you do? :woman_shrugging:t3: I’m looking to maybe buy some seeds soon so I’m prepared for my next grow once lucky flowers (hopefully it’s a girl). I am going to for sure plant skygod that preybird sent me (still waiting for them to arrive, Can’t wait!), but I’m also looking at maybe trying to grow some bubblegum (I just really like the name) unless others have suggestions on good strains that I can buy from a shop that delivers to IL?


Didnt i give you tracking?


Just checked my mailbox, THEY ARRIVED!!! So stoked!!

thanks for writing what they are on the baggies!! :heart_eyes:


Damn had me worried. I was rifling through shipping reciepts.

Ok disaster avoided.


I knew it would arrive if I was patient so I didn’t check the tracking until you mentioned it and it was like, the seeds were delivered yesterday! And I was like OH! Lolz. Oops. Sorry to cause you distress. :sweat_smile:


Damn you woman…lol. JK lol. I spent a lot of time on these. Had to create them first. Then i had to have unbreakable air tight containers. Had to find easy art and labels and pay for all of it. Lots of love in my stuff for everyone.

I have thousands of seeds and lots friends :blush: they send me stuff lol. I just got some really insane stuff from the 1990s. From and military guy.
amazing shit im so excited :grin: :laughing: :crazy_face: :heartpulse: gonna be sick genetics. Some buddas sister. some sensistar and some sour D x og kush! Yessss.



WOW. that’s a lot of seeds. :astonished: haha. That’s amazing. It’s so awesome that you’re so kind to share :heart:! Maybe one day I’ll have stuff to share too. :relaxed: Gotta not kill lucky first though. Lolz


There are cool people :sunglasses: around. I like people and hate people. Been in retail for 25 yrs.


Is there a reason you are LSTing the plant that early? I just started also and my plants are right behind yours as far as growth. I planned on doing Lst when in full vegetative state. So far my lights are 24hr, and i put the soil up to the leaves over the stem so it’s looks shorter than it is in the pots.

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I was told to LST as soon as possible. My plant is in its veg state. It’s just little. It’s actually almost 4 weeks old. I think I stunted it’s growth a bit by over watering and having it in a small pot for too long. It is on an 18:6 light cycle right now.

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So I believe that my overwatering has hurt lucky. It’s leaves have a weird pattern on them and are going black towards the tips.

my question to everyone on this site: how do you water soil plants without overwatering them? I thought I was doing it right only to find out I am still watering too much. :disappointed: I just moved it to the fabric pot so that should help. The last pot was plastic and only had one hole at the bottom of it to let water out so in retrospect it probably wasn’t the best pot to use. Here’s a pic from the side. Lucky is maybe about 8in long if I were to unclip it.

How often are you watering? I’m growing in three gallon fabric pots and 5 gallon fabric pots and I only water once every about 4 days. If you get familiar with the weight of the pot with everything in it, you can judge it by lifting the pot to see if it needs watering. I do it by eye nowadays, but that’s from numerous times of dehydrating my girls a bit too long.

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About once every 3 days but I just transplanted it into the 3 gallon pot. I gave it just a little water when I transplanted it on Friday but haven’t watered it since. Soil is dry on top but If I stick my finger down into it it’s cool to the touch. So I think that means there’s still enough water in it for now?