Magi's Grow and chatroom

If someone say yes i Will go for spriderfarmer ?:stuck_out_tongue:


I donā€™t think we want to take responsibility for your decision. You have a lot of good options if youā€™d like this one, the way it looks is good, the powers what you want On the lights etc etc go for it. You have to start somewhere if that package looks good to you and the price is good. It will do the job. All you have to do now is weigh all your options and choose one. From my experience, it doesnā€™t matter what you choose, youā€™re probably going to change some thing later when you have a little bit of experience and no just which direction you wanna go.


Thanks mate , just woundering if it was like a 69 controller that i saw on spider :stuck_out_tongue:

What are you use ? @happilyretired


AC Infinity is the best for automation/fans I would have to disagree on the statements about growing you can grow 2-3 pounds in a 4x4 with four plants in Coco/scrog I can pull 1.5-2# in my 3x3/coco consistently


The controllers will do the same like ac does only thing I didnā€™t pay attn to is it wifi or Bluetooth capable. Idk that part lol and I didnā€™t pay attn to how many outlets it has like ac has 2 for every controller unless u go for the bigger ones that allow 4 fan accessories.


They only need one port for the temperature unit unless you plan on running all their equipment to plug into it most fans unless itā€™s something they design is not going to plug into it


AC has some nice stuff. There is an add on believe it was for 4 lights or fans to run off 1 controller. Not plug in but make them run faster slower or off if needed. Pretty slick stuff.


Okey Thanks my friendly mark :pray::muscle::rose:


Iā€™ve got a 69 pro+ it has I believe 8 ports itā€™s got way too much crap I just use my 67ā€™s with Bluetooth ther great ocasionaly I check temps while in Living rm


I have the 67 also though it was 69 lol. Only 2 ports but I use only 1 of them for the exhaust.


Iā€™ve been using the AC Infinity 69 Controller and so far I really like it. 4 ports plus the temp/humidity sensor with Bluetooth and WiFi. I am currently like 3 miles from my grow and right now I can see the parameters areā€¦

I can adjust them anytime anywhere as long as I have data or a WiFi connection.


Have 69 pro in 4x8 tent with T7 humidifier, i set vpd and exhaust tent to maintain temp. and humidity per vpd, works great!


Yeah the 67s do that and they auto adjust temp humidity show you the VPD all the good stuff on the app just not ate ports and I believe the pro Plus can do sunrise to sunset settings I have not played with it I got it on an IG win with the AC Infinity propagation cloning setup itā€™s also got a little Sun up sun down timer for the propagation deal I just used the propagation cloning part not the controller


The leaves are trash ? :stuck_out_tongue:


What do I use? :thinking:ā€¦ well, when I have my indoor growing, I only use my 69 controller to operate my fan. The fan is only used at lights out for the humidity spike. I have a dehumidifier Set to 60%. I have a mini split for temperature control in the room. I have 2 HLG 600 on the light rail. I run separate timers on my lights. this way, if there is a failure, it would have to be both timers at the same time to mess up my plants. This way you can turn on one sunrise and one off at sunset also. I donā€™t. if you have the 69 and it fails, what are you gonna do? It runs everything. I have everything including nutrients, which are on a different timer running on their own timers and if one of those fails, I can use the 69 for the back up. This was not planned. The 69 came after all the other stuff. anyways, thatā€™s what I do. Everybody does it different. I tend to overthink everything times 10.:v:t3:


Is it just the top half of the plant that yellowed or bottom leaves also. If just tops Iā€™d lean on light burn. Otherwise itā€™s a phos or mag issue it seems. Have u watered with just PhD water til u get runoff let like a cup drip out lift pot up then catch some in a cup enough to take a reading. Do pH and ppm if u got that yet. pH for sure if thatā€™s off it will lock out certain nutes


itā€™s just the topper, then I removed some leaves that covered some budds have ordered ph tool


If itā€™s just the tips and nothing under them Iā€™d say itā€™s the light. Raise it a bit 2 or 3 inches maybe. See if it stops. They wonā€™t get to looking better but if it is light burn itā€™ll stop it from further going.


Thanks mate :pray::heart::v::muscle: @Mark0427


Do someone know How i can get s e Mail from
Cant find ā€¦ Thanks for help if someone know :heart::pray: