My Summer's Grow

I’m the same way. Love animals more than humans


Well I’m not so sure that her story is over yet. I just went out to check on her and her two dangled legs are now attached to the gazebo like the others. As it warms she may revive herself and live to warm our hearts another day. I couldn’t be happier.

I’m a little reticent to declare full life yet because it could be nervous system reflex but I am imagining that she is well and strong :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Well she is very much alive after making her way down the gazebo onto the deck and across the deck and finally onto the ferns where she’s at right now. The pickings are pretty slim not many insects are out there but I stand in awe of her as I watch and observe and become a part of her life.

And as she stands before her future I can feel her readiness.


She’s a tough old girl that’s for sure


she sure is


When do you meet her babies? I tried to read about it. I guess she lays the eggs and then dies and they hatch in the spring? I was scanning quickly so I may have gotten that all wrong. LOL … I’m trying to do like ten things at once … my multi tasking isn’t what it used to be …


Yes in the spring here in Connecticut :sunglasses::blush::pray:


Well, this morning, after meditation I went downstairs to check on my gals - I have the timers set to turn lights on at 5 am - I went down at 4 and saw that I had left the room light on and the tents open partially all-night-long. I have done something like this before - where I had a light event during lights out in flower -
I am doing what I did last time and crossing my fingers - I closed the tent up and will keep the lights out for an additional 12+ hours - I will turn the lights on for the hour or two before normal lights out and pray that I was able to put her back into the rhythm of flowering - I will have to live with whatever additional stretch comes from my mistake -
I normally check all these things but yesterday evening I was searching for my little friend after she moved off the ferns.
I am sharing this so that others that may have a light issue can benefit from what I found worked in the past.


I lost track of her last night - She likes to move while I am not around - but somehow we find each other after a while -
I suspected that she was under the ferns - a place I would never be able to find her - but early she came out to hunt - It is unseasonably warm today 55 degrees and rain - in between the rains Ifound her. Because of the warmth she is out and about at 6:30 am - much earlier than the past week.

She is alert and still very much alive

I would love to see her catch a meal

the rains are supposed to get very heavy with strong winds so hold on tight little one.Ill be watching -


She needs a sip of honey lol.


offered and refused - she can be fussy - she wants live meat…


Things are getting taller in my gardens

I will keep a watchful eye but I am sure my little light miss-dalliance will not negativly affect my girls - they are strong and healthy and have good genetics, one and all so one night of fuckup will be forgiven and forgotten -
I am giving the girls another bloom tea day which will help them get over the confusion I put them into. I also decided that it was better to get them back on the light schedule. Thank you for looking. Our little friend is still around - she is out in the rain (pretty heavy at times) hanging upside down on the ferns - Every time I go out to see her she turns to look - its very endearing…


I spoke too soon

New England rock cotton candy is a boy now so he got chopped.

It was the whole plant.

Shit happens. If only one I am happy


My little friend is still going strong. In fact she just had a little meal

I decided as soon as the appraiser leaves I am going to the pet store and get some live crickets and give her a good meal.


The refi appraisal went very well - I even showed him our little friend who was hunting ont he ferns - She actually caught a few small moths that couldn’t be too satisfying - so I decided to get her some live crickets - My wife and puppy even joined on this adventure (a rare occassion, but I think she has developed a soft spot for our mantis friend - I had called around for local places but the first 3 places we went to didn’t have any even though they said they did - so we traveled further and found the right pet store and I bought a dozen

of course as soon as we got home she was nowhere to be found but we have some nice live dinner for her whenever we see her next - We just got pounded by a passing hail high winds storm and i am sure that is why she disappeared to a shelter - We gave the crickets some nice grated carrots -


That is awesome. Extreme but awesome.


so this morning, after taking puppy for a park run I went about looking for our little friend. It is very cold outside so she won’t be anywhere obvious or moving but I thought to see if I could locate her - but to no avail (YET :thinking:)

but I saw this Big gal surveying our property from the wooded area behind the shed.
I went back inside to get my camera and from my office window was able to capture these photos -

She is a very BIG girl for a Bobcat - she, the fishercats and coyotes are why I never let Maya out without being present and active outside - Crystal the feral cat has interacted with all the predators that come to this place and somehow has not been harmed

She is quite beautiful and I have seen her before -

I will resume looking for the mantis when it warms up later this morning.


You need some adult cat food…


Here kitty kitty!!!

Very healthy Bobcat…Getting the winter coat! I’ll bet it has a really plush coat with winter coming on !!


Gorgeous! Real nice patio setup too ! I could definitely hang out there smokin lol.