New experimental round

Notice that please,

The Italian baby was stabled at the same situation since November 18-2019 till yesterday, and before the nourishment by the “Extra Virgin Olive Oil”.

November 18-2019,

November 21-2019,


But after the nourishment by the “Extra Virgin Olive Oil” has burnt as shown in the picture, because one drop has fallen down on it, exactly on the naked green leave, which is been appeared.

Note: be patent and don’t nourish you plants by the “Extra Virgin Olive Oil” now, until you make a scientific sure, that is safe for the plants from a trustworthy botanists or experts, or unless after my experiment, to keep your plants safe and healthy.

Feel free to correct my a mistakes.

Depends how the plastic is made and what it contains. We use a ABS table that are approved for food production


Interesting tks good to know;)

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:pushpin:In November 23 and 26-2019 had been nourished by nearly 4 drops of “Extra Virgin Olive oil”.

Nearly two leaves has touched some of “ Extra Virginia Olive Oil” when I intend to nourish the Lithuanian baby hours ago, because the PC fan air flow has pushed it on it accidentally, where I exactly signed on by the blue color in the picture below. But I sprayed it by water and then used the paper towel after that event directly for the absorption process, to release the oil away very fast from it.

Hopefully he or she will be fine.

Yes, looks fine so far as you could see.


The Italian baby’s radical looks alive, which being on the “Extra Virgin Olive Oil” effects actually only on the cotyledon exactly, as you could notice.

And then has been transplanted into same potting soil today, but it’s mixed with the perlite.

Hopefully the plant grow up.


The Lithuanian baby has been nourished by 6ml of compost tea today.

The organic compost tea ingredients, that I made months ago mixed on the remained quantity which I made years ago: crushed mixture of some of dried banana peels, wild hens eggshells, peanuts shells, dried fig fruits, dried fig tree’s leaves, dried kiwi peels, dried lemon peels, hazelnuts shells, dried potatoes peels, dried berry leaves, dried galangal roots, neem tree’s leaves and some of cuttlebones powder. !!

I think the “Extra Virgin Olive Oil” will be a healthy nourishment, as I noticed. But keep the oil away from touching the plant’s leaves, especially before the maturity.

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Has been nourished by nearly 10 drops of “Extra Virgin Olive Oil” today November 28, 2019,


Has been tossed in November 27, 2019.

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Italian strain & labeled as Original.

Germination Date: November 21, 2019 at 09: 45 AM

Sprout Date: November 28-2019.

I returned back to my old place that I installed for germination years ago,


From one of the offsprings that I picked up from one of the original Italian girl’s buds, that I’ve planted previously in this year.

Germination Date: November 26, 2019
Sprout Date: November 28, 2019

Strain: Italian
Label: Original


I used that kind of pots in this round as well,


November 29, 2019.

Yes true, healthy cannabis plants which have robust genes are swift in growth, as I noticed.

Last updates minutes ago,


November 30, 2019

The Last update on the Lithuanian baby. The growth seamed like kind of stunt.

I’ll give the baby a few more days and under-notice without adding any kind of nourishment, to let the problem details be more obvious for diagnosis.

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November 30, 2019

The last update on that Italian baby,

Looking fine so far and thank you.


November 30, 2019

The last update on that Italian baby,

Looking fine so far and thank you.


December 3, 2019’s update.

Any one know what is that strange growth which are looks like the “Bat’s Thumbs” on the leaves tips? :bangbang:

I noticed that since that stage of growth which being since November 30, 2019.


I like the unique cannabis shapes, but without loosing :one:The correct molecule’s programs, :two:The robust genes, :three:The natural components, and definitely :four:The natural aroma as will.

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That’s wild man, keep me updated on some more pictures please


No worries, I’ll :+1:t2: as much as I could.