New experimental round

We all do want to assist you, I’m just being more vocal :wink:


I really appreciated and being appreciating that from you all, and wishing to repay that to you all in someday.


Ok, let’s see if I get this right : You are trying to grow cannabis with very limited resources available to you.
The rocky soil you show in the pictures is what you have to work with?
You have a small quantity of potting mix, but not enough for a whole plant?
You’re brewing ''teas" to provide better nutrients for the soil that you have?
Do you have access to a lot of water?
Do you have access to compost? Or even chicken manure?
Bat guano is also very good if you can find any near you. Coffee grind could be added to the soil.

We need to find something to make your soil as good as possible for your plants.
It would help if we knew all the resources available to you.
Once we know what we’re working with, I’m sure you will have a lot more suggestion from the other growers here.

If anybody has any ideas, feel free to chime in please! :nerd_face: :


Get some azomite. Add micro and macro to that “dirt”


Lol god damnit i shot cofee out my nose! Ha ha. Im sorry that was rude. He likes to try thing’s! Im going to try these!


Am sorry for the late response.

Yes, the quantity which I have nearly capable to fill 6 gallons and quarter of fabric pot, from that kind of dirt.

Yes. I could buy more potting mix than I have now, but unfortunately, the problem is the macronutrients concentration numbers are not shown in the nearest stores products, as I noticed in my last visits, which made me hesitated to buy.

I made an organic mixture which contains the ingredients next below,
crushed mixture of some of dried banana peels, wild hens eggshells, peanuts shells, dried fig fruits, dried fig tree’s leaves, dried kiwi peels, dried lemon peels, hazelnuts shells, dried potatoes peels, dried berry leaves, dried galangal roots, neem tree’s leaves and some of cuttlebones powder.

But I’ve to bay the brewing equipments.

Yes, drinking water which contains 7.0 in their pH range.

I could bring some of sheep :sheep: and goats :goat: manors, but am not really sure about their health and quality, because they are not under my breeds or unless known person breeds. I don’t recommend that for the indoor cultivation, because am not a hundred percent sure that might invite or not a lot of pests and diseases, If your grow room without a perfect air purification.

Am not sure but I might order one.

Roasted or green :arrow_right:(not roasted)?

I really appreciate your assisting.


Sorry for the late response.

Do you think that mixture contains both of complete macro and micro :arrow_down:.

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Probably not.


Graph bringing forward the levels of pH per element


Soil PH is super important. If its off even a little bit. You will and I promise at some point problems will arise. Most growers tend to overreact when they see a issue. Never once thinking about the.growing media PH levels. This also translates to all media pH levels. Hydro is different then soil. However the outcome is always the same.


I really appreciated your support by that information. I’ll read that once l get up.


Please stop worrying about the late replies, nobody here is in a hurry! First thing we have to learn is patience :wink:

For now, it should not matter too much. The important thing is that the potting mix is made specially for growing vegetation, and that’s what you want. A good fertile soil. I have been told by somebody I respect a lot that NPK rules. As long as you have enough of those, you should be okay.

That dirt you have looks more like barren rocky desert soil than good living forest earth…
Have you seen anything grown in it? How does it retains moisture? Personnally I would not use it and use only potting mix.
If you really have to use your soil, make sure to follow @MK3_Pharms advice for PH.

When you are done brewing your coffee, mix in the remaining coffee grind in your soil.
Same advice for PH though.

If you’re looking for natural supplement for your plants look up @Ladithief tea recipes.

Use what you have and what you can source. Imo, anything would be beneficial for that “dirt/soil”.


There are a few golden rules to growing cannabis.

  1. Patience
  2. Genetics (good genes are good, bad are of course bad)
  3. Lighting
  4. NPK
  5. Micro and Macro
  6. Air flow
  7. Water

Those are the main things to focus on. NPK is king. Follow that and you won’t have issues.
Be preventative in every aspect of growing. Don’t wait till you have a problem to fix it.
Don’t try to reinvent how to grow. The ground work is already done, just follow the path.


Thank you and to tell you the truth, I am not doing anything, just pitching ideas and trying to get the discussion going here. You are the one doing the work! I am also really happy for the people here helping me. I am far from the best grower here, but I try to do my bit to help and give back to this wonderful community.


Sometimes inspiration comes from the smallest things


Alright, I’ll.

Yes, that seedling being under experiment which I intended it to test that kind of media on plant growth, and on how is the media’s compression strength will be on the roots, if is it could stand with it or not during the seedling stage, and without any kind of additives like nutrients or adjustment for the pH’s range. But I covered that stony media surface by nearly quarter tablespoon from that potting soil which I currently have exactly has been putted on above it, before it’s emerged up to let it push its self a little bit up as a power before its real job test for the media, as I imagined.

The germination date was in November 26, 2019, and the sprout date being in December 6, 2019.

Yes, that what you could see and notice on it growth so far, in pictures below,

Susceptible by drought, which took my attention to I keep mentoring it a lot.




You should try to take off the shell and membrane buddy… Sometimes you need to help it little bit… I just helped this one a few hours ago you can see shell and the membrane that was keeping cotyladons together. I use tweezers


Fantastic, I’ll do that when it’s wake up.


Are not on 24 hour light right now?

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24 hours light my friend… Lots of humidity too

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