Nz outdoor

I think there are 3 of us kiwis here now!


@PreyBird1 yes its good to see us kiwis in here


Oi Kiwi. I’ll be growing closer to you soon.


Actually @chris66 and I will be about 42 miles apart hehehe.


Thats like an hours drive how fun!


Not very far to travel for a feed of fresh fish and crabs at the right time of the year.


Yes there has been a few come and go since I joined.
A few have posted all about their grows which I really appreciate.
That’s why I keep the posting up even though I have paranoia about it.
I love to learn and see how others do it.
Then I try and apply this knowledge to my life and grows.

With this driving testing coming in I think it will reduce the usage and outwardness of people using/growing it.


@tubular Yea i here ya on the paranoia bro part of the game we play i need to post my 1st indoor grow currently on my 2nd at mo trying a few different things after seeing a few good grows and growers in here love learning and seeing how others do there grows especially in here alot to learn i usually grow outdoors stick em in the ground feed em and smoke em have definitely learned alot in the short time i been in here

And yes the driving testing gonna be a pain for us smokers might have to just grow and not smoke if it gets to hardout

Hope your well and the weather not to bad were you are


cheers yes
the weathers crap at moment with horizontal rain and force 8 winds, but not to cool though.
I think i might just grow small indoors after this season>>>just a thought.

all the best for your season out there. and look forwards to seeing pics of ya setup.

happy growing


@tubular cheers brother yea horizontal rain and bloody wind it winter tho so its not going anywhere soon will give you a buzz when i put up a post

Happy Growing


Yeah i think its unfair to just randomly test people. Scary stuff there. Watched a bunch of youtube videos where the police just test people left and right. Crazyness i say. I mean in Portugal all forms of drugs are legal and look at there drug/crime rates. We all need to learn from them. Heres a link. Treat the addicts dont lock them up!


Awesome link @PreyBird1 and yea it will stuff alot of people over we do need to learn from Portugal tho Drug/Crime rate is all we need to look at to see it works well and agree 100% on treat the addicts not lock them up hope your well my brother


Yes there is a push from the greens and people who want to see that but i am not sure the governments really give a shit.
elections here next year and if the national get in it will be even harder on all drug users except alcohol…!
I will clone the tops of the seedlings next week. to determine sex.

can i ask how you identify the respective clones? ie hash god plants are labeled 1-3 are labeled on plant pot but what do you use on the clone?


well i like that the research on cannabis has produced an exceptional safety result.
that pretty much concludes for me it can be used for a lot of situations, although i think binge culture in nz has contributed to overuse of all things-drugs, foods, social situations/ influences - including cannabis.


I take a plastic cup and slice it into long strips and use a sharpie marker and mark them super easy.


Clever pants!


Yep nacho that’s what I have been bitching about. We have the legal grow, IF you buy a card and a grow license, BUT they reserve the right to SELL pot and make money off it, all the while still throwing people in jail for it. Bunch of bullshit. They have FAR MORE important things to do than fucking up the lives of people copping a buzz. You literally get less punishment now for murdering someone…and then they let them out with no bail to boot.

I guarantee you that if they fly over St. Louis County they will find a grow or two in every block. I know a BUNCH of people that don’t even have cards to use, and are growing in their backyards. And that is just in my small group of friends.



Yeah i think there application for a grow permit is a straight snitch list. No way i will get a medical card here! I qualify for ot. but i also lose my gun rights and then your on there “list” and if the laws were ever reversed the people on the list are first to go. And once your on the list those are the people getting watched. Talking about it here is bad enough. But i will say its my medicine and come take it from my cold dead hands. Its better to be an opioid addict here then a peaceful person growing a plant for pain relief.
Cops: “how dare you grow a plant peacefully.” Your going to jail!
Me: no thats my medicine i dont take pills!
Its always been illegal here i just stay low key…


Luckily our state has a 2nd Amendment law that prohibit gun ownership information from being shared. They also enforce medical use confidentiality as HIPPA. A retired ATF agent told me that their isn’t a Federal Judge that would issue a subpoena for MMJ user information in the USA. He basically told me that the only way for them to trace a weapon is if it is found at a crime scene.


yep its so weird I saw an nz news article recently of a reporter who had a licence for 20 % thc and in flower form, i cant find the article sorry, the spinoff i think …BUT to be used as a tea!! yeah, right he even admitted to the tea tasting terrible.
i don’t know what to say…
keep growing