OlyBoy's (Dunning–Kruger growing style) Last Wash Clone rambling thread with bad advice

photo dump



Gorgeous, just gorgeous!


Beautiful plants, beautiful landscape!


Thank you! You know what’s funny? Every week I am rearranging the pants in the bakery when they start stretching out of the shadows at night. You know what? I probably won’t move them again. I’m trying to do less. In the Marcus Aurelius sense of the word “less”.

I’ve been defoliating most of big plants at least once a week. Disregard everything I ever said about not defoliating outdoor plants. Defoliate your outdoor plans if you think they need it.

Except for the plant in the blue bucket, all the downstairs plants drain into the soil, and a few are even partially buried. And they get their water from the hose. I’m trying to remember the “it puts the lotion on the skin” line. Help me, obiwan kenobi…

This summer has been kind of crazy. Good crazy. After my eldest kid graduated in June they told mom they wanted to move in with me. And my youngest has been extra fun and full of joy and life. We just did 7 beaches in 7 days and I’m beat. Today was the first day back at work for me. First time in 9 days that I didn’t put on a bathing suit to go somewhere ha hahaha!

These outdoor plants are really low maintenance now. Since I’m not taking time doing nutes or anything d7ring watering, I have a little more time to prune, shape, and break the plants. I was cleaning out my car (up on the street) and Joey had a pair of rotten shoes fermenting in the trunk, so I threw them down to the trash cans in the;driveway and one sneaker busted off a big branch.one of the plants. :joy::sob::joy::weary:

With everything going on with my kids (don’t get me wrong, things are great, they are just different) AND work AND with Camilla’s mom :rofl:, time with the plants has been a real zen/chill time for me.

I need to bounce over to your thread and see how you’re grow is going over on the west side.


Beautiful garden as always brother :+1:t2:.


Thank you! What kind of soil are you using with your outdoor plants now?

Hey, bro! Thanks for checking out our grow down here.


Fox Farm Ocean Forest. It’s the first year I’ve used it. I find that it dries out awfully fast.


Looking great! The Cyclops Saucerman and LOL almost look related… lol


Yep yep… that’s the way I roll and have been since I started growing this stuff.
7 beaches in 7 days… I bet you guys had a blast. In the pictures you posted, it didn’t seem like it was real windy and it looks like the sun was shining… perfect…:+1:t3::v:t3:


That is the line O, your right. - Or else it gets the hose again is the rest. We hardly ever go to the beach. My wife definitely does not do water. Me and the boy went like a month ago but I brought the metal detector so it wasn’t a real beach day and for like 2 hours. I thought everyone had the scissors in the pen holder… LoL that’s where mine are…


Bud report

me: i don’t need to write any of this down. i’ll remember when I get upstairs

(10 min later: are all these pics of the same damn plant?)

me: anyway…

MM1 (with bee pollen)

these two have lots of bees visit












These are only the downstairs girls.



My kid came home with this Swiss Cheese plant.


Bud Report: Upstairs








@OlyBoy I think that’s called CRS," can’t remember shit", pretty sure I got it to. Bro your plants are coming along very nice.


hey Oly ur grow is looking great what have u been up to


That’s me. I don’t get into public water (beaches, rivers, creeks, pools, etc.). Maybe I’ll put my toe in just to see, but that’s it. That being said, the beach is my FAVORITE place in the world. Sun, Ocean, birds, sand, warmth, waves, cocktails. Win/win/win/win

well, duh! Same here. Also, my magnifying glass and trimmers.


Hi @OlyBoy

LOLOLOL … story of my life!!! So, when that doesn’t pan out, I then think that if I only take pics from left to right or something I’ll damn sure remember. Ha! And, do I learn??? Do you?

It’s going great! Very different from last year. I have pics and need to post them. The BBP is amazing! I really like the feminized autos. If I was younger with more time, I’d prefer the monster plants I had last year, regulars, but life is short, man … it’s like what you said … “I’m trying to do less” … still trying to figure out the Marcus Aurelius slant on that … he was the dude with that Egyptian chick, yes? The whole Asp story? No brain cells left to remember details.

Yay!!! So hard NOT to!!

Or else it gets the hose again?

Congrats on your eldest kid graduating. It’s a big deal. That’s cool that they want to live with you. 7 beaches? All in Washington? Oregon? Such a huge difference in beaches. I prefer Oregon beaches, specifically Cannon Beach. No CB trip for me this year … I might get to Westport if I’m lucky(?)

Talk to you later!!


This one’s a short short story… My wife and I are in Jamaica for our honeymoon. Btw I’ve been diving my entire life, old man owns a dive shop and 2 charter boats, I’m a dive master but don’t dive hardly anymore. I use to work with him a lot but we had a falling out.
So wife and I are in Jamaica and I get my gear on the beach checking it all out before I go to the dive boat and I want to give my wife a little lesson. We are standing… STANDING in chest high water and she’s already tense. I get the mask on her but she doesn’t like it. I find a small rock with a couple damsel fish on it. Tell her to just take a breath and submerge her head to see these fish. She sticks her head basically on top of the water pulls her head up lighting fast and say… " oh yup I saw them that’s beautiful… I’m done" LMAO her head was in the water a nanosecond. We laughed so hard. That was her scuba experience… LoL never again :crazy_face:


I would totally love to try scuba!!! I can’t believe I’ve never done it. Granted I’d have to get into the water (LOL) but I could wear a wetsuit, yes? :grimacing:


Ya… You need to wear a wetsuit most of the time. Temperatures drop significantly with depth but here in florida during the summer we can get away without one up to around 80’. You still hit thermoclines but can easily bounce around them… put it on your bucket list it’s like another world underwater, so gorgeous diving a reef you would never regret it.