OlyBoy's (Dunning–Kruger growing style) Last Wash Clone rambling thread with bad advice

What caused the burn during after the transplant ?? (sorry if this is a dumb question)


I was about to say I remember a similar picture from last year :crazy_face:


Ok so I scrolled and scrolled. Where is the chopped slicer video at. Lol. Waiting to see this now as an electric grinder would be saweet


And the year before… :rofl: i blame Newton… :joy: F = GMm r2
. .

that f-er was so sharp! it cut the crap out of me. It worked fine, but it also chopped the flower a little finer than I liked. It was inexpensive and I have other grinders that I like a lot more. I’ll be heading to Goodwill soon, I guess.
. .

omg not a dumb question. that’s why i try to journal this stuff so i remember not to do it again.

I got a bunch of free shit from another growmie and i thought ‘hell yeah, imma use all this free shit’. as it turns out the roots organic soil and that blue bag from ocean’s farm is a lot hotter than I thought it would be. I’m sure there’s some people around here that already know better than me. Anyway, I should have stuck with what I normally do, but I didn’t. 100% my bad. that’s how I learn though.
. .

Thankfully, they are photoperiod and so they have time to bounce back. Here they are today.

Candyland Peyote

Pink Runtz has some crazy re-veg growth too.

Poor Wash has her usual re-veg growth that needs a thinning.

It’s driving me crazy to look at it.

I’ve been flushing them for the past week and trying to keep them as dried out as the PNW weather allows.


Montana Silvertip. She’s got a crazy lean, thanks to repotting issues.

MS little sister

They used to be one plant. I broke them apart when I replanted them.

The Pave. I edited out the burn on the plant on the right.

They’er way bigger than I hoped they would be this soon.



“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.” - Douglas Adams

Yeah. I haven’t planted anything yet :crazy_face:


Well get busy then. TikTok. :laughing::joy::v:t3:


The gang.



OlyKid’s plants got pollenated somehow. All of them. When we picked up the tents and lights et cetera, we cleaned and wiped everything down. But maybe there was some residual pollen on a light or a fan. I don’t know.

I can only find seeds on top bud sites and none on lower bud sites. And I’ve looked at all the plants and I don’t see any signs of nanners…

Who the frick knows.



Yeah I just had the same thing happen to me. Not too many but definetly a seed in a bit of bud. Sucks…but oh well, got more seeds I guess lol.


The whole gang.

OlyKid and I take the OG Kush and the Apples and Bananas outside each morning and put them in a dark room at night. They’ll be getting the chop by the end of the week.

yep :rofl: that’s what I was thinking. Now they can start their own bean collection. :face_with_monocle:

Super OG

Apples And Bananas

the Pave plants love being outside.

Gonna flip the one on the left this week. The other one will go down to the bakery.

Wash getting bushy again

Pink Runtz

Candyland Peyote



Pave. 30” and sitting in the dark today to flip.



So last week we dropped 8 auto flower seeds. We got Creepy Crawly Annihilator, Widow Maker @repins12 , The Forge, and Pineapple Express. All 8 popped tails. We’re going to grow these down in the bakery.

One seed got lost in the driveway. I think it’ll grow in a crack somewhere. I got the other three seeds.

these three will live upstairs on the railing.
… … …
And here’s what I have on the porch…

This Pave is about a week into flower.

It’s the only one flowering now.

I need to top this plant.

Montana Silvertip

The other Montana Silvertip

I can’t believe it, but when I up-potted the Montana Silvertip, it was one plant, and I washed the roots off, broke it into two plants, and replanted them and they both lived.

Wash is looking really droopy and dramatic.

The sun is going down.


Pink Runtz

Candyland Peyote


Attention future me:

Today was the first day 2023 that the white fuzzy cottonwood pollen or whatever it is showed this year.


Looks like we’re almost even on timing for our auto grow. Looking forward to following your journal on this. I KNOW I’ll learn a lot from you!! Great weather we’re having, eh??


I just saw that! I put the last three auto seeds in small-ish pots (one is the orchid pot that i used last year). All different strains and I’m not gonna repot them. I’m just going to leave them on the railing and water them every day. I expect them to figure out that their root space is small and grow to an appropriate size based upon their container.

OlyKid can grow the big ones. :joy: :rofl:


we’re getting praying mantis eggs too!


they say about 200 will come out of each egg case … if I had a way to share … LOL

I’m so glad that OlyKid is here.


OMG. Me too.


Every time I try to find a notepad, it has random growing notes on it.

I swear one day I’ll actually do something with those numbers again. :rofl::joy::rofl:


It’s the cannamemory… We forget stuff so we write it down but then we forget what we wrote down because…well we forget shit. Another good one is when u are in a certain place and then have absolutely no idea anymore what you’re there for. Happens to me a lot.


Everything got a top-dressing and a thorough soaking today.


Pave in veg…

GG5… topped yesterday

Montana Silvertip

Pink Runtz

Candyland Peyote

Pave… Week 2
