OlyBoy's (Dunning–Kruger growing style) Last Wash Clone rambling thread with bad advice

Well, it looks like you got the garden cranking. :+1:t3::+1:t3::+1:t3::v:t3:


Very nice grow as usual. You’ve got it dialed. Your environment is very lush and green!


Pave. We flipped her 30 days ago.



You have some great looking plants @OlyBoy!


thanks, growmie!


Normally this plant spends the night in a different room

Now I know how big is too big.

This is temporary.

funny thing is that when the lights go off, so does the fan (that sucks the air out of the closet). This morning I woke up to a very fragrant closet.

Here’s the back porch gang.

Some of them will be going down to the bakery later this month.



@OlyBoy , those are some beautiful, vibrant girls there !


I haven’t had time to do anything with the upstairs plants and they’re all still upstairs.

the autos and the clones.

40 days since flipping the Pave.



Looking good @OlyBoy!




Thanks, growmie.

I’m not getting hung up on all the details that I used to. I just don’t have the time. And the plants seem to be doing great. When I’m not killing them. :rofl:


Yep i agree hes always got me looking at the plants in the sun! Man i wish i could grow outdoors. Back in the 90’s i had indoor and outdoor grows. And hands down the outside flower is always bigger and better. But indoor was as good sometimes better. And prefer outside but cannot grow here where iive.


Same. It’s so funny how different I am with my third grow from my first. LOL. I’m just willy nilly mixing up Jacks 321 without looking at the directions. LOLOL :seedling:


yeah. i just let my plants tell me what’s going on and what they might need.

yeah, bro. I wish all of us could have the chance to see their plants grow outside.


My 35ish-day-old autos are still so TINY!! Yours? I mean I know I’'ve been a little inattentive but not much. TINY.


I don’t even know with my outdoor autos this year, They only started really growing this past week. And they are drinking a lot of water now. They’re gonna take off.

I was toying with the idea of starting another run of autos. I still might.

(You know what? Anyone reading this knows I’m gonna drop a few more seeds real soon. They just have to be the “take care of yourself, girls…” kinds of plants because I can’t do anything else but water them at this point.)

I just have eight photos that I need to baby until October. Two of them have some sort of lock out and i need to flush them out. I hate them. I will not let them die.

And that beautiful purple Pave that’s on day 40-something???

Easiest plant I’ve grown. Can’t get any f-ing cutting to make roots for me though. I still have one plant of that strain that’s in veg. Every other strain I’ve taken a cutting for has rooted for me. Not this dumb strain. I need to make a half dozen clones for a project. I don’t know. Maybe I’ll cut a few branches drop them off to you.

Also, I super-cropped most of my plants yesterday.

Today they looked HORRIBLE! Holy shit.

I’m sure they’ll bounce back. I’m gonna water the hell out of them tomorrow before work and they’ll be amazing.


This isn’t catnip!

Our simmer is going to be a bit warmer and a bit longer than the last few summers. There will be good harvests in a few months.



Mine are finally growing this week. Thank God. I put half of them in too small a planter, but still.

I don’t know HOW in the world you have all kinds of strains and ages and all that. I have to do it factory style where all are the same age and get all the same stuff. No wonder you can only offer water. LOL If I understood that right.

But your plants look fantastic, so there’s that.

this cracked me up. Love/hate thing going on. I get it!

not a good idea. I’ve killed any plants you’ve ever dropped off. LOL. I’m sorry!! I don’t know why or how I do so badly with your gifted plants!!! It’s probably because they aren’t on the same phase as the ones I focus on. I can’t keep anything straight anymore. My brain is a MESS. But thanks for thinking of me.

Beautiful kitty!

I’d love to see a pic of your autos to compare to mine.


As of today, the small pots, same age, different sizes!!

As of today, fabric 3 gallon pots. Doing better but same different sizes:

And this might be a baby praying mantis or I don’t know lol pretty sure they hatched recently. I read they eat each other til there’s very few left. They are teensy and all I can see are tiny black specks where I left their ‘case’.


what a day…

OlyKid and I moved some of the plants down to the bakery

It’s what our forefathers and foremothers would have wanted.
We’ve still got a little more setting up to do.

Here’s our autos…
Pineapple Express

Creepy Crawley Annihilator

Widow Maker

this orchid pot dries out really fast (go figure :rofl:) so I supplement water on non-watering days with ice cubes.

I need mini-auto’s for this orchid-pot next year!!!


this plant (and the one in the orchid pot) are both about 16" tall.

And the photos…

this a-hole plant has fallen over a dozen times. It tipped over on OlyKid today and landed as upside down as you could possible imagine (in a bad way). So it’s in a cage.

Pink Runtz, Candyland Peyote, and Montana Silvertip

Will also be in cages soon.

Every once in a while I might water with Jacks321 or something like Renew, but I normally only use about .5 tsp of Epson salt per gallon of water. I will bury the three above plants about 1/3 down and ammend the outside soil with compost/roots organic or something like that and then I’ll just dump water (or ice) around the outside of the plants every other day or so.

And I’ve got a few still upstairs.

Pave, 47 days since flipping



Amazing setup. I love it.