Opunterra soil regenerator test run

If not let me.know ill get it to u in a dm or something. I appreciate it. @jj520 maybe intrested also u reuse ur coco and or aoil dont ya. If so even if not should give it a whirl it dont smell too plesant. But most things that help the pla ts dont smell so well. Lol.


Well been a while lol im bad at this. Grabbed a few pics after defol yesterday. 5x midnight snack @CoyoteCody and 2x cherry ice cream @hellraiser strain donated to me by @pr1

Of course the greenish ones r cic and the purple are the mid snk


Nice ther lookin good beautiful rm. Full of buds :100:


I wonder whatever happened to @hellraiser? He just stopped here and at ILGM. He was a incredible grower!


Wish someone knew also. As long as he is okay and wasnt busted or such i hope he is doing well. He was a great grower teacher and experimenter. Lol.


Yeah now for them to fatten up proper. The cic is kinda showing buttons like


This weekend i wont have kids around so ill mix up the parts of sts and make a bottle for sprsyong and start this sunday ill shoot for 2 sprays a day every other til flip then once evey other til i see something pop and show pollen.


Ph man. May have come across a little steal with a new guy at worrk. Jas 37 seeds 35 diff strains he is pffing all fems i got them for 30 bucks for all supposed to get tomorrow or tuesday. Ill ppst his posting in a bit on what seeds were in the packs. All.fems but better than nothing or herms. Wifes gonna kick my ass when she sees these roll i to the box.


Did you spray them yet?
Interesting deal👍🏻


No not yet. Not home. Had to go out and get my kids todsy so i have the concentrates made up just have to mix and dilute for spray and i guess ill spray first timorrow and start on a monday. Bull crap didnt feel like leaving today. Lol.


So this is where you are at. I finally got back in. Some thing in my pc would not let me log in. I am sure some thing I changed or blocked in my pc. I will be around a little more though. Since you have a grow in here :+1: I will finish my grow where it is. And start the new one in here if I do another after this one I am on :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes i feel like other forums dont my h like me so i stay away. Only ones that tall r thw ones i have phone numbers for otherwise they just dont say shot any.ore so i dont either. Lol. Low is about the cooleat. Cat there repins low field is basically about it. Oh and jj i talk to lole daily.


Ok fellas. Flipped the 4 sprayed subjects last night first 12 12 for them. Did 4 sprays prior to flup once a dsy every pther dsy for 8 days now fllip ill do every pther til i see atleast one pos on plants with pollen. Let us pray. So far all looking sweet but i have a little mishap here. I jave 3 spots flowering and nowhere to put the other clonea i want to dust with pollen. Thats like 9 clones i jabe no place to stick them. Msy be in a bathroom with a litght just to keep them vagging. Lol. Who knows. Im in process of findind me a 3x3x3 box to set on the bathroom sink cou ter and just flip a light on manual daily til i can get them back in a twnt. On thw plus i did pull the 5 midnight snack clones. Jas the bottom of my tub a purple maroon color from the drip dry afyer the eash. Lol. My daughter was super excited aboit the purple.mid snak plants and hacked off a branch to take home and let it dry so she could tey it when its dry and smokable. Hope everyone has a great day. Bout to water plants and get to doing some outside lawn work


So ive been sprayong for a minute now. Have u dulges into the spray yet. And what i sent u on silver nitrate and such if u havnt talked to gary i sent u penthydrate so where in the bideo mixing he uses 3.17g of sodium thio we needed to adĵust and make the batch a little stronger as it has the xtra water molecule in it. 3.96g of that and .08 on silver nitrate mox each part seperate til dissolved then in one jug mix a and part b both together and shake real well. Keep covered with a light proof way somehow. I use a glass jar wrapped in aliimi um foil and tape. I stuck my eye to the jar prior to fill and i couldnt see any kind of light thru at all so hopefully it works good for ne. Today will be spray 2 on 12 12 fingers crossed still. Lol. @not2sureyet @pr1 @jj520 @repins12. My first candidates if u want some fem pollen from cic or mid snk if it works out for me. Im using some then whats left i will disperse between a few that will use it to make seeds or something good with it. I got my couple ways to run this pollen then whatever anyone else does with some besides what i do. For sure brian will get some cic pollen and mid snk pollen. Now a queation for anyone who may lnow. If u take an auto thats flowering and dust it with fem photo pollen is it a photo seed that forms or auto or a toss up of one may play a stronger roll and thats what the outcome is whatever is thw strongwr role in the gene


I had wondered the same there. I would think @repins12 would probably know that. How far off is the MS pollen? :laughing: I need to sit and do a long pm for you. I took my clone and just grew it out. Since I plan on not growing through the winter. I can change the fan in the 4x4 to do a pollen run. One plant by it self so I can concentrate on just it. I have to look back. But I grew another photo that was nice and also red. Nice buds too. I am hoping Cody’s cross with the AK - 47 turns out. I think that one would make some great plants.


Yep I’m waiting on that one as well :joy::sweat_smile::+1:t2:


Im excited. I so hope this wprks but my luck ill b screwed and it wont work. Lol. Sorry i am a debby downer for myself but i lnow my luck.


I had looked into buying pollen before. I should re look and see what is available now :grin: I thought you had made seeds a few times before


I did once not quite on purpose the male qas kept on purpose but dummy me pulled the pkant out of my room to scope it out and it spewed pollen bad right into my intake which seeded every plant in there. The ones direct infront of the intake tube area were riddled with beans. Lol. All reg stuf tho. Was 4 strains got mixed with a pink plasma male he was a super thick full of sacs also


You end up with what they call a fast photo :+1:t4: