Opunterra soil regenerator test run

Pushed off to the back til this weekend. But loving. Lol.


Nice thanks for the pic looking good :+1:t2:


Saturday norn I’m gonna chop all the pbb clones in the room and get the other mid snk clones in pots to veg for a short bit and flip them and when I move the Ms clones that will open the cic clones to a lot more light and all. They r starting to show newer growth at the bottoms now. Took a minute for roots to settle I guess but I stuck them right to 7s from the shipper


Yeah probably take a bit for them roots to hit the sides before it takes off


Those images look great!


Thanks. Gonna chop it all down this weekend so all the pbb clones r all gonna be weighed as one as they r all the same everything. I’ll fill everyone in on weights when fully dry and I jar it up. I may even chop the purple mid ight snack as it’s pretty milky and smokes great now as I robbed a small branch to scope and try it out. It pressed pretty fricken purple also. I may have a pic but my camera sux I’m sure it’s a lot more purp look than pic shows. Well y’all will get to see plenty of it pressed out shortly when dry lol. It’s a great smoke my wife loves it. But next round I’m going with blackberry kush courtesy of @scryptic and blackberry moonrocks courtesy of @not2sureyet wait right as I chop the pbb down in goes the 5 mid ight snacks that I took from the purple pheno this way I have room to get these cic clones moving for a seed project and so I can try this stuff as ita been raved about for a long time and i finally have cuts that r living o can say tho if not overdone with other stuff rhe opunterra is a great additive for the olants so far. Hell even the plant fed that alone lived for a long long time til flower then it needed help some but def worth giving a shot if anyone is interested u can get with @opunterra for further discussions on it. Def has improvements over the ones that didn’t get it at all. Opunterra alone til flower has the mid sized buds of all. Jacks alone is the fastest buds by looks and the mix of jacks and opunterra is a smaller bud but may pack more of a punch as it has a bit stronger smell to it I’m pretty content with this grow as of now. I believe out of the 3 bigger pbb and the smaller potted one I’ll have a good 2lbs or so dry. Chop in the early am before lights go on. What’s the call on chopping the purp one here is some tric pics what’s y’all opinion do it now or wait a bit longer.

Sorry best pics I could get for now I have to take a pic of my camera screen with my phone so I don’t have to go thru a PC to get them from my cam to my phone. Lol.


Those images look great!! Im glad to hear the Opunterra went well for you. Sounds like you had a lot of success to this point. I cant get over how many hairs are on the plants. Looks awesome!!


Hmm must not have posted the photos of the pbb ones. They r chopped ill get final weight when fully dry but it’s gonna be a lot between all3 plants. I started to take some off branches and jar them earlier will do rest tomorrow I can get a rough weight tomorrow when off branches I think we did real well tho on weight pbb clones below

Also got 2x cherry ice cream clones from a buddy made by @hellraiser can’t wait to hopefully seed some clones of it for future seeds as this cuts slowly dying off. Lol. Everyone raves a out it so I must try.

The starter clones. I’ll have to get atleast 10 cuts from these to b safe and. I’ll use these 2 as the guinea pigs for sta spray on one and pollinate the other for seeds. Pray with me now :pray:


How are things going?


Not too bad. Sorry it’s super hard for me to navigate thru here now for some reason. Pages won’t scroll can’t check notifications unless I find my pro pic and click it. I prolly won’t be here til this is fixed as it just pisses me off I can’t do barely anything at all on here. Takes forever to get to my thread and all. Lol. Hope all is well on ur side.


They’ve been doing some kind of server swap out for the last couple of days and now everything is all jacked up


Yeah I can’t scroll thru just about anything. It’s so hard to get it scrolling. I was about to give up with this reply. Lmao. Oh well feels like I hit the jackpot. Have more coming gallons of GH flora trio still and whatever else the wife ordered for me I believe tribus is one thing she ordered I’m not 100% she pulled that trigger. Lol.

Cic clones courtesy of @pr1


Looking good! I just spoke with another person that is growing as well. He said that that his is more potent. I know @Mark0427 you mentioned that before. He also mentioned that he only used the Opunterra for his with nothing else. What are your thoughts?


Def made a difference in taste looks and smell. Not a whole lot lot but it did make a diff in taste between the 2 buds look to be more bag quality from just the opunitself well it did get one good feeding on accident by my wife but otherwise opunterra alone wasn’t bad at all. The buds were on the smaller side without a nutrient feed but everything else is quality about them. I’ll try and dig up some buds from each one in a bit and give u a pic of the 3 buds differences the opunterra and jacks mix is a little bit like the jacks alone buds but opunterra alone gave a little darker color to the bud maybe from temp changes idk. But the buds are a little darker looking than the other 2. Pics in a while when I get home as long as my arm allows it my boss is killing me today.


Awesome feed back @Mark0427 Thanks. Your plants are looking great!


Alright fellas. Its done. Finally got off my ass took 8 cic clones and i believe it is 10 or 11 mid snk clones. Id say when they get roots ill trans
Plant them in 1 gal pots give a week and flup and start to spray right away every other day 2 times a day til i see pods open with pollen hiping to get both to pollen for me atleast one mid snk and one cic would be great first time attempting this. Well i tried once with cs but i believe i got the wrong cs then i believe i got cs that u drink to help the body out. Lol.


Oh and running the vipars with the blue in it is totally making me wanna get a 300bspec for the twnt now. Nice round ushy plants not lanky tall gals. Im digging the blue for veg for sure.


Sorry for the delay. With spring time going on, the product is in demand and trying to keep up. Sounds like things are going well. I spoke with another person and he said that he uses the Opunterra once a week on his cannabis plants. Said he started at 20ml and increased by 10ml each week till he reached 50ml and is holding at that. Also, he mentioned that the concentration of his buds is stronger as well. Similar to what you have mentioned earlier.


Ive been adding 10ml per week with the normal feeds on what i am doing now and its going well they grow beautiful and seem to be a lush green most always. Im running low and may need to get another bottle whats best way for me to get it in michigan


Funny thing I actually have three bottles I can send out. I can send you one and two other individuals in this community that wants one. I might still have your address from the last shipment. The first two that send a message in the this chat or private message me will be fine.