Opunterra soil regenerator test run

I’ve been following this thread since you started it. I want to see how the Opunterra works out! Your other grows look great also!


What’s the count your going for? Id say run them all lol.


Don’t tempt me. Lol. They r all getting ran but for the experiment. The seed plants r moving super super slow.atkeast the clones have roots and a positive amount of green leaf going lol. They will get moving faster I believe. Maybe I’ll do 3 clones with the 3 seeds. Lol. Thanks slymer. Ur gonna have my wife wanna kick my ass. Gonna discuss this with the wife now. 2 opunterra 1 clone 1 seed 2 opunterra and jacks and 2 just jacks alone. So far I think the opunterra and jacks may be a lil much for the plants as she is the smallest but it did have a skin stuck to leaves I couldn’t peel off I tried 4 separate times finally it seemed like it split maybe ripped the one leaf but finally she is kicking sets of leaves now.


Ok got 3x pbb clones in pots to add to the experiment. So far opun on the seeds is winning by itself.

Pbb clones

Mid snacks


I agree with you on the jacks and Opunterra combination. Seems like too much nutrients is slowing the growth. @nacho151, curious to see how the Opunterra running solo does as well.


@Mark0427 those roots look good!


Thanks I have cloning down super well. Lol. Small seed plants seem to take a while for me to get going. I don’t know why


Slow and steady wins the race


@jj520 journal will be here. Trying out some opunterra soil regenerator to see what shall come from it. So far she is winning the race by itself I think. Got 3 seeds going one with opunterra one awirh jacks alone and one with jacks and opunterra all @CoyoteCody mid snacks. Then yesterday I did 3 pbb clones to add to this experiment and see what comes of them. No progress yet as they just hit coco and we’re fresh rooted clones. Atleast I had 3 clones all so.ilar in size that made the cat incident. Ol. Wife left my tent open one day after watering went to work and come.home to my cats 4 of them not sure which I’ll say one of the 2 boy cats tho got into the tent and ate almost all greenery off the plants every clone I had was in the floor or on tent floor roots out dry as can be. I wanted to open the front door that day. Lol.


What is this opunterra? New to me , :disappointed: that sucks on the cats buddy


What Jack’s mix are you using have you run 4/2 if not give it a try plants love it✌🏻


I did my last run on all 4/2. This run I’m going with all 3 I just cut the epsoms down to .8 per gallon not the 1.2. Opunterra is a soil regenerator new to me also. Almost smells like fish shit if ya ask me just not as strong of a smell. So far it seems to be okay for seedlings as it’s growing better than jacks alone seed is. The jacks and opunterra had a skin stuck to it I didn’t catch and it stunted it some but I guess it may be a bit too much for the seedling alone mixing both. Gonna try and keep up with this run so we can see what opin does for the plants adding it once a week as of now rest of days the opunterra plant gets to water with calmag only. @opunterra can better explain the stuff for u as I am still putting it all in my head so I don’t confuse shit explaining it. Lol. I don’t keep notes so I go by my memory and sometimes that’s iffy to trust. Lmao.


@jj520 so the Opunterra is a completely 100% organic concentrated soil regenerator. In a nut shell it replenishes lost/used bacteria (micro and macro) within the soil. So far the response from various plants has been a positive experience. @Mark0427 has been running a ratio of Opunterra at 50:1 (water:Opunterra). He stared using it once every two weeks counting the initial planting. So three times in a given month. After the month he will go to just once every month. Keep in mind this is just the bare minimum of use. You can adjust the dilution and frequency to get the results you want. Hit me up anytime!


Alright guys they r coming along a bit better now with heat. Lol. Wife’s not happy but idc. Anyways. Jacks is catching up with the opunterra plant and the mix is still a larger. Lol. ? @opunterra is there supposed to get a white look to the top of the soil with this stuff I noticed as it starts to wanna dry up too I see a white look forming maybe mycelium??? Here is everyone as of today. Today they got calmag a small small amount of molasses and tribus with ro PhD to 5.8.

And no no.bugs as we transplanted the clones the cat started to get the leaf as we walked to put the cloner back in the tent. I swear 2 seconds and my wife’s cat will be on the plants. Like he waits for us to walk away. I had to make a half door out of foam for when I keep my room open on jot days or he will walk in and feast away.


Looking good looks like they’re taking off standing up happy and proud


Yeah just moving so damn slow tho. Lol. Work sux when u work out side and it’s rainy and cold out. Lol.


Sorry for the late response @Mark0427. The build up that you are seeing is normal. That is the residue from the bacteria. I have noticed that Opunterra with molasses slows or stops growth. My guess is due to the probiotics that is provided from two sources the plant receives too much of a good thing.


Ok well we shall see here. I only did a small amount for the microbes to have some feed. Or so I think. Lol


Today’s family photo :smile:


Alrighty guys. I’ll pop a pic or so up later on when lights r on and all. Bout to fly out the door for work. They r finally cruising along with a little speed. Even the baby seems to be picking up a little touch. Hell I may even have a plant with color early on. The slow grower seems to be showing like some purple.pink looks on the leaves like she is trying to show her makeup skills. I sure hope so as they look so nice growing blackish purple looking leaves and buds.