Opunterra soil regenerator test run

Sorry I have not been on the past few days. I had to go and help work the production line due to a very short deadline. Somehow we accomplished the goal. We were putting in 18hr days and now we have a bit of a break. @Mark0427 plant are looking good!


They r starting to jump along now in the flower room vegging. It gets warmer in there faster without running heaters. Lol.


Ok out on the road right now to Drs for my kids. So far on both the seed plants and the clones opunterra and jacks alone not mixed seems to do okay alone mixed must be a bit strong or something as it has the plants alot smaller than the ones that just got jacks alone or opunterra alone. I’ll post pic in a couple hours after we find out if my damn kids have vivid. Both r sick ASF and we found out yesterday my mother and father in law. Bith have covid. Wife’s brother has it and gawd knows who else around us does. Pics to follow soon as we get home as they r due for a water today. Water alone possibly some tribus and calmag in the water.


Ok since I forgot and did pics before I water them. Looks like jacks itself is winning with the seeds opunterra alone coming in second at about an inch shorter in stature. On the clones the opunterra alone is kicking ass and jacks following. The mis must be a hair much as the clone is on the smaller side also still but growing like the seed slowly. Lol. I may just do jacks alone so it’ll grow and when she is a bit. Bigger do the mix of both when she or they establish something. I think I’ve concluded it’s too much for starting them off. There is no bur ong looks or anything just slower growth. If u can tell the sizes from this awful camera. Lol.

@jj520 @opunterra


They’re looking good you know me I’m all about Jack’s


Me too. Simple and like seems to be cheap as like 150ish bucks last me like 2 years and quite a bit of plants.


Yep 2-25 lb bags will last a few years very versatile as well can change the ratio to whatever your needs and cheap :100:


I’ve used the Fox Farm trio the last few years. How many different Jacks products do you have to use on a plant?


Jacks 321 is. A part a part b and epsoms salts. They do have additives and boosters but def not needed. Part a is 3.6
Part b is 2.4
Epsoms is 1.2g per gallon. If u alter it some u can cut the epsoms out and run it 4g lart a and 2 g part b and that basically fills the epsoms spot.


Thank you @Mark0427!


It is really a.good product for the price point. Like ff. Utes call for random flushes here and there with jacks u don’t have to. U can run it full dose without worries. I’ve ran full strength from see when she springs up and shows and green she gets fed jacks right away at full strength. I don’t much think I’ve had too many issues since using it. Not like I did before using it having low this or low that. Oops too much nitrogen now gotta water for a week strait to cut that down. Jacks is just do.it. Should call it.NIKE lol


Ok defoled a lot of leaf off so the inners and lowers will grow. Clones got bent over. Couple days I’ll throw them in 7s and veg em a bit

Think I should dim the light a hair for a little bit of stretch or leave her be?? Should be able to see labels on the big pots not sure on the littles but they r all 3 there still soon to have bigger homes.


Looking good! Sorry for the late response, I have been gone taking care of family issues. I just got back yesterday. Your plants are looking great!


It’s nice you’re finally keeping your own journal. It’s very nice being able to follow what you’re doing all in one place. You’re doing a very good job on this journal and the content is killer. Side by sides are always great to watch. And always informative. thanks :+1:t3::+1:t3::v:t3:


Thanks. Think I’m having some issues I cannot wash away on my clones. They been sad for 3 days now flush didn’t seem to help a good feed didn’t help. Transplanted them to see if that helps at all been since yesterday and they still looking horrible. Lol. Clones may be a loss for this experiment but I think I’m drowning some auto beans


Thanks hap. I’m not to pleased rho. Mid snacks r moving nice now the clones not so much. Lol.

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Anyone have any clues as to what could be. Roots looked fine upon transplant nice and white. Pretty thick roots around the pot area walls maybe a bit rootbound?? When we planted the clones from cloner they had quite a bit of root like almost foot long and like 2 to 3 inch bunch at the base of stem. I’m lost on these and so far never been to this point besides once and it was shit ass cocoloco medium that caused my issues then. Lol

Edit. They all get the same treatments. The o gets opunterra alone once a week the j gets jacks during feeds and the oj gets both together but opunterra only once a week I add with jacks. Weird how everything seems fine on all but the clones. The other clones I have r doing fine with the opunterra and jacks mix together I don’t get it pH is fine coming out at 5.8 5.9ish goes in at 5.7 to 5.8 I don’t check poms but maybe I should with these I guess eeh.


I would say give them a dose of recharge with the next watering see if that helps how are the temps are the roots warm enough perhaps they’re getting too chilly at lights out


About 78 ú9 day and 69 70 night about 45 50% rh all time right now. It’s in the same room as the 3 mid snacks which look nice. They each get a feeding like the mid snacks do also. A flush seemed to pick up the leaves some not so droopy but they even feel crisp to touch right now kind of. May toss them and try 3 others in place of them. Idk. Has me wanting to toss in the towel again and say f it lol.


It’s all part of the game buddy :grin:


Yeah this level hit me at the wrong time tho. Lol. Was doing so great and then my boss started to rob all my time.