Opunterra soil regenerator test run

This might be crazy but what if you backed off on the Opunterra to once every two weeks? Might speed up the recovery process. I find it odd that those three specific plants are reacting the same.


Me too still today r sad maybe due to the cut idk first time cloning that strain. I have a few more I think if by Monday they don’t look like getting better I’m gonna rip them out and throw some g13 x trufflez clones in there I believe that’s the other one I have 3 of. Otherwise adding a little to the fun just dropped 3 autos


Ok guys I’m calling it on the 3 clones in the pots. Still looking saf ASF. Appears to me that they have a phosphorous deficiency. Purple red stems yellow leaves with darker veins. Just think Imma pull these and do 3 g33x truffle clones or 3x black truffle x forbidden zkittlez cuts. I would try the pbb again but limited to one clone for right now. Bout to hit Graysin and see about coping some more of the pbbs1 seeds from her. What the choice u guys wanna see take spots with the pbb that’s being ripped out. 1 of the 2 I mentioned.


Hey brother. How often do you water? I’m seeing standing water in the catch trays. They almost look overwatered. Maybe too often. the wilt and yellow color kinda symptomatic of too much water. Have you tried letting them dry out a bit see if it makes any changes ? , I see a lot of plants this way on our properties with poor drainage and too much irrigation lol. Constantly replacing plants on these properties … They see yellow and figure it need more water. lol. This is just my opinion from looking at the pics. Some plants are thirsty and some not so much.


I just watered and didn’t suck trays dry yet. I usually let it set a bit to make sure everything is soaked good no dry spots then I’ll suck trays dry with shop vac. These r just problems I’ve always watered this way with everything last 4 grow these r just being assholes


Man it’s been a minute but they r starting to look better for me. 2 decided to flower on 6 hrs dark only weird I know lol they r fems photos. The midget that stalled is looking absolutely wonderful to me. Thick tight node and just full. Hope she’s a good one I am getting cuts before I flip it. Lol. Also started 3 autos one didn’t make it went soggy but 2 r good thors hammer and Welch’s plump twat by repins not sure where I got thors hammer from here is some pics hope everyone has a nice day.

Thirs hammer is the one with the smaller leaves lol. All the rest r pbb clones the ones that I was gonna trash.

Mid snk plants. Middle one was the runt or the slow goes and she is looking best of them all now to me.

Check out the green ones stance and node spacing just tight ASF.


Looking good :+1:t2:


They look great!!


Not too bad for not having anything but opunterra so far. A little yellower on the one but don’t seem to be progressing sorry leaves were ugly so I rip them before pics. Lol.


Ok guys so I’ve been running jacks 123 and seem to be having an issue. Well I have GH flora trio here also I started off with first grow and switched to jacks. Well I said f it and tried the GH on the plants instead of jacks. Man what a difference it has made. Seen a tremendous difference after the first feed and did 2 feeds since with GH may stick with it as the results to my eye r 100% better in all ways. Pics will come in a lil while as the lights r die to pop on shortly once they r woke up we will snap a pic and post it. Huge differences and even the midnight snacks seem to be starting to get the purple hue to the leaves and with jacks I never got the color besides green color and brown orange pistils. Lol.


I like the GH. I started my first grow with fox farm trio. Then switched to general hydroponics maxi series powder. 2.2 lb bags for 15$ +- depending on which one.
I run the maxi grow, maxi bloom and kool bloom. Cal magic and armor si, have had good luck. My brother tried to convince me to switch to Athena. But if it ain’t broke don’t mess with it. :rofl::joy:


That is very odd are you sure you’re mixing your Jacks right :joy::sweat_smile::rofl: the mix is 321 so if you’re mixing it 1 2 3


Yes I mix it right lol. Part a first at 4g anything additive after part a then part b last. I’ve cut the epsoms even tried to add it back to see if any differences but nothing plants seemed to stay more yellowish look now with the GH it’s nuts. Green and shining. Lol.

By no means am I knocking jacks to me it’s still the best for the price and does a great job. Maybe I am just having shit luck with it with these cuts.


Ok so seemed I was having issues with jacks this run so I switched nutes to GH flora trio and man what a difference it has made in the nutrient ones. Opunterra alone was not cutting it so it got feed as well the last 2 times but it did make these plants that got it grow nice so far the best clones I have going. I’m super impressed with it so far just not as a seedling with nothing nutes and the soil regenerator together. Here is pics currently all flipped to flower 3 or 4 days or so ago. 2 did flower on their own a while back so they look way ahead don’t mind them. They r showing some photos tho and I likey. Lol.

I didn’t pay much attn to which mid snack got both added from start but one is def a bigger bud than the other. I will look in a bit and update y’all when I look which is which. Till then happy New years to all.


Those images look great!! So you combined the GH with Opunterra?


Yes all same just changed jacks for GH. All else is the same tho. I’m wondering if I got a tainted bag of jacks or something. Never had any issues thru the first 25lb bags lol


Shit never looked which was the opunterra plant and which was jacks alone either. Damnit. Today after work have an appt to meet with a customer to fix shit on their house today at 8 and it’s hour ride.


I was talking to another buddy of mine, he changed the frequency of using the Opunterra. He said that 50ml (about 3.5 tablespoons) once a week has worked very well. 8 hour drive? bring some coffee, or energy drink.


No hour and a half ride. Had to be there at 8am. Lol. So far running 10ml per 5 gallons isn’t seeming bad to me. I’ll keep it going and see what happens but so far it is going great. I’m super pleased with the clones for sure. They r massive and I feel I’m gonna get some good weight from them 3 lol.


A few yesterday shots

Should have done some before and after as I stripped a ton of leaf off of them they were fricken nuts. Lol. Lets hope the buds r gonna be plentiful like the l aces r.