Round 2 for indoor

Yea you got me on lights. . I’m done after the t5 :joy::rofl: and tents !!


My room is 8x11 so I’m limited and already have a lot of crap in there


Swap out the tubes for some of these. There like $28 each. have 11 left. You have to submit a quote request for shipping. But call them and the guys will send you a link for an invoice real fast and text you immediately! This guy had my order packed up before i had even paid them! Amazing fast service! I was maybe going to buy all the rest because there that good! I was kinda hesitant to share the whereabouts of these Gems! Of lights.


I definitely appreciate it, gotten way more serious this round. Looking forward to Perma frost and then Perma Dream. I’ve got other crosses in mind and trying to perfect things. I flew by the seat of my pants previous grow , not any more I’ve got to much time and money invested to screw around. I like make and testing new strains and want to get cloning down so I don’t need to take 10 cuts to get 2 or 3 , I always aimed for 2 of everything I grew because you never really know how good till you actually try it and if no clones , it’s gone …


Every day noticeable difference :grin::grin:


@TheMadFlascher welcome to my journal my friend your more than welcome to check things out :+1::+1::v:


LOL, forgive me…seems I’m always late to the party recently!

Plants look beautiful from what I can see…lots of tertiary branching and beautiful color.

What’s not to like !?


Happy Thanksgiving @bigj!! We’re happy you like them and that the fit is right! We’ll be getting the 4" ones heading your way soon! Haven’t forgotten we promise!! :grin:


Happy thanksgiving to you too my friend, not a problem, I appreciate your help. I may know of a couple people who may be interested in some covers as well if you’re up to it and you don’t mind me passing on some info. If so , pm me the info and I’ll pass it along. Thanks again my friend :+1::+1::v:


I can see a difference from this morning till now. Put the divider in the tent set up turbo cloner , threw in one of my freebie lights for now …I have couple t5 fixtures I gotta dig out and eventually swap out.


Your plants look amazing in that setup!


I love the trough system, the internal spray (mounted on top of trough ) line shoots jets of water into the bottom and creates a turbulence In The water and aerates it. Being able to control the water level also helps a lot. Exposing the roots to more oxygen , constant flowing nutrients . that combined with the new light seem to have really given them a healthy boost. Growth this round has been phenomenal, almost double compared to my old lights. :+1::+1::v:


@PreyBird1 hey brother. Do you utilize the lower areas on the propagation side of the tents for growing ? I thought about maybe couple autos because I can keep same lighting schedule(1 timer) as the cloner and not have to worry about light leaks between upper and lower sections and the tend to stay smaller. I was thinking maybe making single trough system, 2-3 plants, low profile reservoir so I can keep it low to the ground for better head room :+1::+1::v:


Actually thats exactly what i do. I can veg 95% of the plants there using my agroleds. Im going to swap out the spider farmer for a durolux i have. Its better for veg. I tried that light for small plants its ok. Medium plants it sucks.started giving me nutrient deficiencies symptoms but it was poor light quality.


Ok so I’ve decided to do some bubble bucket style plants on the propagation side lower area. I’m going to use totes , I found some nice little Rubbermaid 3 gallon totes , 3 totes should fit perfectly, 1 plant per tote. I have another 6 port manifold and hd air pump , 2 - 4 inch air disc per tote , my brother is giving me a spider farmer sf600 light he got for free , now I just gotta figure out what to grow. :thinking:. See if any autos I have peak my interest or if I gotta find something new


anyone have any suggestions? For auto strains . Only because I can keep same light schedule as the cloner in the upper section and not have to worry about light leaks between the upper and lower


Orange Crush, is my favorite auto strain.


That one sounds pretty good , don’t have that one but may need to check into it. I have 60 auto strains at the moment



Just found a vile out of place in my auto collection, c99 x blueberry fast fem photo, was a freebie. I forgot I even had it. :grin: