Round 2 for indoor

I’m thinking I may pop some scarlet grape f2 autos . Double Grape( Mephisto ) x scarlet sunset ( Gas Reaper) , been intrigued by them since i heard the name. :joy::rofl:


My buddy just grew cosmic apprentice by night owl genetics fire!


Theses are what I have coming. The totes came in 6 pack so , I burned one and damn sativa hybrid got me thinking, Turbo cloner came out of big tent , I’m gonna run all 6 totes.3 up top and 3 below I’ve got the itch to grow. I relocated the cloner to the clone tent it originally didn’t fit in. Well I made an adjustment and now it’s perfect



That looks pretty tasty :+1::+1::v:


@PreyBird1 this just amazes me. overnight progress,(24hrs) now 13-1/2 inches tall.


Nice when you get the environment dialed in they grow fast!


Getting everything dialed In Has been my main goal. Now the question is… can my Adhd brain stop making changes and just let things ride for a bit :joy::rofl:. My brain does not shut off. Always hundreds of things going on up there . Constantly figuring out ways to improve anything I do. … it can be a blessing at times and a nightmare at others , I am naturally hyper/ energetic and I don’t sleep much . So I tend to ramble on and get a bit annoying sometimes,( especially when not properly medicated,) I apologize for that and greatly appreciate your help and advice ,if I get to be too much!!! Just tell me to calm down shut the f-up. I can take it. I got thick skin :joy::rofl::joy::joy:. :+1::+1::v:


I’m the same way bruh. My shit never shuts off either. I’ve never been to a Dr for it but I’m pretty certain I am ADHD also. I think in lots of ways I need to be on Adderall or something like to help me focus on one thing at a time. I’ll be doing something and if something else perks my interest I will start doing that also end of day I have 20 projects stared none complete and still shit running thru the brain like yep I can do this and this and not that. Yep I get ya man. I’m the same way. Lol.


I tried the pills didn’t like it. I don’t like not being in control of my own body. Once you take the pill your stuck with it’s affects till it’s done. I don’t like that buzz . I started smoking instead, I can control the effects and duration. When I find the right strain everything slows down a bit in my head and I can focus and then I’m like a freight train full steam ahead. I was a dealership tech for 22 yrs and was paid flare rate or by the job. The energy came in handy for turning hours but the chaos in the head made diagnostics difficult at times. I’m 46 now at 38 was a dealer master tech , left the dealer , I had my own shop couple years and got burnt out so I just walked away from wrenching… I work for landscape company. I’m working outside and we do a lot of different things and it keeps me interested and focused and has taught me a lot about growing :+1::+1::v:


Got to do what you enjoy and makes you happy we’ve only got one life might as well enjoy it while we can :v:t2:


Lots of pieces and parts coming tomorrow, should have everything except the one light I ordered and the other I gotta go pick up from my brother to get the bubble totes rolling, gotta get some seeds soaking and started. Probably do that tonight. I’m gonna run 3 scarlet grapes and possibly a test cross auto , snow Ryder x Gambian x blueberry not sure yet because it is auto reg and not sure if I want any males around while In The middle of making Perma Dream so I’m not sure yet on The second strain


I’m thinking Purple jellato, I noticed it on my list twice.sure enough I have 2 viles. This is one that was sent to me by mistake instead of the Alaskan purple I ordered. I got to keep the extra and they shipped me out the alaskan purple I was shorted. Purple jellato is Sunset sherbert x thin mint gsc , indica leaner should be pretty good. :+1: :+1::v:


Autos show sex usually pretty quick and makes r super easy to spot. I see lots of guys wanting to grow autoflower so I may take some of the ones I have and make a nice cross. I have regs and fem autos. Some of the regs sound like pretty good strains I’ve just never grown them because I always have my mind set to run photo type. For myself I lose out of I fill areas with autos because I extract and they don’t extract so well being autos. Think I have like 3 or 4 reg autos I should play some now I have a free 2x2 tent


Lol im the same way. I talk way too fast also. Ive always been hyper active and i probably have adhd but we were too poor for any kind of medical treatment to find out. So whatever man I only sleep 5 hrs a night. And i work 11hrs a day and spend the rest of the time gardening. Since i cant Race motorcycles anymore i tend to garden and work on my house.


I grow them to fill jars quick between projects, this run will be the first that I have more than 4 autos going. Usually it’s 2 -4 . I like photos better, but also like to run them longer so I gotta keep the jars full and autos do it :joy::rofl:


Oh I grew up poor too. And back then it was just roudy boys . I’m the same way. Sleep 12 am -5 am then work 7-7 usually. I can’t sit still long. Unless I find a good indica then I can be lazy :joy::rofl: winter time is the worst for me unless we have a good snow and I’m out plowing. The chaos in my head keeps me wanting to go go go, As you can’t see by my journal. All of the stuff I’ve been doing have been ideas in my head , problem is , they have been lost in the chaos and slowly popping back up , :weary:. Need to remember all of it at the same time and I’d be good .or just write it down. lol. I’m Already thinking about popping some fem photos on the big side of my tent after these auto. Never ends :joy::rofl:


Damn i wish i cloned that Purple rain i made that shits fantastic! 3 of my medical clients said it amazing. I really like it and that new hydro berry one i did. But i made that strain so im gonna run some more of it. After the coos got that clone and i shut down for 185 days she was all nervous so i didnt clone them. But i have 15 more reg plants of mine im running to see what im gonna do in my hydro.


Did you at least make seeds of the purple rain? I could kick my own butt for some that I didn’t clone or make seed. I had a do si dos we called Dosi dumb Oh how I miss it. Definitely one you didn’t want to smoke if you had anything important to do. Fricken lost in space la la land​:joy::rofl:


Um yes i did that’s how i grew it out. It is a new strain i just finished producing, this was one of the test runs of this strain. I grew 2 plants out and wow! I have lots more. Just takes so long to test things. Its an average of 120-140 days to grow out a new strain. Making the strain takes 150-200 days. Then seed cure 1 month then regrow prodigy seeds. Some times ill will be really into a strain and i will actually run the pre flower seeds as the mother is still finishing up seeds. This way i can get an idea if its a good strain. Or i pollinate the plant until pistil set then reveg the plant. It will still make a couple seeds and continue to grow and this way you can actually test it before you waste more time growing it out. But thats a trick i use when im in more of a hurry to try something. I prefer to have more time to test plants before rushing out new strains.

So tasty!