Round 2 for indoor

Caught up, looking good man! Saw you also used to grow with the good ol’ HID. I miss those lights, don’t grow under em anymore. (In matter of fact, I’m not growing at all atm and hating it!!) LED is awesome for several obvious reasons, but just look at those plants in the beginning of your thread. Hard to get those results with LED fixtures…
Happy growing mate, glad to have met you here!


I got new lights one is currently running on trough system the other supposed to be here the 26th for the tent. So far noticeable difference in veg with the current new light. I wanted to use the trough plants to make seeds but they got to big to fast so I will use the clones I have for the seeds , so I’m gonna straight flower the trough. Should hoping to see closer results to my old hids. I had 4 1000 watters 3 running at one point. Still have them bulbs ballast everything lol


I hope you rewired to before the meter lol. I recently learned from an article somewhere that the boys in blue actually track a lot of growers down with their AM radios, picking up distortion coming from the ballasts. This distortion can be picked up from as far as 700m, which is a huge radius considering that most of our homes aren’t 700m away from the street… Scared the shit out of me!!!
The only thing that you can do really, is faraday cage your ballasts somehow. And here I was, thinking that it was smell or IR heat that gave us away! Doesn’t matter if you’re legal but I’m still in a very clandestine situation. Not sure if I shared that article here somewhere, I will if I haven’t.


Nah. Just had some hefty electric bills , had to get rid of 3/4 of what I grew to cover it. The led is so much easier heat wise. I may not be running 1000 hid but I have an 880 watt led and a 720 watt coming. So guess I’ll have to be careful :rofl::joy:


I really hope I can find one of these pink ladies in this pack of cream soda I got coming. Great smoke.


Shit I didn’t even think about pics. Damnit. That looks nice. Our last lot was a lot bigger than this lot but not near as clean like. We now have building to store stuff in and not have everything stored outside. It’s super nice but he waits til I’m old and falling apart before they made this good move. Broke my back and bones for years lifting stuff. Y hand and back. Now we r all broken and hurting boss gets machines to do most the heavy type of work.


Dannng. I hope you do too. I wanna see that!

M3rry holidaz3 yall.


I know the broken down feeling, I was a mechanic for 22 yrs , worked at dealers became a master had my own shop for couple years. And one day just decided I don’t want to wrench anymore. And walked away from it. Did rental house rehabs with a buddy for a year and got into this landscape place. Started just mostly lawn and landscape some hardscapes , and slowly expanded, concrete, construction, masonry, tree removal and trimming, pool digs , fabrication. ect… I actually feel better physically now , no more back issues and headaches lol. Arthritis in my hands and elbows is better but some days it’s bad. Prolonged use of Impact tools , didn’t have composites and cushy grips or fancy anti vibration gloves. Heavy chunky metal air tools the beat the crap out of your body as bad as the nuts and bolts I was taking out. lol. I still take on an occasional project, usually some sort of performance build for a boat :grin: contemplating 383 stroker short block this spring for my boat :+1::+1::v:


Special delivery today. Early usps for a change. Seeds for me and annunaki hooked me up on my order. I ordered cream soda and huckleberry berry soda and this is what I got :grin::grin::grin:


Gotta get hap @happilyretired in here.



I’ll get a couple of pictures put up in a few days when I have a little bit of time. My projects getting close. :+1:t3:



White widow (left) and train wreck (right) clones transplanted into coco. Along with 1 fruity pebbles of clone in the center (lime pheno) lime pheno cuts getting some nice roots but they need longer. Cereal pheno clone didn’t make it. But the 2 cuts have popped roots so not a total loss , trough plants light schedule will get switched tomorrow to start flower , I’m gonna keep the clones in coco and try to keep them smaller so I can flower out the trough and test them all and make a final decision on the cross for Perma frost, Scarlet grapes cruising along. Nice and bushy. Purple
Jellato doing its thing. Kinda small but kicking along , and I dropped more cuts in the cloner. Took a few of #2 (monsters) widow and wreck for my brother in law and my father in law. Lol. My brother in law had an apple orchard seed he found in some dispo weed and assumed it was female and popped it and spent a month growing it to find out it was male … he was pissed … lol. I tried to tell him not to trust it being female. So I got cuts going for him and convinced him to keep the male and make some seeds and new crosses. Apple orchard x white widow = charlotte’s orchard. And apple orchard x train wreck =orchard wreck … hopefully he follows through. He offered me the plant but I’ve got to many in flower and I’m not looking cross them. Hopefully he does,they sound good and I’ll make him some fems. Lol.


Estimated delivery between 10am and 2 pm. Should be any time now :grin::grin::+1::+1::v:


Sweet bet you’re itching saw an email the other day where they said that spectrum x880 once this batch was gone they were gone said it was their flagship light seemed a little odd and are they going to make one even better? I know you got the seven something


@jj520 I’m curious on the new one. I ordered this fold 8 and 3 days later saw the spectrum x for like 580 something . That’s cheaper than I paid the first time( 675$) and almost canceled the order to order it , but I didn’t figure I’d save the 200$ difference for something else and this light will work perfectly for the tent. I’m just happy to upgrade these 281 led to some 301h Samsung and osram deep reds in a bar style instead of boards , between the better leds , higher ppfd and more even lighting should make huge difference


Gotta get everything perfected so I can run some of @PreyBird1 genetics. :grin::grin::+1::+1::v:


60%. And already brighter than the other 2 combined a 450&300


Nice is that the new one