Round 2 for indoor

Feels weird being home right now on a week day. We have a pretty good snow storm headed our way, supposed to start this afternoon , so we prepped and loaded up the trucks yesterday and now just relaxing and waiting for the call, probably gonna be a long night :+1::+1::v:


I was wondering because hydro is amazing by itself but i didnt realize how big how fast even with a container not so big. Its crazy and good work.


Thank you. The trough system is the fastest of my setup. Working on a new setup, lower profile for more head room and better spacing in the troughs , just gotta find the right reservoir :+1::+1::v:


No will now. Thanks for reminder lol


Shit wrong thread. Lol. Was supposed to go on mine. Oh well


Nice. Looks like they all took …


Yes a bit longer than normal and some of the stems did a major turn but I’ll make it work out if this is a nice strain. So far they r budding totally different and all from how the other 2 started. Leafs r way opposite and all


Yes heres an alternative at lowes 1/3rd cheaper and its got a long ass cord lol. When the pumps die i like to cut the cords of for building equipment. No need to toss good plug and cord! I alway save them for later :+1:

Now remeber im an over doer. I make it way over power but…adjustable for the required need but its always got a lot more throttle/pressure when ya need it. I do the same thing for my lighting equipment. I over power them and add dimmers. Because if you dont run them full power they last longer. It like have a car and beating the holy piss out of it and driving it hard vs. The same car the been driven n8ce and easy will last longer. So i under drive the quantum boards for longevity and to save equipment. I only use meanwell drivers that carry the 7yr warranty. From because they will warranty it fast even if you fry it accidentally and just say it stopped working? :man_shrugging: i don’t how it happened oops lol one time i used and extra plug end so i had 2 male plugs right…well i fucked up and plugged the balast into the wall and the other end was supposed to go into the light. Well my high ass plugged both ends into the wall and Bbbbzttttt poof the magic smoke escaped and it’s dead now. Damn it :man_facepalming:


Yeah ive been practicing my hydro. Ive only completed 3 grows. Eventually im going 100% maybe. But im going to make a fully aeroponic system that is 100% start to finish. I mean a veg to flower full cycle. I have been brainstorming for a couple years on how to duplicate nasa’s aeroponic mist system they use up in outter space. Gravity does strange things to physical properties up there but i found nozzles that will mist but there a minimum of 32psi to function. I dont know if y’all know who professors bruce bugby is. Be he does a lot research regarding plants and growing them at zero gravity.l in space. They are even testing hemp. But not marijuana. NASA would not like testing hygrade weed in space! bruces own words!! Hes the owner of apogee instruments and that company make sensors for nasa that measure micro radiation in space. Did you guy know if you vulcanize rubber at zero gravity it is 3x more durable?? Goodyear tires is actually testing the ability to manufacture tires off world. Cool AF but freaky at the same time. Theres a lot going on we have now idea about. But Bruce bugby, and Ed Rosenthal are my idols man super interesting people right there.


There’s a grower at another spot does nice work with an airoponic system he built out of a storage tote and made a misting manifold for it small tote but huge roots says res temps can be higher than in hydro with no issues


Yeah i noticed the cloner does get dang hot. At least a turbo cloner has a fan in it. So id have to incorperate a fan in there. Im pretty sure the pump generates heat and since it’s in the water that’s a mini water heater. You’re gonna want a chiller to keep it cooler.


And the fun begins , 2nd weekish of flower. I’ll have to go back and see when I flipped. My days and nights and even days of the week have been messed up with the snow and the hours I’ve been working, 7 days this week. Or should I say last I to this week. 7 days straight 12 -18 hrs a day. I have some major defoliation to do. Can’t keep up they replace leaves faster than I can take em :rofl::joy: And Well over 50 inches tall now… I have 6 inches of light adjustment before I gotta modify to get another 3-4 and limit out on ceiling


Hopefully take these 2 down tomorrow. Darker purple is charlottes dementia, lighter reddish purple is arachnid pie


Work work work. Going on 2 weeks straight no day off, my shortest day was 8 hrs longest was 18 hrs. 12 hr day today. Waiting on lights to turn on so I can check on the plants. Screwing around with the cloner trying different cuts I managed to root a stem I cut off a cut, I also rooted a fan leaf :joy::rofl: … the stem has formed a new leaf on top and the fan leaf looks like hell up top but still popping roots :grin:


What lights are you using for them clones brother?


Is a cheap king led km1000-100 watt with dimmer on 50% ,l in the cloner tent, I was originally using it for seedlings, The actual potted clones have one of my old phlizon pl2000 - 200 watt with dimmer on 50%.


New update pics shortly. Been working a lot and the haven’t had much time to post or even get into my room much other than to top off reservoirs . Feedings have been a hit or miss so my autos go a slight yellow tinge. The room is on 12/12 and the tent is on 14/10. Light come on in the room at 7pm and I’ve missed a few in times being at work and not getting home till lights out. Light are on now so far no work tomorrow :blush: time to work on the plants. White widow and train wreck out of control !! Massive plants over 4 foot tall :joy::rofl:. Enough blah blah blah. Time to go check things out :+1::+1::v:


Crazy mess.


Quick clean up. I’ll have to do some more tomorrow but definitely looking better