Round 2 for indoor

Yes we were brother . I’m thinking a little bigger scale. Maybe 1 as a tester


I have a lot of stuff in mind for this printer. Being a semi retired mechanic, I still do some side work , mostly on boats , I have a few plastic pieces on my 1989 sea ray that are no longer available and this printer will come in handy for replacement parts. My hydro setup for custom fittings air and water . Modifications for the tents like shelf brackets ti hold air pumps hygrometers , seedlings ect… thought about light hangers that fit tent poles , because the carabiners on the light hangers never fit to snap over the poles . Definitely gonna be busy with it for a bit …:rofl::joy:


I’ve always wanted a 3D printer and I would buy one but I’ve already spent so much money on my setup and I don’t really have a place to put it. Looking forward to watching you create useful things though. They are super cool :sunglasses:


Ok so I got board and thinking about new crosses. Ive already hit a few widow and wreck buds with some blue moon rocks pollen and well I have a couple emerald fire autos early bud so a dusting we will go. Emerald fire F5 auto fem x BOG blue moon rocks photo reg pollen. Emerald Moon Rocks or maybe Turquoise Moon Fire


Chopped down and trimmed up 1 scarlet grapes tonight, do the other 2 and the purple gelato , took a little longer to do tips off tonight. Troughs taking 10+ gallons every other day. House plant irrigation setups from my sister are working great for clones , so far 2-1/2 minute run every 24 hr is working out. Might need to fine tune but so far so good. I’ll have to get some new pics. I can’t wait to switch things around. This waiting till 7 for lights on sucks :weary:. 18 gallons of water tonight along with nutes and ph adjusting, getting some angry leaves up top of wreck and widow gotta see if I can get a couple more inches of height out of my light I’m only running 50% might have to back it down a bit more :v:

Quick pic Scarlet grapes :v:



White widow. Smallest bud pick is train wreck. Here ya go @PreyBird1 trough system kicking butt !


Wife’s gonna grab her sprite tomorrow and be like why does it smell like weed :joy::rofl:


Lol yeah its all sticky also. And if you touch it then your hand is gonna be dank smelling. :rofl:


It’s is sticky too :joy::rofl:. She is gonna be like WTF !! :joy::rofl:


Hahaha that stuff is like scratch and sniff. :rofl::joy::man_facepalming::facepunch::clap:


FPOG F3’s. Special project…On the hunt for 2 specific phenos … Dry cereal and cereal milk. I’ll be keeping an eye out for any others. The breeder claims 3 specific phenos and that he has had at least one of each in every pack. Lemon-aid , dry cereal and as he describes bottom of the bowl cereal milk. Hopefully I get all 3 and maybe find a couple more gems… last 2 seeds popped yesterday so we are 20 for 20 and all are in rapid rooters. I’ll get some updated pics later tonight, been kinda slacking on updates because I’ve been work a lot, took on a couple side jobs and working part time second job helping my brother at his grow. He pays well lol. Spent yesterday helping him denug plants and get ready for the trimmer. All his help bailed on him so the 2 of us prepped 15 lbs for the trimmer , 7hrs. 25$/hr. I’ll do it all day long :rofl::joy::v:. Oh and this 3d printer has had a lot of my spare time also . Getting it figured out working on a few things for my tents :grin::grin:


I was looking at these too. I`ll be watching your progress, good luck!!


Looking good so far. Iove baby plants


We will see if the claims are true. There is a lot of talk about this guy. Some good some bad. I’m not gonna judge by others opinions . I took the plunge and I will find out first hand if he is true to his word✌️


Thank you. I do too. Just wanna keep popping em , which may become a reality for me. My brother and his business partner want to set me up a couple rooms in their facility within the next year to make them new strains and a tissue culture lab. Ive been reading up on tissue culture and trying to learn what I can. Won’t be too much longer and I’ll be experimenting :grin::grin::v:



Widow and train wreck about ready to come down. Unfortunately I lost the one train wreck on the right. Parts of the problem with the trough system is that when I let the plants get too big the filled the troughs with roots , well that causes flow issues and the end plans suffer and basically drown. , within 2 days she turned brown , I’ve run into this before and tried to clear that area of the trough and get water flowing again but it was too late. luckily she was not my pic for Perma frost and I have clones of all of them … my brother in law finally picked up his 2 month old clones :grin::grin:. That’s 8 -1 gallon pots out of my tent and I can finally open up the 2x4 and get Perma frost cross going


This is exactly why when i built my system i used 3" pvc tubing. This eliminates the root problems where it blocks flow. Now i can see some roots that have made it down tube and into the resivoir just about 3" but water flows fine. And i wont know more until i take that plant down and pull up the roots. But the plants are massive so its exciting. You might have to fix the way the trough is set up or improve it somehow.


@PreyBird1 New system with longer troughs lower profile reservoir and less plants or run the photos in buckets and do autos in the troughs which is what Ill probably do for now till I find the right reservoir :v: