Round 2 for indoor

How do u go about sharing are pics saved to media center then when u hit the arrow at bottom u access media and select the ones u wanna share?? I seem to have issues trying to get to take a pic with the forum camera option it totally disappeared on my wnd here soni have to take pics prior then just share from media center on my phone. All forums seem to be going in the same direction as ilgm and the pthers im on have the same things changing.


Put 94 plants in today , put down and spread 7 yrds of topsoil and 11 tons of slatescape stone , set the pad for the lighthouse fountain and trenched and ran conduit for the fountain power . Was a very busy productive day. 2 of us 3/4 of the day while the other 2 guys ran materials :v:


I use my phone . I have an iPhone and I use the download tab and it goes right to my recent pics , I select the ones I want , wait for them to upload then check the preview and if it’s good hit post. The problem happens when I select pics to upload. It starts to upload and fails to upload . I’ve tried one pic and 5 pics. The pics I just posted I selected 5 it failed one which is better than what it’s been doing.


Man r u a michigan man. I see a chers there. We have chets rentall in our areas around here is why i as. Lol.


I wanna say this has happened before at ilgm and kap had a solution on resetting something. If ur thwre hit kap if not i believe he is on here also. @kapouic was it u who came to some reset option for dman i believe or thatbother cat that always has issues uploading pics divcjem maybe. Lol.


Yes indeed brother. If I’m not mistaken we chatted a while back about it. Your about and hour from me. If I remember correctly your area has a landscape equipment store we frequent to get some of our tractors repaired and equipped :v:


Prolly did ut between the amount of weed i smoke and my age creeping i forget whos from where. Lol. So do u rent from chets on gratiot then my work shop is about 10 minutes from the chets rentall on gratiot. We r right by division and main. In richmond hell man we may have crossed paths and didnt even know it. Lol.


Have to make a meet and greet day one day meet somewhere ill throw u some seeds smoke a farty or something. I have a ton of seeds i will never be able to grow all out. Ive gave away so many and just keep a couple fems for myself if regs ill keep 4 or 5 of each and off the rest and hope that what i keep atleast gives me one female. Lol. Just staryed a seed project to try and make some fem seeds hoping it works out.


Haven’t been to that Chet’s, usually more south west Detroit metro area like novi sometimes canton , The company I work for has lot of equipment, but I don’t use it for side jobs so me and my buddy rent what we need for side jobs. Lol. Try not to involve the company , not trying to step on any toes or cause any conflict. Lol. even though we very rarely do residential unless it a friend of owner.


Sounds good to me. Lol. Hoping here shortly I’ll have some free time. Wrapping up this job and I think we got one more small mulch job lined up. Easy one day job. 15 yrds of mulch. lol


@PreyBird1 New lights just came in. So no more sf600 .:rofl:. Both came with a massive decal. :grin::grin::v:.


Few pics. Got a few angry plants. Did some switching around and transplanting and pissed :triumph: a few off :joy::rofl:. Couple days should straighten out. Lol.


Took a few cuts of monkey slapz and sowah pebbles


What causes the yellowing of leafs and the purple stems reason I ask I have 2 plants with same thing someone said it could be Phosphorus deficiency


The purple is usually normal. The yellow is from a ph imbalance and stress from swapping things around. Lol


Cleaned up the main tent. Defoliated a bit. Everything is greening back up with a ph adjustment … @PreyBird1 top left green bush is monkey slapz . She is a beast :grin:.


FPOG F3’s pheno hunt . Thinking about switching them over to the troughs , I’ve got just enough slots with the 3rd trough. I don’t plan on letting them get big. Just big enough to pull some clones and then flower them. See if I can find Dry cereal and cereal milk , lemon aid would be a bonus :v:. These are the 3 claimed phenos in every pack :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:. And my little basil plants. Lol


The love :heart: tent.:joy::rofl:. Reversed white widow #2 (chosen pheno) along with train wreck #1 ( chosen pheno). Widow #1&3 and wreck #2&3 for some widow fems and couple other variants of Perma frost :v:


Clones needing to come out of cloner like 3 weeks ago :joy::rofl: and some fresh cuts of monkey slaps and sowah pebbles :v:


Front yard got finished today. Elevated spruce tree per their request removed some bushes reset some plants cleaned up the bed edge and laid 8 tons of stone