Round 2 for indoor

That would be cool. I work for landscape and property maintenance company , we do everything , I’ve been doing concrete for last month !! sidewalks, porch caps , steps, driveway sections. Lol. One of my favorite jobs to



I like the logo


Hey welcome back! Those are great looking ladies!


Thank you. It’s been a year and a half since my last indoor. Last summer I put a couple outdoors late season and nothing till about 2 months ago , im please with how everything is turning out , this last auto is just a monster, :+1::+1::v:


supafreak x icc#5

sundae smash my creation

Perma Dream

. Purple mystery wreck my creation


skywalker og

gmo x Mendo breath


icc #5

group pic


Few pics from the last good grow before the issues. just started switching to led


Right side of room has my G.H. Aeroflo trough system, love it. Favorite for hydro. Only downfall… not enough room to fill all slots with plants. 17 gallon reservoir, 3- 4 foot troughs 6 slots for plants in each trough for a total of 18. . 3in net pots , I can get 6 foot tall plants out of it, last smoke run with it I had stalks get so big they spilt the net pots and got stuck in the troughs.( was worried about splitting the trough). Had to chop them out, root system completely filled the trough and stopped water flow. 5 in square 4 foot long brick of roots :rofl::joy: … I had to force small pieces of 3/4 pvc pipe in the troughs to bypass the root blockage and get water flowing again so I could finish them up. I have a few pieces and parts and an idea to build another trough setup on lager scale . For now I use it for test strains or smaller seed runs/crosses. I’ll vary how many plants that go in it depending on testing . This run was a viability test and monitoring for any herm characteristics, so I ran more. Structure and height testing I’ll run less plants and give em some room to do there thing. Lol. This pic only had 1 seed bank strain (skywalker og) all others were testers every other slot for 9 total plants. Of the 8 test strains 2 were of my own 5 from a buddy and a forum cross ( gmo x Mendo breath) … getting about time to fire it back up and get some new testers to run. Lol. :+1::+1::v:


@nacho151 How are you doing my friend? I appreciate all the love !! Thanks for sticking around​:+1::+1::v:


I love looking at other peoples grows to see if I can use what they are doing in theirs to improve mine. You definitely grow monster trees!


They get bigger way faster since I switched to hydro . More plants in less time. . I’m pretty basic as far as my grows. Got some descent led lighting,(phlizon pl series) when all 4 lights are going and turned up. I have 1150 true watts and 11,500 led watts. Most the time lights running at between 60-80% Lol. I use simple nutes nothing fancy. General hydroponics maxi series Too many additives cause issues. I think of it kinda like cooking , the correct spices in the right amounts make the meal. Too many spices and at the wrong amounts can ruin it . I’ve got my systems down pretty good and pretty soon gonna throw a wrench in the mix and test my abilities to adapt to new grow system and make it thrive , flora flex 8- 5 gallon pots with drainage platforms matrix bubbler irrigation .coco media Drain to waste 55 gallon reservoir, lots of goodies With some apps for monitoring and control from my phone. Which should help out a lot with the long hours I work.( got today off recouping from respiratory infection). Back to work tomorrow…

. This is everything I use with the exception of ph adjusters ( atlas or GH depending on cost).


The small jar called myco + seems to make the most noticeable size gain. It’s just a mycorrhizae blend , but apparently the blend is on point, 3 days after adding it can literally experience 1-3 inches of growth over night on daily basis until it weakens from adding water then they get another dose and off to races they go :rofl::joy::+1:


@dequilo this is my kinda short but most current journal✌️


@jhrdcr13 this is my journal feel free to check it out


Tear down has begun. It was time. For whatever reason my wife and daughter think my grow room is a storage area and constantly finding new things stashed in there . Way way too much crap in my way. Guess it is just easier to shove everything in there and let me figure out what to do with it !! :weary::weary::weary:. All good. Attic has a lot of room !!! I Took the clone tent and table down Gonna get my 4x 5 tent back out and set it back up. I’ll finish Dosi walker up in the tent , give me a chance to get a jump start on the next run without disturbing her to much. Get the rest of the room cleaned and set up. Once she is finished I’ll set the trough system back up ( left side of pic against the wall). inside the tent , should be able to run couple projects at once utilizing the tent and my normal grow area . I need my Perma Dream back :joy::rofl: I’ll run white widow in one trough and trainwreck in another leave the center open. Make my selections pull clones for seed stock of each strain. And decide which strain I want to reverse , I’m thinking trainwreck and pollenate white widow get Perma frost seeds made. , I’ll pop several of the new permafrost seeds use 2 troughs which will give me 12 slots to make my choice for Perma frost selection all while the 3rd trough will have the the blue dream going , then more clones blue dream and Perma frost, make my selection of blue dream, I’ll take clones of all plants , each strain and pollenate each with my selection and keep the seeds separate giving me seed stock from multiple phenos all 3 strains on top of new seed stock all being f1’s. So if Perma Dream doesn’t turn out the way I want . I will have plenty of f1 seed stock to hunt and find what I need , f1 trainwreck x 5 phenos, f1 white widow x5 pheno ,f1 blue dream x 5 phenos , Perma frost f1 x 5 phenos . Do 10 permafrost f1 and hit all of them with the selected blue dream. Give me more of a chance to find what I want and lots of options to bx and stabilize the final selection, I figure the more phenos the better chance to find what I’m looking for , Holy crap that was alot of blah blah blah now that I look at it. My fricken brain is on warp speed right now and I apologize if this post gets confusing ,:joy::rofl: so much going on in my head it’s CHAOTIC… lol. Oh well that’s what makes me…ME!!


My 4x5 tent has a divider that creates a 4x4 grow area and an upper and lower 1x4 propagation area that works quite well for clone area. I’m thinking I may hold off on setting up the flora flex kit . Do a couple bubble buckets again.Probably autos again while I figure out how I want it set up. It’s gonna be semi permanent ,55 gallon reservoir, hard piped with glued fittings, I’ve got a couple unions figured in for disassembly to clean but won’t be able to just move things around like I can now


Just gotta dig the tent out and set it up. Probably be sometime tomorrow night. Time to go back to work !! Been off a few days from an upper respiratory infection that was made worse from a new guy cutting concrete dry!! Damn cement dust is no joke … feeling pretty good now . Off to work in the a.m :+1::+1::v:


Tents dug out. Hopefully I remember how to assemble it.:rofl::joy:. Gonna have to look it over found couple small holes. Get it set up and do a light check on it. Go from there. Didn’t really want to have get a new one, but I don’t know if I want to deal with trying to patch a bunch holes and worry about light leaks. Any suggestions on a new one 4x5 that’s a descent tent under 300$. Lol. Would be greatly appreciated,:+1::+1::v: