RUNTZ strain anyone grown it yet? What to expect?

Holy shit man, glad your alive and kicking seen those kinds of motorcycle accidents in person and most of the time they didn’t end up as lucky. Prayers for a speedy recovery.


Welcome to the family @vxllagenetics.
Yeah was super lucky.
i water everyday. And i feed nutrients for 3 days and then 1 day flush Ro water only. Then feed 3 days again. I never change this schedule. If i go more than 14hrs without watering my plants will seriously wilt. I keep them wanting water and food. These Runtz are heavy feeders. I got up to 1000-1400ppm. On feed.


I think that’s my problem is watering, my RO system has good psi but the flow coming out is extremely slow. It takes about 5-6 hours to fill a barrel.I have 7 4x8 tables and one 55 gal. barrel only feeds 2 tables. I’m using the botanicare CNS17 line what do you think about that line? What’s your N-P-K ratio on your base nute and your additives if I may ask. I feel like mine aren’t getting enough Nitrogen or possibly Cal-mag. My CNS17 Grow has NPK of 3-1-2. Botanicares Silica Blast 0-0-0.5. Botanicares Liquid Karma 0.1-0.1-0.5. Botanicares Cal-Mag 2-0-0. FF Bushdoctors Microbe Brew 1-0.3-0.2.


Thanks @PreyBird1 I appreciate you! Feels good to be a new member of this great community. Look forward to learning a ton and possibly teach those in my current place down the line​:muscle:t3::+1:t3:

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When I use nutrients indoors and not in living soil mode I only use Botanicare… I swear by it…


I haven’t tried the botanicares line. I use dakine420 and roots organic surge and superthrive. Lately i take promix hp i mix in 2 scoops of @idacal cured steer manure. And then some dynomoco. Then onto dakine420 and roots organic. Been a great mix.


Nice! I’m currently using the CNS17 line with the botanicare additives liquid karma, silica blast, seaplex sometimes. Which line do you use and how do you implement?

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Sounds smelly…lol but man do they make them look good. I’m definitely going to look into that. Question because I’m having trouble with this and can’t find an answer. I’m running all my nutes, additives in RO water and it drops it usually to around 4.9-5.5. I then add GH Ph up enough to get me to 5.9-6.1 ph level. I’m running 5 gallon fabric pots with Grow!T Premium Coco which is buffered and ages as well as low salt content. I was told that me getting my Ph back up to 5.9-6.1 was wrong and that I should never Ph coco… that has me EXTREMELY confused. Any thoughts or tips?

Btw when I Ph to 5.9-6.1 I get 6.6 in the run-off.

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I ph to my run off and i water to run off. Or nutrients can build in the pots. Ph is a big deal weather it soil, coco,or hydro. You wont know what she ate of what you fed here without run off check


So should I ph to whatever my run-off ph is? As of now my run-off comes out 6.6. Should I Ph my nute water to 5.3 or 5.5? In order to get 5.9 or 6.1?
I’m assuming that’s what your telling me? I can be wrong.
Thanks by the way I truly appreciate you taking your amazing one and helping me out.
How is the recovery going?

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5.8 is the magic 6.0 is ok but no more. I forgot to mention ppms thats the number your most interested in following that the total disolved solids you gave her. Then messure the ppms in the run off. This is what the plant ate.
If it’s high ppms cut the food/nutrients down. This all takes some practice once you get it right it a lot easier. And when in doubt flush it out with the correct ph water no nutrients. Then once you think you got the issue fixed resume feeding.

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Lol in the 90’s i didn’t have nutrient lines. Superthrive and some flower nutrients is all we had.
Sorry im in the hospital and my notes are at home i apologize.

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My run-off ppm coming out is 500-600 on the Bluelab Truncheon and going in was 600-700ppm.
That was 2 days ago.
Yesterday I only did Cal-mag and FF Bushdoctor Microbe Brew with some RAW Yucca in RO water fed 200-300 ppm in and out was 300 ppm.
My Ph was 6.0 and run-off was at 6.6.

Lol, all good brotha. No need to apologize I feel messed up asking all these questions when I should let you recover and rest, So my apologies if anything. Just don’t know who else to ask with your experience with these Runtz.

Could you teach me this better

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Practice measuring the ppms of the run off. To see what the plants ate. This is better than ph of run off sorry. Ph going in and ppms out. If ppms are high on run off lower nutrient levels because its getting fed to much.


Doesn’t ph out tell you if you have lockout?

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It can also. I just got tired and forgot to include that. I woke up and my response was on the screen and i just posted it. Thanks for the reminder.


Just checking myself brother no worries. I’m still trying to figure out my tds meter lol! It says I have 1.4 ppms which I’m guessing is 1400? Yet my plants still have a slight deficiency so I’m just listening to them.

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Hard to smoke weed with one hand lol. Had to put nug jar under behind my knee to hold it while i turned the lid. Then on one knee to hit the bong. Lol wife is asleep in i must smoke ha ha. She been busy and needs to sleep.

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