RUNTZ strain anyone grown it yet? What to expect?

What is the pic above the azomite?, and all of these together help with root health and growth? I use the great white and have used azomite in soil before.

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The pic is of aged steer manure fed only omri grasses. Its a non burning natural fertilizer. So im slightly amending with the manure and adding minerals to the the promix-Hp. I like to make my own mix of what i know works best for me. And these all together give me nice healthy plants. And the nutrients i make up are kicken ass. So im not changing anything.


VERY NICE!!! THEY SURE ARE!! Is this something that can be used in coco as well?

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Possible why not test a plant?

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Do you think cereal milk and zkittles are compatible strains to breed? Asking seeing you have breeding experience

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If my mascot likes it so do I :v:t2:


Definitely will.

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These 2 Runtz are growing 2.5" a Day!
Here they are this morning! Already hitting the light again!

I keep the lights super close on purpose but these want to grow through the light.

Here are the Runtz clones theres 3 of them all different plants.
The other Runts were femmanized and are in breeding right now.


They’re looking amazing and growing quick! When they hit the light do you tuck them on a trellis net to drop them down some again?


I used combined to the bugbee soil … not super happy unfortunately… maybe I did something wrong


Uhhhh… why is this a new thread to me? Dam @PreyBird1 you are the Runtz King! I cant get over how HUGE the Runtz fans get! Im following now!


Lol Runtz is my strain. Long before it was 2020 strain of the year. ive been messing with it for 3yrs.


These Runtz are out of control. Getting 2.5"-3" a day growth!


Damn son! She looks fucking awesome

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So i was watering and broke this Runtz plants top off and so naturally i cloned it. Its just weird looking.

Here is the top.


That’s a cool wrinkle. More pronounced on the newer foliage.


What’s up with the wrinklie leaves? Is that normal for runtz?

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Can be but this one is strange looking. I like the weird plants. I’m always looking for a sport mutation. I have had 2 polyploids. This is why i posted its odd. And it appeared as a 3 leaf then the other leaves came out like insect wings. Ha i love it weird ass plant.
Ive got 3 other Runtz and they don’t look like this. It could be a funky phenotype.


what size and wattage is your seed/ seeedling light - need to revamp mine


Good question… i too would like to know. Lol im also wondering what you flower with? I believe you said it was a 5500k spec? With added uv?