Scryptic's Newbie Grow --> Blackberry Kush & Super Silver Haze

Thank you both for your advice. I don’t mind conflicting advice because I know there’s more than one way to grow anything.

I’m going start Lollipoping the bud sites that are obviously not going anywhere and defoliate decisively where I can’t LST enough to get good light penetration.

Next time I need to let my plants grow taller before flowering. I expected way more stretch but there’s not much to work with. A SCROG seems like the way to go for the next run.


But first! I need to get a package mailed to its rightful owner.

It sucks not having a vehicle. Everything is harder to get done in a big city. Lots of walking but I enjoy walking.


Scrogs take a while to fill so make sure u set urself up with enough to get u thru til next harvest. Scrogas took me 11 weeks maybe 12 to be close to filling a 4x4 scrog. One plant. I would love to do it again but the time and space it takes and the space I have to me right now is not worth a scrog. We burn thru so much smoke here with me and the wife it’s cra cra lol. Mostly because I press everything like oz at a time so I have a little stash for a week or so I don’t get that sleepy head buzz dabbing like I do from puffing on flower.


Flowering Day 26

Defoliated some fan leaves and left some on certain buds to compare outcomes. Lollipopped a couple inches up from bottom.


Nice Bushes man! :fire::fire:


And a first timer! Most fresh growers grow lanky-ass plants for a couple of years before growing anything like this lol! :rocket:

You’re doing a great job @scryptic. Don’t start taking out whole branches now, just let em go and keep tucking or taking leaves that are covering buds in the coming weeks. But you shouldn’t be doing much now anymore. Keep parameters in check and it’s chill time. :sunglasses:


Wth man, system automatically edited my post, deleted the quote, I had to put it back… weird.


@PreyBird1 @MrMonkey420 Thanks guys :slightly_smiling_face: That makes me feel good about where I’m at. I will let it be, let it be!

I believe God has blessed me and this grow. I have done a fair amount of prayer in anticipation of and during this journey. I strongly believe plants like cannabis, lophophora, mimosa hostilis, and psilocybin mushrooms are gifts intended for medicine and enjoyment.

Anyway that’s my rant. Thanks for chiming in!


My llittle “Furtune Confucius” is smiling on your grow today!


I filled my 4x4 in 8 ,had 3 plants 8weeks, 2 7 weeks and 1 6 weeks. 6 plants


Ok i see 1 plant lol


Nice work. They look good next set u do try doing some hst supercross ect. Supercrop helps a lot breaking the meristem and allowing nutes to freeflow faster they the stem getting more to the buds. Hard to supercrop if it is woodsy stems tho. A hard kink in the stem and tie it down do a single bud now if u have a branch. Squeeze around stem to soften and then bend it over and tie it down like it lays so it stays with the hard bend. Couple few days that spot will knuckle up and u should see a nice difference between that set of buds and the rest.


If u do super one make it one that’s a little higher up and kink it to the height the rest are at and no lower. It will twist and raise back up a little not much tho.


When you have did it plenty i personally have used pliers, i have saw people use them with some type of padding on the pliers but i personally have without padding. It definitely works great but i will not recommend it though i have many times.


Yeah I tried harder steamed ones and just too many splits in the stem it’s not as nice of a kink as I would like to see. Lol. I hate to bend it and see a gap and split up or down the stem. Allows infection to set in and I don’t like that. Lol.


I actually did unintentionally super crop a few stems. They are considerably wider than the others though probably not as much as they would be if I had thoroughly crushed the stem.


U don’t have to crush it. If it vent a good bend. Is that area swollen like a knuckle? I don’t have any to show right now. I think I’m gonna try and scrog 2 of these tho which will call for a lot of knuckles lol.


I’ll try and snap some pics if I can find the stems. Do people normally super crop for SCROG grows?


I do if i need. I sometimes do it just cause i feel like it but have gotten where only if i feel my head room is not going to be enough for the progress of my growth at end result


You shouldn’t need to in a scrog that’s what the nets for to spread them out and you keep working your net to keep canopy flat for the most part :v:t2: