Scryptic's Newbie Grow --> Blackberry Kush & Super Silver Haze

Yeah JJ is right usually it’s tuck and weave in a scrog there are time u need to really bend some over to make a complete loop around to fill a spot which causes the hst.


Are use using wooden dowel rods in your fabric pots


They’re bamboo stakes. Pretty much the same thing.


I’m beginning to think I trimmed fan leaves that I shouldn’t have.

Comparing bud sizes to other people’s grows at the same number of days in flower and they have noticeably larger buds than me.

Could this also be from the fact that I’m growing organic and they used synthetic fertilizer?


Yep we can pound the nutrients when my plants are in flower they get a feeding three or four times a day with nutrients in Coco and genetics has to do with it some strains grow big buds some strains do not
I don’t think you took to much they look great don’t worry there’s plenty of time to bulk up still more light penetration means bigger better buds to a point :v:t2:


@jj520 Do you use automatic irrigation then? I was thinking about trying to set that up for next time. What do you use for equipment? Any suggestions for a 4x8 tent?


Yes I do floorflex makes some nice kits or you can just buy some of their parts and build your own kit that’s what I did just bought some of their square floor flex caps and then bought a different pump and some irrigation toob and built a couple manifolds out of PVC and irrigation heads or there’s another system called hydrolock and that’s pretty nice I like to build if possible it’s cheaper and I’m po :joy::rofl:


Ok I’ll look into those. Thanks. I don’t have much money to spend either after everything I’ve bought so far and it’s a lot.


@jj520 If I wanted to set up for 8 fabric pots that are 5 gallon using Coast of Maine Stonington Blend soil and synthetic fertilizer would this cover the irrigation setup besides a pump?

Would I need a reservoir and a submersible pump along with hosing?

Would I have to use coco coir or would regular potting soil work? I think Coast of Maine Stonington Blend has mostly coco plus perlite and peat.


If the Stonington blend is treated as soil you would only be able to water probably once every couple days maybe once a day cocoa is a cheap form of hydro so it’s made to always be wet so you can get away with multiple waterings a day especially if you had the perlite so the nutrient drains right through ,That would be part of what you would need if you’re going to run eight pots you would need eight of those caps and eight of those little heads that go in the caps if you’re going to use their manifold you would need to use their green pipe it’s an interlocking system for quick release as far as the pump I prefer an exterior style pump and they’re a lot easier to maintain and keep clean this is the pumps I use I have two different reservoirs one for each of the bigger tents so they can run on different schedules

I have pumps with washing machine hoses hooked up to them that way I can use that thread with 3/4 fitting to screw right onto my irrigation manifold that I built

The pics are just to give you an idea of how the setup would be unless you have a lot more room my room’s fairly tight so I’ve got it all crammed in that cabinet that style of pump will also self-prime up to 5 ft so once the hose is in the nutrient solution once it’s primed up and turned on with the timer it stays primed so with my system I don’t even have the air purge part just turns on and free flows into the caps but I use the square caps I believe you need those little heads with the round caps


Morning fellas. Have a moisture meter coming in today not expensive something to try and see what they r about. If all works well I’m gonna dip into a better one and also seeing about a par meter also. It’s in the works with the wife. Lol. Her van is first I guess. Half way there on the van. Need front struts and a wheel bearing and she is pretty much brand new .I ivan with some miles. Lol. What’s everyone shoot for when u pron a dry bud on the meter. This is gonna be all new to me now. Lol. I believe I got the pronged meter but I may have chose the one that was either prongs or no touch which no touch seemed a bit leery to me. How it’s gonna see monsters thru wood not touching it or anything. Lol


I use that style pump also, similar setup. I think the biggest difference with these pumps as they are a lot higher pressure pump than the submersible ones. I’ve used both styles I’ve never had a problem with either, but I prefer the higher pressure pumps. I must say that is a very clean set up. Well done.:+1:t3::+1:t3::+1:t3::v:t3:


Thanks for the info. I suppose I don’t have enough money to invest in all that and I’m not trying to switch to entirely coco. I really just want a more automated system because I have to take a bus and walk 2 miles every time I need to water.


Flowering Day 28

The light is only about 10 inches from the canopy and although there’s hardly any heat that close I wonder if I should raise the light.


Just get you a pump a stick of PVC and irrigation head some glue about two rolls of that 100 ft quarter inch line and a reservoir and that’s pretty much it just get a couple of those little irrigation watering heads at home Depot do it that route it shouldn’t be too much it’ll still be pricey the reservoir and the pump will be the biggest hit you can get a submersible pump that will work fine for 20-30 bucks you’re probably going to be in 150 bucks if you build your own and a timer that will time down to seconds


Definitely those pumps put out a lot more pressure than a submersible they run at 45 PSI if you don’t pay attention to what you’re doing in there you’ll end up spraying your light they push pretty hard you need to have in line valves to tone it down
Either vivo son or vevor one of the two makes that same style pump where the pressure is adjustable


My irrigation system consists of 20’ of 1/2 inch PVC a few elbows a few tees A pump similar to those and two drip system heads from Home Depot A couple of five dollar totes that hold about 25 gallons and a timer. You don’t have to get it all at once. Get the big one first. It’s going to cost the most. Once you have that five dollars here $10 there in a couple of months you have it all. You might already have some of the stuff laying around. Or you might know somebody that has a couple of half-inch tees they don’t need or some elbows. You might even have a timer laying around. :man_shrugging: I started off my irrigation journey for several years with submersible pumps. Never had a problem. I bought a whole system that I was going to use that came with this pump, Then decided I didn’t want to grow that way and then Used the pump from that in my current configuration. :+1:t3::v:t3:

(On a flood drain system, submersibles are the only way to go)


Submersibles are good but in your nutrient reservoir they get really nasty stuff really quick and it’s a lot of cleaning I use one in my ro barrel no issues ther✌🏻 I run drain to waist


I’m running drain to waste currently. But if you’re doing an ebb flow set up and you put your tank below your plants and you just pump nutrients from the bottom to the top and let it drain back. I only wash my pump when I switch from veg nutrients to flower. Using Hydro guard and not allowing any light into the tank I don’t get sludge. :+1:t3:


Flowering Day 31

Blackberry Kush

Super Silver Haze

I’ve gotta turn off the fans before taking microscope pics in the future but you get an idea of where they are at.