Scryptic's Newbie Grow --> Blackberry Kush & Super Silver Haze

Ok so my RH is around 53. Should I drop it to 40?


nope :slight_smile: just talking about smell I grow for bud :wink:

but high heat low rh the plant produces more oils to protect the flower


The smells come and go quite a bit. dry. At first they r kick u in the face strong then a time when i dont even smell them for a day or ² then the smell is right back. Unless dried too much then it loses its smell and dont come back unless rehydrated alow and careful. The way they look ur gonna be good they r covered. Maybe ur nose is just uite immune to the smells smelling it all day everyday.


I don’t live where the grow is so I doubt I’ve become nose blind. I still water once every 3rd day but should I be keeping the soil more hydrated?

I always let it dry back enough to let the roots breathe.


I think organic is supposed to stay somewhat hydrated as it helps keep all the microbes and shit living so maybe let it dry some but not fully as to keep all the goods alive and moving about


Right on. Yeah that’s why I have been brewing every watering for at least 24 hours. I’ve been basically using compost tea for every watering this entire grow in addition to the base nutrients.

I was worried about overfeeding but now I can see that it is really beneficial. It’s obviously working well.


Yep they love food. U’ll know too much by leaf tips starting to burn like. Then back off a bit. This point in flower I’d be pounding the feed in them as much as they can take as soon ur gonna wanna start to back the light down slowly kinda like the sun does


@Mark0427 I am thinking about switching to synthetic fertilizer for the next run. Would Jack’s 321 be a good inexpensive option or do you have any suggestions?


Jack u can get ²⁵lb bags of part a abd part b both for like arou d 160ish buck id say give or take and itll last u like ² uears with consistent growing of about ⁸ plants each grow. Ive been run ing fh flora this run and i lo e the way its .aming the plants look jacks is great and a awesome nute for its price point grows great but i am liking the looks9f flora trio right now. Lol.


Jack’s is very good very affordable Master blend is good as well basically the same thing as Jack’s but it’s a little cheaper so is the shipping I’ve been using the 0-12-24 Master blend after stretch to eliminate a lot of the nitrogen I’m liking it so far


Flowering Day 40

Week 6! The Kush is smelling very berry :blueberries:

Blackberry Kush

The Haze is smelling earthy and citrus :lemon:

Super Silver Haze

It can’t be long now for the Kush right?


Beautiful. If u can get rhe temps down to like under 65 at night for a couple days to get color started i bet they will purple to black look.


Yeah I can get close to 65 maybe not less than but I think the basement hits 64 sometimes. I’ll set the controller to leave heater off at night.


I’d say still probably 3 weeks on the Kush still a lot of white pistols coming out so they’ve still got a lot of bulking up and ripening to do
in my opinion :v:t2:
they’re looking beautiful though


I agree. Dont take too early but dont wait too long either. Ur gonna be stokwd with the first harvest if dry and cure goes as well as the grow did.


when you think they are done wait a week :slight_smile: they will put on a lot of weigh at

the end


Totally agree :metal::beers::grin:


Flowering Day 43

I had to reinforce stems with bamboo skewers because the Blackberry Kush was falling all over itself. My gloves were absolutely covered in sticky sweet smelling resin. :drooling_face:

Blackberry Kush

The SSH is still sturdy enough to hold it’s own so no bamboo yet for that one.
Each of them got 1/2 cup of CoM Buds & Blooms and 6.5 liters of tea containing 5 tbsp Incredible Bulk Bloom Booster, 1 tbsp Boogie Boost, 20 mL Silica Boost, and citric acid.

pH 6.39
862 PPM

Super Silver Haze

Thank you @PreyBird1 for the Farmer’s Defense sleeves advice! Today I definitely would have been getting a dose of THC without them.


Both look great!!


They both look beautiful. Cant wait to start a bbk here. Wife is stoked for it also. Hoping ny vlones root here in next couoke days so i can get a flip on the room and get ny seed project rolling. If its sucessful ill get u some pkd up and sent ur way also. Its gonna be a mi ute for all.that tho. Lol