Scryptic's Newbie Grow --> Blackberry Kush & Super Silver Haze

Yes its not too too hard. I remember reading that you liked growing a lot of other stuff.


Hey thanks for sharing


I get tested regularly and never fail for that. Twice monthly


You get tested for THC and never fail? Do you wear gloves and protective clothing when coming in contact with plants?


No and its the methodone clinic so i have to be on my toes. Now i have failed plenty but for consumption however most the time i donā€™t use it and never fail. Heck i use it and have passed overnight but usually 2 full 24 or 3 full days im always clean.


I get tested for like 10 different things and i have failed for cbd a lot quicker


Iā€™m actually on Suboxone right now and I am going to be growing cultivars that are especially helpful for opioid withdrawal because I want to get off this junk as soon as possible. :upside_down_face:


Hmm. Iā€™ve yet to hear of anyone who has talked about a strain that helps curb that appeal. Iā€™ve been on opioids before for stuff and have eaten them not having scripts but Iā€™ve never found myself where I feel addicted to it. It does suck not having them now for pains and aches but Iā€™ve never craved for them like I needed it. Iā€™ll keep an ear out for anything I see ppl talk about good for that reasoning tho. Hope u find something good. I know Mr peat on ilgm will tell ya g13 labs peach puree CBD is awesome one for pains and aches tho. I have 2 seeds yet to hit water but on the list to try for sure


I have gotten off methodone before and due to my physical disabilities i stay in pain but im mentally disabled too and weed really helps it. I donā€™t mess around otherwise. I used to but have straightened up over the years but it really bothers me about the weed. Even though im in Alabama they have made weed legal medically though they still havenā€™t started given it but supposedly soon no flower though what some crap. Alabama is so strict and barbaric. It has been a good state to me the past 8 years almost but theres too many other states way better on freedoms.


Yep i hear that Utah is wayyy worse!


People kept saying ā€œItā€™s going to be legal in Minnesota soonā€ and I kept saying ā€œIā€™ll believe it when I see itā€.

Lo and behold! Itā€™s finalfuckingly legal!

Iā€™m taking full advantage and making the government sponsor my grow by using my cash assistance benefits to buy equipment and supplies. A school loan helped too.


Great read your plants look great :slight_smile: lots of good info cover here

nice to see folks sharing the knowledge

see that is why back in 1977 when I was working for New York State Department of Correction

and they wanted to send me to college for Horticulture/Greenhouse management

I jump on it after some one explained to me what Horticulture was :wink:

a good education is never a waste

your plants look great and I cannot wait to see the big buds

all the best and grow well



@dequilo Thank you for the compliments! They mean a lot coming from someone who knows his stuff.

Flowering Day 10

Blackberry Kush

Super Silver Haze

I watered until runoff for the first time today. Took about 7 liters of compost tea.

pH 6.38
548 PPM

Increased light to 900 PPFD
Iā€™m at 90% output for my LED and about 16" distance from light to canopy.

I donā€™t think I will be able to get PPFD to 1100 the way itā€™s looking unless I can get my plants closer to the light.

Should I lower it?


900 will work nicely is that in one spot or an average
You donā€™t want to push your lights too hard putting them on 100% will burn them up a lot quicker they can handle it but you know why abuse the equipment


I measured from 892 - 920 PPFD across both canopies. Yeah I donā€™t want to push them much more than 90%

I honestly expected more output from these MedicGrow Spectrum X lights. Kinda disappointed :frowning:


I have heard that as well


Me too cause thats 1 i looked at eventually when I switch from hid also volt


Hell yeah lol


I lowered the light an inch or two and itā€™s now about 900 PPFD on the edges and 1050 PPFD for most of the canopy.


Those are real good numbers right there Donā€™t be disappointed with the light just because it doesnā€™t have super high ppfd doesnā€™t mean it wonā€™t grow fire itā€™s got the adjustable spectrums and the spectrums are what you want to really let the plant Express itself I think once youā€™re done with flowering you will be quite happy with your lights the light I use runs quantum boards so itā€™s going to hit a little harder you canā€™t judge it till youā€™re done flowering really Iā€™ve seen great results with those lights if I had the money I would buy one myself been wanting one for a while but I sunk a good bit of money in hlg a couple years back so I donā€™t really need a light for a bit :joy::rofl: