I was referring to planting seeds and finding my own female
Yeah I get it. Whay i did with my ghost og get the ghost clone and bred in a ghost I forced to Hermie.
Dudes crack me up with that “its clone only” comment. No plants are.clone only
What do you mean @MK3_Pharms? They say that, because they don’t want to sell you the seeds of that plant? So instead they try and charge you an arm and a leg for the cut?
Recently picked up some Violator kush and also some GMO beans if anyone is interested in a trade. DM me.
Not all but some breeders will classify their strains as Clone Only for several reasons. One is to list the strain as it is and any seeds that you may come across are fake copies or just plain fake. Sure you can make some seeds of a Clone Only strain but you’d have a hard time selling them to ppl who already know there is no such thing from the original breeder/strain.
Many, examples out there way to many, but off the top of my head Strawberry Cough by Kyle Kushman could be considered a Clone Only strain. Well for now anyways, he is working on a new strain of SC that will hopefully be out soon. Kushman’s has some SC strains crossed with a few differ breeders and Hazeman’s SC “might” be closest to the original you can get right now. Story goes, a cut was used to make Hazeman’s strain, which he used to advertise as being part of Kyle’s SC strain but doesn’t any longer…YMMV
All clones come.from a seed at some point
I have some Pineapple royal. Its a Pineapple legend mixed with a purple punch.
Let me know if anyone is interested.
Yeah that’s my fault… I apologize to all…lol… some one tell them I am playing nice and to remove the filter…lol…
I myself in very interesting, I have a Florida seed un verified, That I have bread with mother of Barry Produced in Maine, New England ,
Smoklahoma is great for growing and best Medical laws in U S A!
Great people as well. Just not as many of them, which can be a good thing.
A very good thing. I’d rather be with my plants than people. Lol
I love being with marijuana growers…only people I can handle…
I might open up a seed swap for US residents depending on interest. If I get 10 DMs about a swap. By the third of January. I’ll offer a swap once again.
Had a few and they are not very easy to germ or clone, perhaps it was the seeds. Not sure
I have great seeds looking to trade for some mephisto seeds lmk
Curious to know how seed swapping would work, I have successfully pollinated my own plants and have grown my own seeds please answer how we can swap , extremely intrested
Usually you and a dude agree to a swap. Details between the both of you. Hopefully both parties follow through on the agreement. Some people don’t honor their word.
Hey man shoot me a message when u get the chance