Starting my mother plants to produce many cuttings

I always take my cuts at the top of the nodes i wanna keep so as to not leave a lot of unwanted stem and keaves u a nice syrait away for rooting area not a lumpy spot. Covering the cups keeps light off the roots the roots do not like light and will try and stir clear of the light abd die off for whats seen by light. Keeping a solid dark shield allows the roots to form on the outer edges so when transpka ted the roots r by the edges and can be spread easier and lfaster


Quicke question

Does pit moss have worms in it?


It makes excellent bedding for worms now whethwr or not thwy r in the bag idk but it is great bedding


They were in the sealed bag

There are so many of them

Would they eat the roots?
Should i take as many as i can out of it or not


The question here is what kind of worms. Do they look like Grubbs or are they red worms or nightcrawlers?
Grubs are no good. they will eat your roots. However, nightcrawlers and red worms take in decomposing plant matter in the front and put worm castings Out the back. Worm castings are great for plants. :+1:t3::v:t3:

(If they put worm castings in with whatever media you’re using, there’s usually eggs and worm castings, and the worms can actually hatch in the bag.)


Ueah @persiankas we would need a pic of the worms as some types are really good and beneficial.and some not so much. Pics would def help if u can take pics of one in good regular sunlight or canera flash only no other lights so we can see the true colors of the worm


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This is the pit moss that im using


You want the node below the collar there are meristems there that will branch out. I alway make sure there at least one node bellow the collar with no leaves or flowers.


He is asking about the worms in the peat moss. Those dont appear to be a bad type that wpuld atrack cannabis so u may be good wait for others to say tho as i am not organic but that looks like a red wiggler qhich is good for spil


Ok, hope to get more answers from others

I tired to take out as many as i can

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To be honest with you im really confused

Some cut above a nod and some cut below


Thats why when I’m taking cuttings i do both ways


Good worms. Leave them in there. your plants will thank you. :+1:t3:

I don’t worry about where I cut them. I’m very successful at cloning most of the time. You just got to figure out what works for you. For me scrape the stock no matter where you cut. It. Dip it in clone X plant it in whatever you want to start it in And dome it. :man_shrugging: people take 10 cuttings and stick them in a glass of water in there windowsill and change the water every day and get five out of 10 to root. there’s no perfect way to do it. try using the search up in the corner. You’d be surprised at what you’re fine when you type in cloning. :v:t3:


I got a thread called spot the armpit clones. I have cloned every bit of the plant and i only use the tops of the plants. No shoots or nodes any more they are not as vigorous.


Yes i noticed the off shoots tend to grow tall and narrow not bushy like they should. U will see my mid snk clones i sprayed today in pocs tomorrow on how the shoots tend to grow skinny and la ky


Some of my cutting have soft branches and some are hard and stiff

Usually i put the softer ones in the aeroponic cloner and the stiff ones i stick them in soil

Am i doing it right?


I stick all my cuts in the cloner til they r rooted then i go into coco from there. I try and wait til roots are 3 or so inches long then plant. Itll work either way but going in a cloner u see if roots start or not and on soil or a medium u cannot see roots. But either waybis feesable and works the harder woody type u can scrape a little to get the top skin off to make a little faster for roots to start but i rarely ever scrape stems clip dip and cloner