Starting my mother plants to produce many cuttings

Cloners r easy to do. U can use half inch black tube ran 3 inches doen from the lid in the rez after u have it ran just use a tiny drill bit and drill multiple holes in the black tube as sprayer porrs. I drilled mine on angles so the sprays went in diff directions to cover the whole inside. Worked awesome until i got the clone king.


Watch what u use to seal make sure it is bon toxic stuff as sitting with a chemical. Clonex solution may. Reak it down and leach to the plant. B safe there


That so great

2of my sprayer heads are broken
I order 40diff sprayer heads from this site

And a couple of misting heads


Nice if the lid seals good id just use the 360s so it sprays everywhere from all ports.


Your right

I made mine about 4years ago and is still running perfect


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Looks good man. I used a smaller pump and materials i had to throw one together. Only thing i boufht was the 7 gallon tote to make the rez 8 believe i jave everything still tovether i can show u a pic as it was prolly half the cost in materials to do and worked awesome. Im sure urs there is way better but u can prolly even make holes in the half inch tubing and put the sprayer heads in the tubing also. Hmm. Got me thinking here. Lol


Do I have to get the clone kit or can I cut an out in the soil do I need root booster had anyone done it without the booster low on money


Well you can plant cuttings directly into soil with out any booster or clonex , and it will give you roots

But it would be best if you could get your hangs on rooting hormone /clonex for faster and more roots

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I kinnda got what your saying except the last part ….explain more plz

Also im trying to get my hands on Hydrogen Peroxide

:point_up::point_up:Should i buy one

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Peroxide will help clean up everything for u not wxpensive ans can be blught at drug stores ect. Walmart meijer ect. And yea spliff u can get roots. Do i jave an air pu.p and sto e to bubble a cup pf wayer or so. Of ao. Disrilles water phd to 5.8 maybe add a few drops pf calmag in it if u jabe to give ot aome ppms to jold a ph. Then pit airatone in cup tale the cuts and put them in the cup pf bubbly water. The bu bles oxugenate the wayer and help alot u can dip the cut end in ho ey or aloe helps seal the end Nd cUsing it to limp real bad


You mean dipping the cuttings into honey or aloe helps them not to limp?


Does hydrogen peroxide help cuttings root faster?

If yes then should i leave the cuttings in NP for a few minutes

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You said add distilled water with cal meg and Proxide ?

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So fae here it does. If i dont dip it they seem to limp over for some hours. I believe the cut sucks in alot of air into the stem causing this to happen. If i dip it it seals the end to not suck air into stem and so far i dont get ones that li.p if i dip them. I always use clo ex gel but hear aloe and or honey works


I got it

The problem with clonex jel and aeroponic cloner is that when i dip the cuttings in clonex and i place them in the cloner , with the first spray all the clonex get wiped off the stem


It is in the stem and a slight coating on the stem to help sti.ulaye roots its a hormone to help out root formation mine come off too but seals the stem opening


Mark this morning out of no where my pump made a dirty sound then stoped working

Oh my god it toke me like 2hours to look for Diy videos on you tube

I opened it up and cleaned the hell out of it, turned it back on, and it worked but still has the nasty sound when its out side of the water