Starting my mother plants to produce many cuttings

Great pointer :pray:

Mark another question is for outdoor grow, im taking 100clones to plant outdoor, can you hit me with the secret sauce of getting the biggest yield possible, nute?

For example: bid bud? Voodoo juice?



Would this root booster help me get a bigger stock


I usè mykos and great white for rooting helper at transplants. Upon outdoor growing i dont know if people use nutrients like we use indoor or if the do amendments and use teas during waters. I guess it all depends on how u r gonna plant in ground or seperate pots outside the ground i will say reading up on ramming a copper rod in the grou d 6 feet deep and tie copper wire from that to each pot something with a zimc bolt ontop the copper rod it does some magnetic force shit it is supposed to repel. Bugs and add a electrical current thru the plants that benefit them and help them grow bigger. Now on outdoor feeds if u do vround ill say maybe @Slym3r @nacho151 lnow some outdoor growers mrs @bobette may be of great assistance also.


The only outdoor growers I know here on the forum are @happilyretired, @bobette, @chrisj @dequilo and a few others that only post during their grow season. The commercial growers I know that grow outdoors are on the west coast of the USA and use chicken manure and a lot of water. I can only help you if you are having pest, rodent or animal troubles or fungus problems while growing outdoors. I tried a couple of outdoor grows in the early 1970’s but they were destroyed by Law Enforcement. I also don’t do organic because it takes more work and is hard to get consistent results. You could use the search bar to find out more about teas and organic growing.


that could help you :slight_smile: I grow outside here in New York our season can be hard to

grow in some years

I take out plants that have been grown in 7 gallon pots to go in the ground

I am medical and grow 6 plants (or so I say) :wink:

I grow large plants because of the low count and they are in my yard so I can

tend them

I did grow Guerilla on New York State land from 1974 to around 1995 when

I was not working for the Department of Correction

I used a time release fertilizer to feed them and would dig holes early and

back fill with what good stuff I could find on site

I planted 300 to 500 plants to cover the lose you will have and I did not tend them

if you can dig the hole and work the soil

May 6 2023

October 6 2023 the day of the chop

you my friend are on the right track Big Roots = Big Buds

side note one year I got a killer deal on a 5 gallon jug of Alaska Fish based


use it liberally

the Raccoons loved me you would have thought I had put out a buffet for

them oops :frowning:

all the best and grow well


all the best and be safe


Awesome. How far apart from ganesvoort are you?? My mom and her new hubby have a place somewhere in or right near ganesvoort area. @dequilo


about an hour west and a bit south

near canajoharie


Bud Buster Pro Web site has been shut down contact @TheMadFlascher direct on this forum he’ll send u what u need.


when you put them in the ground npk 0.52.34 will promote root growth because

of the high phosphorus


I’ve heared so much about great white


Thanks a lot for the info

It was really helpful,
For sure I’m not gonna go organic on the outdoors and the tea compost which i asked earlier was just out of curiosity

If i run into any pests problems ill make sure to hit you up :pray:


Thanks a-lot but as i mentioned before I’m in Iran right now, and as you may know this country has been under sanctions by the US for almost 40years now , so it would be next to impossible for to get my hands on bud buster

Specially since bud buster in not commercially distributed world wide ,


It works fricken awesome. Its on the pricey side but will jam the pots woth. Nice root mass.


What i mean is that i can get my hands on famous brands out there like: biobizz, hesi, canna, advanced and . . .

But the bud buster is impossible to find



I jave been ru ning general jydroponics flora trio flower i add flower fuel. Big bud and bud candy. Also i run tri us 2 times a week can u get jr peters jacks 321 where u are


I checked every where , no signs oh peters jacks products


From what i can get my hands on, most people told me to go with voodoo juice


Yeah i dont know anything about that stuff ive played with jacks 321 and general hydroponics flora trio