Taking so long for an autoflower

. This is a good one to learn on. I have had autos go 7 weeks in veg. Never 12 weeks. I think they may be right here and a photo may have gotten mixed in with the autos you were sent. Just my o2. I would forgo a trellis net till you can set your tent up fr it. A pack of Yoyo’s would give you support for any branches that got to heavy. I was running 2 plants in my 4x4 tent. plants near the back. I used a bungee trellis net and a little string. So I could still get in to water. Some thing like this. The nets are cheap on amazon. The net is easy to add and remove. :grin:


I use a long 2" of pvc tube to reach way in the back to water plants. One of the other guys here a had a super long funnel which was even better. I link your string idea. It reminded me of when i get some really a lot of pollen dropping of a male it tie a string to the male and run it outside tent. Then i turn the fans speeds up and i just yank the string and it makes a huge cloud of pollen. My friend @bullfrog420 calls it the pollen bomb lol. :rofl::nerd_face:


I have to use a transmission funnel to top feed with the scrogs. I have a good set up for when I do a 4x4 scrog. I think this is the last room change for me. if so. I will run a line like I do for the 4x4 scrog and can feed from the front of the tent. I have valves so I can control who gets fed also. One day I will be happy with my set up. Or I keep telling my self that :laughing: I like that idea of the pollen bomb. I have been wanting to try making seeds my self. I was thinking in the winter when I would only have one tent going. Now I just have to remember that.


Get a small cheap pump and like half inch or so hose like 8 or so feet long attach to pump and after nutes mixed up just use the pump and hose to water farther in spots when rooms filled i attach a bamboo stick to hose to reach in farther in the room. I kinda vend or kink hose for the flow rate i want it to be faster or slower qorks great and save on the back alot. Then i use shop vac to suck trays clean of runoff. If u jave an xtra pump try it out works awesome.


Autoflowers can sometimes take longer to develop. Be patient. Watering needs vary by strain and environment; some are more drought-resistant than others.


Wow, that one looks like it is starving to death. As for the watering deal. I am not sure how soil goes. But for coco. The smaller the pot. The more often you will have to feed. An a the bigger plant will need fed more often. I can get away with a day max in a 5 gallon pot. I feed a gallon a day. If I miss a day. it starts to show fast. I could miss a day here or them when in 10 gallon pots. A 3 gallon needed fed twice a day if not in a autopot or on a coco mat.


We finally have some flowering :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::laughing::laughing::grin: flipped the light schedule like you guys recommended about a week and a half ago and it worked! I’m lucky have a tall enough grow tent for photos !!! This will be my first photo indoor so it kind of worked out . I got to experiment with lollipopping and learn something new


Nice glad they r doing something for u.


Lol i knew it and it takes 10 days to start seeing results. Now lets hope they dont stretch to much. Hiw much room you have left?


It’s normal for some autoflowers to take longer. Ensure proper light, nutrients, and watering. Some strains are more drought-resistant, but consistent watering is crucial for growth.


@merylstreep6 Do you have any pictures? Are you seeing any white hairs showing the sex? And I feed every day with jacks. And do a feed 2 days and water on the third day. I am in coco. Coco needs watered or fed every day except when they are small. Or are you in soil. I know nothing about that.


Thankfully I’ve got plenty of space !!!



Hey take the plants topshoot and bend ut under the trelis. It will change the plants apical dominance and make the lower shoots bulk up more. And it adds light to the lower flowers so they get bigger.


Little update. The one on the left is yellowing a lot idk if you guys have anything to say about that . Just have some cal mag . But the buds and sugar leaves are looking beautiful



Nice buttons there. Looking great man. If u supercrop them big ones itll help a ton. Tuck them under the net. Move a few to the sides to open a space and tuck the big ones then u can lower the light to get them lower ones cooking good for ya also. Dont freak out about it harming the plant as long as u dont like snap the branch off it will be golden the knickle at the bend will fatten and them buds above the knuckle will get more food and all and prolly fatten up quite a bit more than any that have had a super crop done. Kaptaindan does this on kust about every apical brranch on every plant. Opens the highway for nutes to flow. Find a nice spot just under the net on the tall ones that has an inch or more space between bud sites squeeze round the whole branch trying to squeeze it flat and soften that area. When soft bend it over and tie it or tuck it so it dont spring back up. Ull love that u did it. Im gonna run the scrog this run in my flower room and try and make effort to post pics as i do the tuck and defol looks before and after ect.


So your saying bend all the branches out more ? I would love to try that super cropping technique but I’m not gonna lie I’m a little scared to do it . Especially after all I’ve been through with these plants lol . I will watch some vids and make a decision whether or not to do it :grimacing:. I hundred percent trust your judgement I’m just scared to do it lol


If u squeeze the branch is it like hard like wood ir can u squeeze it to soften it. This is my issue if its too hard i dont do it. So if i cant squeeze it with my fingers to feel that spot get softer i dont do it but if u can squee,e the branch and soften it. It is super easy. Ill make a video and show u later so.u can see how i do.it. i believe it is firmer stalks aldo.so the plier trick may be needed so ull see that way also. Super easy and safe. Lol.


Little update guys about day 34 of flowering . Checked the trichomes today and they are cloudy but I highly doubt they are ready yet . Going to go probably another month