Testing by preybird1 - Perma Clone Collars

Last nights update.
And i have to say these clone collars are rocking out man! There past ther 5 yr warranty period! They were given to me by GN as a test product. I think ive tested the shit out of these. I think they go for many more years. And there so good that there almost to good! These things will never die!


Hey @PreyBird1 how do you clean your collars for next clone runs?


I wash them in a mini washing machine with dish soap. Then rinse and in a small aluminum pan with water and bring them to a boil for like 5 minutes. Then while that’s cooking i throw the whole cloner into the dishwasher by itself and wash it. Super easy this way and its always fresh and clean always get 100% success rate. Ive been using the cloner for years. I’ve burned out like 3 pumps and clogged 2 manifolds. Now i build my own manifolds with 1" pvc and threaded end caps so i can completely disassemble it and use it for ever and most pumps have a 1" threading on them or they come with the adapter. Never buy the oem turbo kloner pump and manifold there over priced. You can build it cheap and screw it all together with your hands lol and then drill the holes for the sprayers. It does help to have a drill press though. But a hand drill works fine also.
Oem pump and sprayers and manifold last time i checked were.

  1. Pump $85
  2. Manifold $42
  3. Sprayers $15

I like the dishwasher cleaning method and all thanx!


Ok here we go again. And these collars are now over 5yrs old and look and perform great!

I recloned the entire garden and added some new Runtz, amnesia haze, lavender x pirates cake cross. And a couple other strains to the current living strains. Im going to run 4 pirates cake x lavender in the hydroponic tent and see how it grows in there.


Ok we got rootsmagedon! Here are some fatty root strands!

These clones are 11 days old today!


Crazy short time that rocks!


Damn !!! Very nice That’s awesome, I got one pheno of sundae smash that had root bumps and tiny roots starting after 4 days in the cloner. Fastest I’ve ever seen one pop. The others have been alot slower . I’m at 11 days now and you definitely got me beat :joy::rofl:. Nice job brother !! Master cloner :pray::v: