The Budget Grower Series (Midnight Trop)

Day 28! (tropicana cookies x oreoz)

just took these photos this morning, have to have a good mix between morning posts and night posts. got LOTS of photos for this one, it seems it’s grown over .75 x its size since last post seeing I went from 5 nodes to that middle now being 7. should I top it today? (also not the cat bitten leaves, why are the leaves like crinkly still or is it just because it’s still a baby technically) also still ONLY USING the 4/8/7 FloraNova


I wouldn’t top that plant at least at this point. It’s it’s showing a tendency to be bushy rather than tall. You see the way you pull it to the side and show all that growth underneath, you might try removing a couple of the larger leaves from the upper portion of the plant that’s blocking all those lower branches. You will be surprised at how much the lower branches will grow when they can get light. :+1:t3:


Sounds like a plan! I have not topped it, so what leaves are you thinking? the top fan leaves or the middle fan leaves? if you look at it from a top angle, it has the New Growth, then under its the new 2 leaves, then you have the Top Fan Leaves, The Middle, then Bottom. I thought i’d explain how I look at a plant to make it easier:)


Take whichever leaves will give the undergrowth the most exposure. Start with the top ones and look at it. Imagine what it will look like without the next set before you take them. If you’re worried about it, stop and wait a couple days. your learning here, so go at the speed that makes you comfortable. Orrrrr if you really want to top it, you can top it now, and then, when all the new branches get to their third node top all of them again. every time you top, it slows the plant down. so it will increase your veg time.
And so on and on and on. There’s lots of different ways you can treat this plant at this point. If it were mine, I would do the first option, looking at that particular plant.
I think the most important thing is to do what you’re comfortable with and have fun. You’re doing great :+1:t3::v:t3:


Day 29! (Tropicana Cookies x Oreoz)

@happilyretired cut 2 leaves off, that front one and the damaged one from my cat! Some great growth today, now you can really see how bushy this plant is growing!
featuring an 8th of weed I found under my car seat from the dispensary.


Also if i dont want to remove a leaf. Ill will tuck it but i also pinch the leafs stem like when you super crop a stem. Super crop the leafs stem instead and gently tuck it away from the lower shoots.


Why tuck and not remove them? @Mark0427 does it too… ive never heard of the tuck method.


Personally, I just remove them. They’re gonna come off eventually anyway. Sometimes you gotta tuck them every day. It’s a lot of work. Besides, as soon as you remove it two days later Several another’s have replaced it.


Same here I’ll just remove it rather than tuck it I’m usually taking leaves off every couple days


I’ll find the video for u guys. He makes a ton of sense explaining the reasons for not taking the leaves. Each leaf feeds a certain branch so if u take that leaf then it still gets work done but not as good as if the leaf was there to work and do conversions an such. Let me find the video I’ll be back in a bit when I find the correct video I watched. I think it was on ig but don’t remember quite


I’ve tried just about every different way of growing weed. And in the end, I have just decided to look at what the big commercial facilities do. They make billions of dollars a year growing this plant. So I follow their lead for the most part. Fast and efficient. You can get prettier and you can get better tasting doing a little tweaks and this and that. In the end, it just depends on how much time you wanna spend to get to the same place… HIGH…
Individuality and choice are great things. Some people get more therapy from growing it than from smoking it. I don’t happen to be one of those. I do enjoy growing it, but not as much as smoking it.

I’ll stop rambling now…:grin::v:t3:


Shoot as soon as i learned this i was like why on earth are people messing around with all these leaves. So many benefits. Way bigger bud. Way less defol at harvest. Fits more plants. Less chances of pm. Less chances of bugs.

The best part… you can watch the actual bud fatten in front of your eyes and not be hoping that under the leaves is what your wanting.

Oh and the potential of making 3 lbs a light! This is highly dependent on cultivar.


Day 35! (Tropicana Cookies x Oreoz)

I would like to say I have some bad news, for basically 2 days my whole light cycle was messed up, stayed dark for 19 hours since i’m going through some stuff but I fixed it. THE DANK SMELL COMING OFF THIS PLANT WHEN YOU CLIP A LEAF. INSANE…. she is bounced back, I decided to top it so this bottom growth can explode while the top healing. stem looking nice and thick as well, I twisted it and bent it around to get some more thickness. we did some intense training but I won’t be touching her anymore. (let me know what you all think)


Well there is technically a 10 day window during flowering when you can just go back to the light cycle you were using before but the closer to the 10 days and beyond you need to re-veg and thats at least 10 more days for the plant to revert back to vegging. then the plants stay on that cycle but only if its a photoperiod. Now if you get this wrong you can waste 20 days of grow time. Dont be surprised if it takes a couple days to go back to growing. It looks like it will be fine!


so I have to be quite accurate with this. I will be sure to keep a close eye on it as well, I see that new growth color is a little too yellow? i’m worried about that.


Are you using a mechanical timer or how are you controlling the light/dark cycles?


been doing it all by hand, I know that’s a lot more difficult but the Budget Grower shall not spend a dime more lol.


Wow! :astonished:

That seems like a lot of risk not to mention a lot of work. Do you set an alarm so you flip off the lights at exactly the right time?

IMO a timer is bare minimum essential since cannabis is photoperiod dependent… unless you are growing autos then I could see manually controlling light cycles.


so something seems up with this girl, any ideas. is this a mag deficiency or is this a Mildew?


yes, my phone but my girlfriend and I were having problems so I wasn’t able to attend to it. it’s not that much work since I like to document my plant before I turn off the light lol, I just like being hands on with everything.