TreeTrunks Grow and Hash Thread

Just got the blue glue and the cement shoes I to the flower tent. I way over vegged this run I had to trellis twice in veg to keep them from touching the light. Popped them out of the 4x2 and the 4x4 screen is already filled

Going to clean them up tomorrow I’m just rushing to get the irrigation setup for them tonight

I think there’s some pieces of veg trellis lost in the canopy somewhere I’ll have to find as well


Day 3f for Blueberry Glue and Cement Shoes , I cleaned up the lowers and found the missing veg trellis yesterday


I got the rough dry trimmed totals for the last run with the high ppfd. 1071 g which is the highest total yield and highest g per sq ft at 66.9375 vs my previous personal best of 62.5 with 1000g.

BUT a lower g per watt by a lot. I avg around 900g with a 480 watt light BUT this round was 1071g with 860 watts so a huge decrease in gpw from 1.875 to 1.24534883720.

Can the extra ppfd increase yield at my CO2 level? Yes. Is it worth the extra electricity Probably not.


Also worth mentioning this round both Deleted Scene weighed more than the deleted scene the round before with lower ppfd all the same cut so I don’t think it was strain selection vs results from lighting levels that made the difference.

I also added the Blue Lab monitor halfway through the round so it possible that could have affected the results as well. I will compare future runs with known cuts vs pre Blue Lab monitor results to see if could have influenced the numbers as well. I don’t think my numbers have been that far off from the pens to account for such a large increase but it still needs to be looked at further as well


Update on the Cement Shoes and Blueberry Glue in Flower, I really over vegged the plants this run and the plants are super close to the light. I did alot of defol this room to try and keep up airflow


Germinating one of the beleaf Jam on It tonight for the next round, going to cut a clone of the blueberry glue for the next round as well


I have a discount code for Spider Farmer websites now 8% off with code : treetrunk .It looks like it does stack with sales.

G8600 with site sale and my discount for example
Edit: It’s the light I’m using for my flower tent 860 watts

It’s currently working on .ca, COM, EU, and Aus, but not yet on UK


I found a new wind devil 6 inch fan but it doesn’t work properly either lol I think that’s 50% failure rate out of the box. I have some hurricane 6 in fans on the way to replace the failed fans + spares. I don’t know if it’s the lubricant they use or the motor but when you turn them on they can barley spin the blade, sometimes you have to take the grill off and flick the blade to get it started.


Day 1 for Jam on it from Beleaf

Going to start her off with 250 ppfd, CO2 is 500-800 ppm(shares the lung room with flower tent) Nutrients at 560 ppm Jacks 321 at 6 ph. I’ll try to update with air temp and RH once the numbers settle now that tents closed

Edit: 79f and 55% Rh


Update on the Blueberry Glue and Cement Shoes
Day 31F. The plants are way oversized for the space this run, it’s been challenging getting enough airflow to keep the temp RH in check. They’re way to close to the light so the tops have uneven par, the ones inbetween the bars aren’t getting enough ppfd and the ones directly beneath are getting too much.


How can I automate fresh water supply into a reservoir (40 Gal)? I know growee and Bluelab have nutrient and ph dosers but I’m not sure how to add small amounts of low e.c. (tap) water to balance E.c. if it rises.


I messaged growee and they recommend topping off the reservoir with plain water and than dosing the nutrient level back upwards.

I was looking at these The Bucket Company valves Stainless Steel Motorized Valve | The Bucket Company

I think I can set them up to a wifi switch for top ups if I use a smart plug and an adapter for the voltage. They automatically close incase of power loss and I believe there’s a way to have them close if you lose wifi mid fill as well.


I’m going to try looking at wifi hose timers to see if there’s anything that looks like it might work better


That must be caused by your nutrients? Does your pH constantly drift? The stuff I use I can mix up a 30 gallon tank set the pH recheck it the next day and then it holds for at least a week with no change in pH. There’s a really small pump in the bottom of the tank running all the time just keep it moving, and an air stone comes on twice a day for 10 minutes. But I am also starting off with RO water. :+1:t3::v:t3:


Just a suggestion, check with @Slym3r I think he had a reasonably price auto doser and ph adjuster in his commercial grow.


I get some PH drift overtime but not alot. I’m mostly worried about ppm rising overtime if im gone for a week or so and want to be able to “water down” the resevoir if needed


No we didnt have automation on the nutes. All by hand. What Hap said about the moving nutes was what i noticed to prevent drifts. And the RO is important.


That’s good to know. I’m getting ready to start up my Hydrobucket setup and with constant flow recirculation and I worry about the ph and ppm’s drifting on me like they did in the Grobucket Test Group thread when I was testing air stone versus no air stone.


@treetrunks I ran a test to figure out if an air stone would help with ph and ppm drift in Grobucket when I started using them. Here is what happened during the week I tried it.

What I have learned about growing with reservoirs and hydro but haven’t tested yet, is to try starting with a ph of 5.8 ph. I might try it in the next couple of days and add a small water pump like @happilyretired posted to see if it helps maintain the drift for 7 days. During my air stone test the ph went up 0.063 at 5.8 the drift to 6.5 would only be around 0.70, however the increase of ppm could have been no plants or soil to use the nutrients.


Only reason I use air stones at all is to add oxygen to the water. If I had the pump running the hose out of the top and letting it run back into the water, that would probably do the trick. Haven’t tried it yet. In a conversation with @TheMadFlascher he explained that the drift I was getting in my Hydro system was because of the air stones or partially. Introducing carbon dioxide to the water I guess if I recollect right he’ll correct me if I’m wrong. That changes the pH. He will swing by and inform.
Recirculating pump was the answer for me. It’s just on the bottom pumping straight up straight out of the pump. I think the nutrients have a lot to do with it too. Depends on how well they’re buffered. :+1:t3::v:t3: