TreeTrunks Grow and Hash Thread

Ahh good info as im about run my rcdw system again in a couple days maybe sooner.


Thanks for that good information!


Yeah, I think youā€™re pretty much always get drift with hydro. I couldnā€™t say for sure, Iā€™ve only done it once and it was just all inside one tote. But when I did it, it was constant pH adjustment, every day. Slymer grows commercial Hydro so heā€™d be the one to ask about that. iā€™m just doing water to waste, so thereā€™s no roots in my solution. Mix up my nutrients once a week and it auto feeds the rest of the time. I checked the pH every day when I go in and check on things but thatā€™s all I do is check it.


Sorry guys, late to the party again !
Just to reiterate, yes CO2 (atmospheric) dissolves more readily than O2 in water. When that happens, bicarbonates are formed. Bicarbonates can form with Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Sodium.
Bicarbonates raise the pH of your nutrient solution, and again, Hap is correctā€¦how well your nutrients are buffered will have a direct relationship with your pH swingsā€¦

Hope that helpsā€¦


Thank you sirā€¦:+1:t3::+1:t3::v:t3:


I finally got that plumbing stuff sorted out, super excited to have cold water in for my grow. Itā€™s not automated yet but it saves me from carrying buckets of water around all the time.


Blue Glue and Cement Shoes Day 37F


As always im blown away. Looking delicious and good work man!


They really do look great @treetrunks! There are so many great indoor growers here.


Thank you both @PreyBird1 and @sdoyle !


I think I can hook up my Veg res to my F res most of the time since they both feed the same ratio and EC once veg is past seedling stage. That way I can run both off zones off the same controllers/dosers and chiller and use a single fresh water in setup. Not sure how Iā€™m going to join the reservoirs yet, most likely some half inch or 3/4 in tubing and fittings between them. Iā€™m mostly just worried about potential leaks.


Just a reminder to keep an eye on your electric connections ( plugs, timers, power supply for Led ect). Someone Iā€™ve been talking to had their plug connection melt on their mars hydro fc8000. They reached out to mars who told them not to worry because itā€™s ā€œfire proof materialā€. Obviously a burnt connector should never be used in any circumstances. Also a quick Google search shows the very same connectors from the company on the same model light completely toasted. The light was plugged in again against my recommendation and has now completely stopped working. Honestly I think itā€™s lucky nobody died in this case.

Also I think plugging in a connector that you know is a fire hazard will risk any fire insurance coverage you have. Absolutely terrible advice from that companyā€™s customer service.


Blueberry Glue and Cement Shoes Day 43F


Absolutely GORGEOUS!! Those Girls are THICK! :drooling_face::drooling_face:


Thank you! @HostileHippie420


Before and after advice from mars hydro about a burning connector. Definitely was NOT safe to plug back in despite mars telling them to do so.


I only have around two years left before Iā€™m allowed to grow for medical patients so Iā€™ve been thinking about potential plans for the grow room. I can do either four 4x4 tents or go with 2 large tables and an open room design.

Edit: Iā€™m leaning towards rolling benches because it would be alot easier to defol. I should have enough room for 3 light per bench if I knock out a wall near the bottom left.


Well thatā€™s very cool. I say knock it the wall!


Iā€™m leaning towards coco and drip emitters for irrigation for this setup. Iā€™m thinking 9 plants per 4x4 of sliding bench. The setup for quick fill bags seem like they will be fast to setup between rounds and work well on the benchs.

Iā€™m mostly trying to plan everything thing out now so I can be ready when the time comes. Iā€™m not 100% sure if this is the space and setup Iā€™ll end up going with but it gives me a good starting place to compare my options.

The electric work is looking like itā€™s going to be one of the biggest expenses because I have to upgrade the main service to the house, need a bigger breaker box, and new breakers and circuits for the extra equipment.

The room will also need drywall repair and paint after the electric work. I think the floor will need some work as well. I have rough estimates for most of the equip/electric/ and interest on any loans I might need but I still need an estimate for the electric work.

Edit: Iā€™m going to look into paneling ect for the walls since I have to open them up anyways. Does anyone have any recommendations for wall material or paneling?


I have 3/4 lights already and I can get more from the sponsor so theyā€™re not really any cost to me besides electric use. Genetics I have a few mothers and a few hundred beans in the vault of various breeders/strains.