TreeTrunks Grow and Hash Thread

I made a few more carts last night from some dry sift hash rosin I had but this time I added 3% Terps to see if it would make it viscous enough to get rid of the bubbles forming near the wick.

The bubbles still form so I tried looking it up again and supposedly you can’t take too many hits too fast from a pen or it can cause a bubble from the concentrate absorbing into the wick. The oil closest to wick gets warmer and flows more quickly into the wick leaving small void or bubble in the cart from the cooler oil taking longer to flow.

Im not 100% sure it’s the cause but it makes the most sense to me right now after tring the more viscous hash rosin + Terp mix


I have batteries that have a warm upsetting. Click it a couple times and it works for a little while warming up. Sometimes in the winter time when it’s real cold, and I’m using a cartridge from a club holding in my hand for a little while to make mass flow better. I don’t know anything about making your own though. I’m sure you’ll get it figured out. :v:t3:


My reservoir was super dirty today for res change. It might be the new nutrients but I’m not sure yet. I mixed up a fresh batch of nutrients, put in clean air stones, and checked the hypochlorous acid ppm. If it gets bad again this week than I know it’s the new nutrients.

The vape carts have been working really well since I started giving them some time inbetween hits


Looks like I’m going to have to make some more hash this month I’m almost out of room in my freezer lol


Got the dry weights for the last run 516 Blueberry Glue and 450 Cement Shoes total 966g or 60.375 per sq ft flower canopy. The Blueberry Glue was super sticky to trim and gummed up the scissors alot faster than I’m used to. Still has the wild blueberry smell but has become alot sweeter smelling and let some of the lighter notes through. Smokes great, definitely keeping her around and planning to run her again in the future.


Day 18 Jam on It and Cement Shoes


How long ago did you start that plant?


The big one was 52 Day Veg from Seed now on Day 19F and the smaller one was a clone that didn’t get as much veg time planted around Day 23ish roughly on the seeds veg cycle


Cement Shoes, Blueberry Glue and Jam on it clones


Day 36f


Twister trimmers reached out to me and offered me a cure puck to try out today Cure Puck
I got some more nutrients from Dosaline again this week as well. I hurt my back a bit last week so I’m a little behind on my plant stuff but everything else is going well


I noticed a few fungus gnats in the mother tent since I started being able to take care of the plants again myself. I’m thinking of getting some enotnem nematodes from Entonem AM – Retail Koppert Canada
I think the nematodes will work a little better than mosquito dunks would but I don’t have any experience with fungus gnats.

Edit: Ordered the nematodes and put out some sticky traps. Caught the only two fungus gnats I could find by hand on the sticky to try and double check the id

The body profile legs and stripes along the back look alot like fungus gnats. They’re very small and prefer to hang around the pot vs on the actual plant which what made me think fungus gnats before I could get a pic. Im going to triple check on my jewellers loupe with better zoom since the pictures aren’t the best quality.


Everythings slowly getting back on track, I lost the clones from a few posts back because I couldn’t get anyone to pot them. I took a cutting of a lower last night off of the Jam on It to try and reveg. I removed most of the bud sites but left the leaves. If I can’t get it to root someone suggested I could leave a few lower branch’s on after harvest and try to reveg the stump. If neither work I still have 9/10 seeds in the pack to look for another nice one.

I don’t have anything in the veg area right now I’m debating whether to cut a few clones now or wait until the nematodes arrive so I’m don’t risk spreading the fungus gnats.

I haven’t seen any fungus gnats since the night after I payed out the sticky traps, I caught two myself and the traps caught 2 more over night.


I wonder if you can put mosquito dunks in a turbo klone? @PreyBird1

Edit: I reached out to turboklone I’ll update with the response when I get it


Check this out.


Thank you @nacho151 ! It seems like it would work as long as I break the pieces up fine enough so they don’t clog the sprayers


I think that if you used some type of filter on the pump it would work. It dissolves doesn’t it? I’ve never used them.


I haven’t used them before either so I’m not 100% sure I’ll have to double check. Edit they do dissolve but fairly slow I think crushing into powder might help speed it up


I think they dissolve in water, I know they float in water as they dissolve.


If you have a press, I can’t remember if you do or not but if you do you have press bags. Put some mosquito bits in your press bag, fold and over and staple it closed. Then throw it in your tank. Works great. I do this when I’m growing Hydro style of any kind. Even water to waste. I always make a weeks worth of nutrients and check the pH a couple times through the week and let it run. :+1:t3::v:t3: