TreeTrunks Grow and Hash Thread

Those are amazing bud shots. Looks like snow frosted mountains. Great growing.


Looks like Heaven to me. Great pictures, Awesome job :clap: :+1: @treetrunks


From my IG: I’m really impressed with the cure puck so far. The accuracy and response time is a huge step up from the little hygrometers that a lot of us are used to. I was also surprised by how much the CO2 level can rise in a sealed curing container between burps. The control the cure puck gives over the curing process is also impressive with its start and stop limits and quick sensor response time. You can set the amount of time you want the air exchange for and when the next exchange will be as well.

Currently I have almost the entire plant cut into branches and have it curing in a 30 gallon food grade drum approx 2/3 full controlled by the cure puck. It screwed right into the port in the lid without any problems. I feel alot more comfortable curing this round than I have in the past as well it’s nice to know you have something watching over your hard work.

I’ve relied a lot on the “stem snap” technique over the years and more recently have tried wood moisture meters with some success but putting the flower I think is dry/almost dry into a curing container and letting the RH stabilize has proven to be alot more effective. It can be a little stressful leaving your crop in a container with a cheap hygrometer hoping it doesn’t climb too far past 63 while your asleep. But having a container that can burp itself if it gets past your comfort limit and knowing the sensors are more accurate, more reliable and quicker responding than the usual curing hygrometer is great peace of mind.

The only downsides I’ve found with the cure puck itself is that the pump makes a bit of noise when it’s exchanging air and it’s worth noting that after an air exchange the air temp in the container may rise slightly above the room air temp (1-2f approx).


The stump reveg is still alive and it looks like the late flower cuttings are starting to root now so hopefully one of them will survive. The Jam on it smokes pretty nice its not cured yet but it seems like it’s worth keeping around from the half soggy nugs I’ve been trying


The late flower cutting are rooted now, just got to get them potted. Stump is still alive and I’m going to keep it going incase something happens to the clones


I’m stoked for you :+1:t3::+1:t3::v:t3:


I have a discount code now for the cure pucks, the code is : treetrunk for 20% off


Very nice brother. Keep that frosty little lady around. :+1::+1::v:


It looks like the stump is just starting to reveg now. It doesn’t look like much yet but I’ve been watching this site grow the last few days


Oh yeah, it’s on…:+1:t3:


Edit, that post was supposed to be somewhere else. :man_shrugging: :+1:t3::v:t3:


Definitely a good sign … got them single reveg leaves forming Looks good brother !! :+1::+1::v:


The next round of Blueberry Glue and Deleted Scene is on day 3, I mixed them some full strength nutes today they were looking pretty hungry. I turned the light up to 600 ppfd from around 420, they started day one around 300.

The Jam on It Day 57F pics got voted as pic of the month on the microgrowery sub Reddit recently it’s my first “pic of the month”

The first 2 days the post got 65,000+ views


Thats cause your killing it yo!


The yield from last run is my new highest, I have 1174g trimmed so far and prob another 1-200 approx left to trim. The Cement Shoes was 411g and the Jam on it is at 774 trimmed so far. My previous best was 1071g. This is also my first time breaking 70+ g per sq ft flower canopy


Blue glue and Cement Shoes day 13


I topped the plants today and Spider farmer sent me a 6 in clip on fan for my 4x4 tent.

I’m up to 1342g trimmed from my last run, 931g of it from the Jam on it. That puts my g per sq ft up to 83.875 and I still have a little bit left to trim I should hit 85+ by the time I’m finished trimming.

I thought this run was going be a little bit less than my avg because the cement shoes was planted so far behind and I had a bunch of problems this run while my back was hurt but it ended up turning out really well. The biggest changes were switching to Dosaline from Jacks 321 and this was first time running Jam on it which yielded really well.


Final total for last run is 988 Jam on it and 411 Cement Shoes for 1399 total at 87.4375 g per sq ft


I got another half dozen requests for clones of Jam on It since last night lol. I really need to figure out some way to get it spread around
Edit: The pay wall for nursery license in Canada sucks.


We’re allowed to gift cuttings under Canada’s recreational program but we can’t sell anything. There’s now way I could keep up with demand with the plant count I have though