Ultrapuff's Grow tents

Sheeeeshhhh! You got me over here drooling :drooling_face: I can’t wait to harvest something that size! Which should be soon! My falcon 9 girls well Majority of are all 3 months old now in veg an their very tall an I still have about a month before I can put them into flower


These were vegging for about 7 weeks. They were way overgrown. I had to do a major topping before flower. Then i vegged again until canopy was about 80% full. Then flowered. So her roots probably are massive under there with all those weeks of veg. Nearly 2 month, maybe even more.


Only a few top colas left standing. Now these plants do have a little bit of nutrient burn but i really did push her to her limits. Lots pf light and overdose of nutrients. Her buds did get huge tho.


Chunky monkey in the colder tent is really showing her colors. It really is a beautiful sight. And a wonderful sweet gas smell. I think i out did myself on this one. :joy: Might have been best run so far. The quality of the bud from the Growers Choice ROI-E720 led light is untouched so far. Will be buying more when upgrades happen.


Beautiful buds!!!


What did the weigh come out


Fat frosty and colorful great combination!


Thanks @sdoyle your always doing a awesome job yourself man. :v:t3: :sunglasses:


The 8x4 tent usually maxes out to 2000 grams after dried. I dont weight the lower buds and the larf, i give that away to my family so I don’t have to trim it. :joy:


Thanks man. I have a rosin press that ill be pressing some if you need. :joy:


Thank you @ultrapuff.


Yes sir my friend looking good. Im just running through some new strains of mine testing things you know looking for some more fire! Got to make the new fire strains. Always searching for mothers and fathers.


I think your work is way under rated homie. The love and knowledge you put behind crossing and choosing the right phenos and testing the phenos.
I know you always get fire genetics also to make your new ones. Most people dont know or appreciate the work, space and time this all takes. Im already thankful for all you guys help me with… Looking forward on growing new fire from PBF


Ok, so 4x4 tent just pulled a full 6 layer dry rack with nothing but huge buds man. Gosh these bad boys are heavy and dense. The 4x4 tent could have gone just a tad longer. But i needed the tent for veg for my sweet friends goji crasher. All in all my honest opinion is that this bud is pretty awesome. But the quality is at 80% compared to the other tent. But im excited about the weight. Most of this will go to my family. So ima not too worried. We did have a tad of nutrient burn but i was pushing her hard man. Almost double the nutrients. As a result buds got super big. But bigger buds sometimes arent as frosty as if they were a tad smaller. I guess if you’re trying to pull weight and not care too much about quality it might be a good strategy. But my grow is all personal. So im def aiming for quality. I won’t be giving her that much nutrients anymore thats for sure. Still a good run in the 4x4. Excited to see what she pulled.

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Today we also harvested the 8x4 tent. Also all chunky monkey. They are on point guys. Super duper frosty. Some nice big purple stank sweet buds. Im taking a different approach to drying this tent. I going to leave it drying directly on the trellis. Harvesting big tent took about 10 minutes. Made sure to pull every out that was wet and most including vaces. Left fans blowing away from buds and cranked up the AC in the. Its 68 degrees in the with 70% humidity. I also left the exhaust on the slowest possible. It will take her from 15 to 16 days until i can start trimming and curing. This tent came out amazing. Im hoping to put most of it away for at least 6 months. Can’t wait to put this rosin press to good use. Because these trichomes is legit.


Fantastic man!


Beautiful man wow!!


Thank you homie. We are trying hard so im glad the hard work shows. :pray:t3: :sunglasses:


Homer Simpson GIF - Homer Simpson Drool GIFs


I know I show that picture to everyone. Its so damn delicious looking. :joy: