Ultrapuff's Grow tents

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A late defoliation for 4x4 tent. We are at the end of week one. Don megax blue cheese



Goji Crasher on the 8x4 tent is on week 2 now. She is definitely stretching and thriving. I am removing big fan leaves on a daily basis to expose lower nodes. She’s looking very happy.


That looks absolutely awesome!


Thanks brother. This is my first goji Crasher run. Shes amazing so far.


Looking good man! Im seriously going to try and get this hydro growing down. Want to get better at lst and topping for the trellis set up i want to run. I got new poles for the tent slso.


It`s a great plant, I did it outdoors this summer. It was a heavy feeder and the buds were really sticky.


This goji is beast homie. They filled up every single inch of that tent. By the e and of next week she will be done stretching. Im glad you told me she overgrew your tent. I would have been screwed if I would have waited. I can’t wait to see what you do with your hydro man. You’ve been talking about it for a while now.


I got my hand on a special goji Crasher clone that has pink trichomes. Im super stocked to make some rosin. Haha pink rosin


I can’t wait to see your rosin.
I’m sure it will kick your ass! :v:
This was the mother, just starting to bud. She’s was gorgeous!


Yes she is!


You can already tell from that picture that she like alot of food. O doubled my nutrients for her to be very healthy. She grows fast and eats alot. And her smell is amazing and shes not even flowering. Im super stocked Bobby. @bobette its been a long time coming with clones dying and restarting everything. Good to finally be at this phase. :pray:t3:


So happy you’ve made it my friend! :pray:


Goji Crasher 8x4 tent

Ok, we are on day 16 of flower and my tent is packed. Probably with remove some more Fan leaves tomorrow so i can get some better air circulation in the. Humidity and temperature are both where i like. So far so good. She is definitely the fastest growing pheno that iver ever had. Shes very bushy which i love.


Don Mega x Blue Cheese 4x4 tent
Tomorrow will be day 14 and im actually getting a tad worried because shes stretching so much. Hopefully I won’t have to top her. Everything is looking good in this tent also.

![20231029_132634|666x500](upload ://biuJ6dpe7SSqSvO7IYzRlimCtkM.jpeg)


Finally got some good internet here at the house. Already hooked up all my cameras, thermostat, lights, washer and dryer. And biggest one of the all is i can finally get back to some online gaming that ive missed out these past years. Seeing the girls from anywhere is pretty awesome also i must say.


Nice canopy of green!


So, after 2 days of defoliation shes finally ready. Gosh… This goji Crasher grows beast. Next round I grow her im only giving her 2 week veg instead of 3 weeks. This tent is packed but with my awesome defoliation she can now breathe much better, Humidity is down and air flow is way better. I did all this on Sunday and they did get a tad droopie on me. They definitely bounced back ok and look like they are full blown ready to bud.

On the smaller tent, the Don Mega x Blue Cheese is nearly touching the light. I have turned the power down to 950ppfd. Lets see how she handles the light. Also defoliated even tho this strain has alot less Leaves. Only took me a couple of hours and a joint to get her done.

Either or, things are just now getting very exciting. Next 6 weeks should be the funnest to watch. Stay tuned homies. :v:t4::sunglasses::watch:


Nice the Goji crasher is one of my best strains. And one of my favorites. I want to grow more but i am in the middle of testing strains right now. And this Red Dragon x Kingkong is very very nice so far.


Dude, remember that king kong didn’t do good in my grow? I figured out that the light was flickering. And it made 3 rounds of plants kinda reveg. I got an electrician to come in an put a new outlet. No more flickering. I even bought a new light thinking the old light was bad already. Sucks. But at least plants will become coming out way better in that tent now.