Vanilla Frosting

I too got little fungus gnats from a bag of ffof. I could sift my hands through the soil and they were crawling everywhere


Pretty sure 3 different experiences from 3 different states mind you (think we’re all usa) makes it official! Regardless of that and what some ppl w bad experiences may say I still like my FF soil.


No doubt I love ocean forest I dont think I’ll ever use anything else unless I go hydro. I chalked it up as being a bad batch i guess it happens… I’ve gotten 3 bags since then with no issues


I did have some gnats in my first run but I’m bug free this run. It was my fault tho I was taking the plants outside for some sun and just ended up bringing bugs inside.

I ended up mixing half and half happy frog and ocean forest with perlite mixed in.

And good news: At least one of the hash gods is a girl! I was gonna be sad with an 0 for 3 so I’m happy with one. :+1:t4:


When I first started growing I would bring the girls out ALL the time for sun and I mean like 6-8 hrs stints / 3-5 days a week. Down here I have 100% sunny days or pouring rain it seems mostly. One day a grower mentioned it’s a good way to get bugs especial on a windy day. Well I paid him no attention ofcourse since I know it all right! LoL He was spot on and my first infestation of aphids followed. Which btw was also my worst case ever to date with any kinda bug. I learned my lesson fortunately and ate some humble pie no doubt. Since I’m talking about it I’ll bring up another one of my big goof ups trying to eradicate mites. I wouldn’t recommend smoking em off. LoL I burnt the shit out of 3 plants.


My female hash god :kissing_closed_eyes:


And that V-Frost



Super cool!!!

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Idk why but those aliens make me laugh


What is ur ppm at in ur water and how donu filter and is this a recent picture ? Becaus in the last 2 months we have had massive shifts in berometric pressure wich changes the natural function of the of the chlorophyll cell depending on the time of year , and the pressure tell the plant weather it needs to start breaking the chlorophyll cell with natures fungal bacteria dead cells .

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Out of the tap my water is around 130 ppm. I used to run it thru a Brita filter but I don’t notice much if any difference from that and just using the tap. Anyways after adding nutes the ppm is around 1000-1200 ish so far. I’ve been trying to keep it as close to 6.5 ph as possible. @shmodyshmott


So what I do is go under 6.5 around 1200 to 1300 and sometime 1400 ppm and I shoot for between 5.9 to 6. 1 I try to never go over 6.1 and u never want exact repetition you want small fluxuations to imitate the berometric movement in the atmosphere to resinate with the plants life form . You do that by having cleaner dirt , water , nutes , and running them at diff ppm , phs , and temps , and volume depend on what situation ur in

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And that’s jus to start it changes thru the photoperiods it n diff stages

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So I say that alot it’s about the timing of the synchronicities of living organisms . Learn what they need and how to detect an issue , if you see one depending on ur timing there are certain steps you can take to try to avoid but sometimes there’s jus too much stuff in the air so that means it’s breaking down into our water and getting in our plants regardless of how much we can filter things it’s not easy to filter hormones and depending on the pressure in the air is how the hormones know wether to speed up for life or slow down for recovery , so it’s about balancing all these things at the same time and at the right time

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I was lucky because my family is a long line of animal trainers and plant trainers . So I was tought how to train plants first , dogs second , horses last that’s my father’s specialty training horses and he’s a farrier / black smith so it gets passed from father to son . So it’s really about perceptions and knowing what u did wrong in the past thru documents so that’s what I do

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If you need anything else my friends my wife yelld at me for working to much lately but I am in a huge pickle with my property so I am taking the day off to spend time with my son , wich I was already helld at because I checked the blogg as soon as I got up so il be around all day to help iff needed

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Remember the the synchronicities of living organisms and their orchistration in their existence all intertwine so if you pay attention long enough and want to lead. To care for you plant you will do it

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Learn not lead my bad

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This Hash god is beautiful! @PreyBird1 :eagle: