Welcome to the Dollhouse! šŸ˜Ž

Ok, I hear you mon! Iā€™m going to keep giving it. What is your dosage per liter? Do you diminish Amounts as you get past week 6 of bloom?

No i run pretty straight. 10ml per gallon. Feed 3 days flush 1. Feed 3 days and flush 1. I never change this. From small plant to harvest except the final flush. I just recently added bloombooster on this last run. Im currently flowering 38 plantā€™s out of 105. Lol. Gonna have some serouse weed! And actually in flower tent #1 im flowering out runtz white runtz white rhino and grand daddy purple mothers. I want to see if the granddaddy purple that hermied before doest it again with this clone. Because it was originally started outside and brought inside. This time the clone has always been inside.


Just treat her like a sick grandma sheā€™s real sweet but fragile no quick changes and definitely donā€™t let her dry out too much also donā€™t do ur cold water treatment to purple up ur buds . I will end up w a bunch of stress flowers :wink:


I dont do cold water treatment? I only vent in cold air and run the fan more. I target 66 degrees for color. Any lower is harder to achieve. Here is the plant the clone came off of. And i dont think i cloned it a second time because when it hermied the buds got all airy. Was great weed. I still have some but. disappointed at the hermie so i flowered out the clone. Because i saved all the seeds from the the hermie in case its really good and it was just stressed out.

Heres what i did to it.
Grew it outside untill the buds are forming nicely. Brought it inside got to close to the light started burning it. I supercropped it bent it over. So i think thise 3 issues caused the hermie. But well see. Because i did the same to the other plant in the tent with this one and it didnt hermie.


Thatā€™s cool!ā€™ Iā€™m going to go for one node and flip on this runā€¦kind of the opposite at the last
Mainlined Bushā€¦I want some bigger buds monā€¦


GELATO #33 - casual balcony plant in early bloomā€¦
Not sure how farā€¦what you guys think? 3 weeksish?


Update on surge mon, working good on the new runtz momma!! She grew over an inch in a week!!!
But the others I have yet to see an improvementā€¦the super soil is doing so much already mon!


Update on the Gelato, I lollipopā€™d her today, the few leaves that were there! Letā€™s see how she come back from thatā€¦


I just realized the super thrive in flower may be giving you the hermiesā€¦just a thought mon


I stop using it in 2 w flower I only use it three times a cycle u donā€™t need much I find


Yea thatā€™s good-I even stop it the week before I flip, mainly for transplant shock victims and juvenile clones.


Sorry been busy ā€¦ but with out a doubt when you start that build definitely tag me I think I am so digging the thought of and what a full spectrum QB will do during flower


I will! I just got the boards. The driver and surge protector will be here in a week. Heatsinks in a couple days. And the mounting substrate and rails.


Oh I get it your building building it ā€¦ so is building and ordering peice by peice instead of a kit or already put together cheaperā€¦ yeah?

And my next question is just how much do you know about building lights because I want to build my own lights so that I can hopefully save some money on some dope lights not to mention i love the thought of your set up being something you have designed from the ground up


Can you make me a bird house mon??


Lol yes. Mon! I havent built a lot of lights. But i can build a computer from scratch using parts. I can make you a R/C drome from parts in my inventory. I have videos if you like of my drones. Well ive been reaserching leds all morning. Im very handy and im sure i can build a light.
I built this drone and many more. I programmed it, wired, and built it from scratch it plays music for gods sakes! My own custom green colors and vinyl wrap and motors size selection frame and designed by me.




A pc tower that can yield 2 zips, off of two plants ā€¦


Yeah I am on the handy side ā€¦ I figure if I can do car auto and some minor electrical things in the house I can put together some light lol not to down play it but with some understanding and some planning one what to use I can make it happen lol


Awesome, Iā€™m so unhandy lol!!