White Widow Run

So the girls have been in these 3 gal pots of living soil for about 3 weeks now. Week 6 of Veg. I’ve still not given them any nutes other than 2ml of calmag per gal every second watering. RO water with 6.3 ph. I’m still seeing yellow tips on the leaves. Is this still a nute burn from the nutrients in the soil? Or is something else going on? Growth seems to have slowed over the last couple days. Also the leaves seem a bit dry and crunchy.


Perty sho iz bruh :sunglasses:

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To many nutes… Done that many of times :man_facepalming:

Other then that plants look great bruh

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Just from the soil? How hot do they make this shit lol I’ve ran Giaia Greens living soil before and never had this issue

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What nutes? Not famil with that soil sorry

I’ve not given any nutes other than CalMag

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I’d dose a tad with super small amounts of nitrogen and a medium amount of phosphorus
Others might tell u diff but I’ve had that like that many times…People think You don’t need nitrogen in flower but not true just not much…
I’d soak it good then let sit 2 days to then do that. :v:t2:

@Hydro he’s Doctor today see what he says. I gotta split to Lowe’s I wish you the best bruh have a great day :facepunch:t2:
Ps:nothing there to be super concerned about

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Thanks for the help bro. I’ll see what a couple other of these grow doctors have to say before I get carried away here lol.

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Oh before I go over watering can screw it up to. Relooked seen a couple leaves clawing means either not enough water or to much. If you give it some and it perks up a few hrs later then you’ll know if not then you over watered and have to let it sit for 3 days :v:t2: Off to lowes
Oh @Jimhigh66 help this Man U and @Hydro

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You could do like @MrBlue said and give a good flush.
What’s your run off ppm?

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At a stop light lol those tops with be like that for the duration maybe a bit smaller but not gone :v:t2:

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Some dirt products are hot enough to light a nuke.


I’d have to 2nd the mild nutrient burn you got going on @hatebreed. I’d do what @Hydro said and flush your rootzone. Half your dose of Cal-mag if your going to use it. Curious what your soils loaded up with already?


Okay cool. Thanks. Maybe I’ll do a heavy flush today and check my PPM of the runoff.

Here is a link to the soil.

Glacial rock dust, dolomite, feather meal, alfalfa meal, bone meal, rock phosphate, blood meal, fishbone meal, mineralized phosphate, insect frass, mined potassium sulphate, basalt rock dust, humic acid, gypsum, kelp meal, oyster shell flour, greensand.

Soil amending ingredients: Peat moss, perlite, coconut coir, fir bark, composted porcine litter, African nightcrawler. worm castings.


Man sounds like that medium can be mixed half that half canna coco and make it not so hot. Looking great tho.


True, something to consider for my next run. Starting to make sense actually. I had a run of Green Crack last batch with the same soil and I was giving them a healthy dose of General Hydroponics Flora series in flower, I had MAJOR lock out right at the end of flower and it really hurt the end yield. I checked ppm of runoff right before i started flushing and it was like 4000+ ppm lol. That is why I’ve not been doing any nutes this run.


I’ve been watering very lightly this time. Once a week I give them a good soak until run off, and I’ll give another lite watering mid week if they look thirsty. So i would think if anything I’m under watering.


Update: Flushed with RO water @ 40ppm and watered until run off. Seeing 1800-2100 ppm in the runoff of each plant. Is that high enough to justify more flushing?

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