High I'm Brian Tiger Weedz Smith

High I’m new here. I have a Nugsmasher OG and want to learn all I can about rosin production.


Hola and Welcome to the Growers Network! You will be getting alot of attention real quick lol.



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@bullfrog420 he just built a press. Big one. I have a small press. I should have gotten bigger plates.

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I can build you a bigger plate if that’s all you need.

Ask your questions and we will do our best to answer. If you have a question for a specific person hit the @ with the name of the person you want to tag as I have done here with you and praybird


Thats an idea @happilyretired. Ill keep that in mind. I need to make another batch.


What’s that?

Could you tag me over to bullfrogs journal. I never have been able to get the search to work.


So far 90 seconds at 207°f

i got ya…

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Thank you very much.


I got this press because it is hydraulic and pnuematic, but Im finding I have yet to touch the pnuematic side. Its not needed for rosin.


the Nugsmasher OG has a 12 ton bottle jack inside it. It makes a 3 gram pre pressed puck into a thin wafer. I’m not a fan of bags unless I’m pressing keif or something like that.

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I was looking at the nugsmasher before I put my press together. I just went a different route for the $. Do you like that press?


I love it. My housemate told a friend I 2as looking at presses and his friend told him to tell me not to get a cheap one. My housemate also told me to swing for the fences and look for the best rated and backed and that he’d mirror me dollar for dollar on it. He doesn’t get into pressing he like me just doesn’t want to pay recreational weed store prices for rosin. Even though I would have pressed whatever he handed me if I’d have bought it by myself he just wanted access to the rosin upgrade on his flower.

so far (I’m right at one month’s pressing experience. But my favorite is keif rosin. From keif I harvested from trim in my keifbox. This stuff was heady as hell.


Here bullfrogs journal @happilyretired i forgot to send it and started cleaning.



I’ve done a lot of research on presses a lot, the maximum pressure you’re going to need to do any concentrates that I have found is 1000 psi. I think it’s 400 to 600 for hash 500 to 700 for keef and something like 700 to 1000 psi for flower. So in reality you don’t need a very big press. That being said being someone who doesn’t leave anything to chance, I built an 8 ton for practice and then build a 12 ton pneumatic so I don’t have to pump it.


welcome aboard!


Simple rule: fire in fire out. The press is not a magician. It can only extract what exists to extract. Top shelf between 20 and 40% your highest percentages will come from full melt keif or full melt bubble hash. I’ve seen over 50% on thos